1. Where do the results of scientific schools publish?
2. What are their main topics?
3. What is Science Festival for?
4. When did Yugra State University Bulletin start its activity?
5. What are its main topics?
6. What is the largest conference at the university?
7. What is the Council of Young Researchers?
8. What kind of Russian universities do we cooperate with?
9. What kind of countries do we cooperate with?
10. What are the options for a student with Bachelor’s Degree?
11. What are the spheres of post-graduate school?
Exercise 13. Why did you choose higher education? Review this list and see why students in the USA study at the university. Translate the following motivation list of Harward students from Russian into English. Answer the question:Is there anything that is similar with your attitude? Make a speech consisting of 10-15 sentences.
Exercise 14. Read the following text about the meaning of the term “science”and say whether the statements given after it are true or false.
Science is an area of human activity aimed at developing and systematizing objective knowledge about reality. The basis of this activity is the collection of facts, their constant updating and systematization, critical analysis. On this basis. the synthesis of new knowledge or generalizations that not only describe the observed natural or social phenomena, but also allow you to build a cause-and-effect relationships, with the ultimate goal of forecasting. Those hypotheses which are confirmed by the facts or experiments are formulated in the form of laws of the nature or society.
Science in a broad sense includes all the conditions and components of the relevant activities:
· division and cooperation of scientific work
· scientific institutions, experimental and laboratory equipment
· methods of research work
· the conceptual and categorical apparatus
· system of scientific information
· the entire amount of previously accumulated scientific knowledge.
1. Science is an area of human activity aimed at obtaining knowledge about unseen world.
2. Scientific activity is collecting facts, updating and systematization that describe social and natural phenomena.
3. Science in a broad sense includes some of the conditions and components of the relevant activities.
4. Science but for other components includes division and cooperation of scientific work, methods of research work and the books written about an object under study.
Exercise 15. Watch the videos and say what field or fields of science the discoveries belong to.
2. https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1712/171218-plants.html
Exercise 16. Read, translate and retell the text.
On the simplest level, science is knowledge of the world of nature. There are many regularities in nature that humankind has had to recognize for survival since the emergence of Homo sapiens as a species. The Sun and the Moon periodically repeat their movements. Some motions, like the daily “motion” of the Sun, are simple to observe, while others, like the annual “motion” of the Sun, are far more difficult. Both motions correlate with important terrestrial events. Day and night provide the basic rhythm of human existence. The seasons determine the migration of animals upon which humans have depended for millennia for survival. With the invention of agriculture, the seasons became even more crucial, for failure to recognize the proper time for planting could lead to starvation. Science defined simply as knowledge of natural processes is universal among humankind, and it has existed since the dawn of human existence.
The mere recognition of regularities does not exhaust the full meaning of science, however. In the first place, regularities may be simply constructs of the human mind. Humans leap to conclusions. The mind cannot tolerate chaos, so it constructs regularities even when none objectively exists. Thus, for example, one of the astronomical “laws” of the Middle Ages was that the appearance of comets presaged a great upheaval, as the Norman Conquest of Britain followed the comet of 1066. True regularities must be established by detached examination of data. Science, therefore, must employ a certain degree of skepticism to prevent premature generalization.
Regularities, even when expressed mathematically as laws of nature, are not fully satisfactory to everyone. Some insist that genuine understanding demands explanations of the causes of the laws, but it is in the realm of causation that there is the greatest disagreement. Modern quantum mechanics, for example, has given up the quest for causation and today rests only on mathematical description. Modern biology, on the other hand, thrives on causal chains that permit the understanding of physiological and evolutionary processes in terms of the physical activities of entities such as molecules, cells, and organisms.
But even if causation and explanation are admitted as necessary, there is little agreement on the kinds of causes that are permissible, or possible, in science. If the history of science is to make any sense whatsoever, it is necessary to deal with the past on its own terms, and the fact is that for most of the history of science natural philosophers appealed to causes that would be summarily rejected by modern scientists. Spiritual and divine forces were accepted as both real and necessary until the end of the 18th century and, in areas such as biology, deep into the 19th century as well.
Certain conventions governed the appeal to God or the gods or to spirits. Gods and spirits, it was held, could not be completely arbitrary in their actions. Otherwise, the proper response would be propitiation, not rational investigation. But, since the deity or deities were themselves rational or bound by rational principles, it was possible for humans to uncover the rational order of the world. Faith in the ultimate rationality of the creator or governor of the world could actually stimulate original scientific work. Kepler’s laws, Newton’s absolute space, and Einstein’s rejection of the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics were all based on theological, not scientific, assumptions.
For sensitive interpreters of phenomena, the ultimate intelligibility of nature has seemed to demand some rational guiding spirit. A notable expression of this idea is Einstein’s statement that the wonder is not that humankind comprehends the world but that the world is comprehensible.
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 369.