Exercise 10. Answer the given questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. When was the Language Centre “Clever” opened?

2. Who can take the courses in the Centre?

3. What languages can you learn in the Language Centre?

4. What language would you like to study in this Centre?

5. Does the teaching staff include foreign teachers?

6. Does the Centre offer only language courses?

7. What is the best way to learn a language, according to the head of the center? Do you agree with her?

8. Where can you find the information about the Language Centre “Clever”?

9. What are the purposes of the Language Centre “Clever”?


Exercise 11. Work in pairs. Write your own three questions about the Language Centre “Clever”. Exchange questions with your groupmate. Answer his / her questions.

Exercise 12 . Write down all associations to the phrase “student exchange programs”. Would you like to participate in the student exchange programs?

Exercise 13 . Open the English version of the Language Centre’s web page http://lingua.ugrasu.ru/. Find the information, how to apply. Write down the necessary information. Why have you chosen this language to learn?

Exercise 14. Shorten the text to 10 sentences and retell it.


Exercise 15_ Put in the right word and translate the paragraph.

divided  inside    obstacles teachers initiative

cultural limited   programmes

Academic mobility refers to students and ___________in higher education moving to another institution _________or outside their own country to study or teach for a __________time.

Academic mobility suffers from_________, socio-economical and academic barriers. The Bologna process is an attempt to lower these ___________within the European higher education area.

Mobile students are usually _________into two groups: "free-movers" are students that travel entirely on their own__________, while "programme students" use exchange ___________at department, faculty, institution or national level.


Exercise 16. Read and translate the text .Entitle the text.

Text III


International cooperation is an essential part of the university’s activity, and it is aimed at the university’s integration into the international scientific and educational systems, as well as guaranteeing quality of education and its correspondence with the international standards.

Our university has 35 valid agreements with universities and scientific and educational centers worldwide (Germany, Hungary, the USA, China, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Ukraine, Canada, Spain, Belarus, South Korea and others), which makes it possible for the university to operate across the borders and bring economic benefit connected with the cost of educational services in the international market.

Yugra State University develops cooperation with granting organizations such as German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and South Moravian Centre for International Mobility (JCMM). Each year our students undertake Master’s and Bachelor’s programmes in two universities of Czech Republic - Brno University of Technology and Masaryk University. Close cooperation with Czech Republic is supported with mutual visits of the universities’ representatives aimed to discuss the opportunities of implementation of collective scientific projects and participation in grant programmes.

Our university is a current member of the International Association of Universities and Colleges of the Arctic (UArctic). In 2009 the University hosted the Third Forum of UArctic rectors, and every year it participate in the Sixth Forum of Rectors of UArctic (Winnipeg, Canada) devote to the issues of international cooperation in the Arctic region.

Integration is taking its crucial place in the whole international community and all spheres of human life, touching the system of higher education as well. Academic mobility is an important part of this process, enabling the creation of a principally new kind of human resources that can occupy the world labour market.

Academic mobility is transferring a student or an educational staff member for a certain period to another educational institution (in their country or abroad) with the purpose of studying, teaching, conducting research or continuing professional development, and their return to the primary place of employment. It is not connected with a long (over 1 year) period of work or study abroad.

You can find detailed information on exchange and mobility events at the Study in Russia web site, the governmental project run by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Academic mobility can be sponsored by funds based in a country of your citizenship. Our students are always welcome to ask our International Cooperation Office about the funds.

Text vocabulary:

essential part – неотъемлемая, существенная часть

correspondence - соответствие

across borders – в разных странах

mutual – взаимный, обоюдный, совместный

crucial  - решающий, ключевой, значимый


Exercise 17. Study the information at:




Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 363.