There are different types of conferences held during each year. Here is a list of them.
International conferences
§ The Energy of Science
§ Service and Tourism
§ Comprehending Modern World
All-Russian Conferences
§ Legal Readings
§ Young researchers ' view of the modern world
§ Economic and Social Factors affecting the Development of Agriculture
Regional Conferences
§ Information Technologies of Ugra
§ Problems of Rational Nature Use and the History of Geological Research in the Western Siberia (conference named after V.I.Shpilman)
One of the largest of them is called The Energy of Science. It’s an Internet –conference. It is held in spring. Several spheres are included in its issues. Its sections are the following:
§ The Problems of Accounting and Finance;
§ Social, Economic and Institutional Aspects of the Russian Regional Development
§ Problems of Service and Tourism Development in Eurasia
§ Actual Scientific and Practical Management Problems
§ Actual Problems of Archeology, History and Etnography
§ Pedagogics, Psychology and Social Work
§ Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
§ Legal Subjects
§ Civil Law
§ Criminal Law
§ Energetics
§ Ecology and Natural Use
Master’s Degree and Post-graduate School
Those students who get Bachelor’s Degree or Specialist Degree can continue their education and get Master’s Degree in such spheres as Applied Math and IT Technology, Chemistry, Ecology, Biology, Philology, Physical Training and Sport, Economics, Management, Finance, Law and History.
There is also a post-graduate school in the YuSU in different spheres of science, such as Math and Mechanics, Chemistry, Ecology, Computer Programming, Construction, Economics, Law, Pedagogical Education, Linguistics, Sport.
Text vocabulary
to preserve the main biosphere functions – сохранить основные функции биосферы
to take part in international programs – принимать участие в международных программах
to be displayed at – быть представленным на
Dynamics of the Environment – динамика окружающей среды
Institutional Partnership for Sustainable and Transboundary Water Use – Институциональное партнерство для устойчивого и межграничного использования воды
to participate in the event – принимать участие в событии
to be represented in – быть представленным в
to promote new researchers – продвигать новых исследователей
renovation of Russian economy – реновация Российской экономики
the Associate Professor – доцент
to be issued before – быть изданным ранее
view of the modern world – взгляд на современный мир
Factors affecting the Development of Agriculture – факторы, влияющие на развитие сельского хозяйства
a post-graduate school- аспирантура
the promotion of professional scientific growth – продвижение профессионального научного роста
Exercise 11. Study the following site of the University of Sheffield -. First readabout the scientific events and then tell the class what has happened for the last 5 months of the year.
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 293.