Exercise 17. What kind of heading can be given to the text?
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Science 2.History of Science 3.The World is Comprehensible.

Exercise 18. Vocabulary. Study the following words and expressions.

1. regularities

2. survival

3. daily “motion”

4. annual “motion”

5. to correlate

6. terrestrial

7. to determine

8. crucial

9. starvation

10. dawn

11. to exhaust

12. construct

13. to leap to conclusion

14. to tolerate

15. upheaval

16. detached

17. to employ

18. premature generalization

19. realm

20. causation

21. causal chain

22. propitiation


Exercise 19. Find an appropriate answer in the text:

1. Rational thinking is not the only way to do science .

2. Science is about nature and its laws .

3. Why it is dangerous to do premature generalization?

Exercise 20. You are a medieval scientist. You are welcome to choose any major from Alchemy to Theology. Describe your “scientific project according to Table 1.

Major Project Components& conditions Expectations
Example: Alchemy Transformation of iron into gold Iron, frogs, bats, herbs, night fogs, apprentice to blame, glass of vine to reward yourself, Wellbeing, world power, immortality or king’s favour, probably good life

Exercise 21. And now you are a modern scientist. You are welcome to transform your project from Table 1 to a scientific one or to explain why it cannot be a scientific project.

Table 2

Major Project Components& conditions Expectations
Example: from Alchemy to Chemistry Extraction gold from gold-bearing rock Gold-bearing rock, equipment, laboratory, appropriate knowledge, reactive chemicals Experience, skills, mine industry development, career rise




Some books leave us free, and some books make us free.


Text vocabulary

to scale up – расширяться, наращивать мощность

to establish - устанавливать, создавать

library stock – библиотечное хранилище

to merge - объединять

incorporated – включенный

Library and Information System – библиотечно-информационная система

to comprise – состоять из, охватывать

industrial college – промышленный колледж

research activity – исследовательская деятельность

to train specialists – обучать специалистов

to grant - предоставлять

free access – свободный доступ

to serve - обслуживать

guideline – методическое пособие (методичка)

tutorial – учебное пособие

free subscription – бесплатная подписка

the electronic theses and dissertations collection – электронная библиотека диссертаций


Exercise 1. Make up phrases from the given words.

electronic database




scientific journal

to publish a paper

to register an author

to search keywords

to use printed issue

to be involved




Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 291.