What study programmes do they suggest? What research centers do they have?
Would you like to have such an experience of studying abroad?
Exercise 18. Watch the Video: What does “academic mobility” mean?
Make a short summary of the lesson; pay attention to the following questions:
What is meant by academic mobility?
Who are the main actors?
Which are the challenges brought to individuals and institutions involved in mobility flows?
I don’t know anything that builds the will
to win better than competitive sports.
Richard M. Nixon
Exercise 1. Translate and study the following phrases and words:
to compete
to lose
to practice
to take part
to involve in
physical strength
to have a busy schedule
physical culture
to be a Merited Master of Sports
to have a grade
to win
Exercise 2.See more from
https://www.learnenglish.de/vocabulary/sport.html and study the vocabulary
Exercise 3. Find synonyms :
a) take part 1) trainer
b) go in for sports 2) participate
c) athletics 3) take exercise
d) enjoy 4) to take pleasure
e) compete (with, in) 5) gymnasium,
f) gym 6) contest
i) coach 7) track and field
j) competition 8) be engaged in competition (with)
k) athlete 9) sportsman
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text. Give the most suitable title for the text.
Text I
Sports at our university are very popular. There are a lot of reasons for it. First of all we have talented students, modern and well equipped Sports & Health Center, professional stuff. Three teachers of our university are Masters of Sports. They are Mosina Natalya Valeryevna, Aksarina Irina Yuryevna, Maksimova Taniana Alekseyevna.
Students of all departments go in for sports at least two times a week. They practice swimming, aerobics, skiing, body building, track and field, etc. So we train indoor and outdoor. It is wonderful to have physical culture lessons in Samarovskiy Chugas. At this park we enjoy ancient cedars, fresh air, birds, squirrels, chipmunks and the nature as it is.
University organizes competitions between students of all our institutes. It is so called intramural sports. Students of Yugra State University compete in different kinds of sports. Winners take part in intercollegiate sports event. The level of competition could be: city, regional, national or international.
We have the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and the Department of Physical Training at Yugra State University, which provide education for the qualification in Physical Education. The university is proud of its graduates. Among the top-class athletes are Svetlana Sleptsova (biathlete, Olympic Champion, World Champion, Merited Master of Sports), Andrew Kovalchuk (boxer, Master of Sports of International level), Olga Kozydub (marathon swimmer, Master of Sports of International level.), Konstantin Shihov (sledge hockey player, Merited Master of Sports), Kristina Vershinina (swimmer, Master of Sports of International level).
Sports play a great part in everyone’s busy life. It is necessary especially for students. Everyone should involve themselves in the sports activity even for a small time all through the day. Sport is necessary because it brings physical and mental fitness to the person involved in this on regular basis. People who have busy schedule in their life get tired very easily. As we all know that, living a relaxed and comfort life we need a sound mind and a sound body. Education is very necessary to get name, fame and money. In the same way, getting a sound mind and body, everyone must be involved in some type of physical activities for which sports is the best way.
Being involved in sports activities benefits a person in many ways. It does not provide only physical strength however it increases mental power too. Outdoor sports such as football, cricket, volleyball, hockey, running, etc helps in improving physical health and mental fitness. However, some indoor games and sports like brain games, chess improve mental power and concentration level.
Text vocabulary:
team sports — командные виды спорта
to go in for sports — заниматься спортом
indoor sports — виды спорта для закрытых помещений
outdoor sports - — виды спорта для занятий вне помещений
aquatic / water sports — водные виды спорта
athletic sports — атлетика
intercollegiate sports — межуниверситетские соревнования, состязания intramural sports — внутриуниверситетские соревнования, состязания
physical health – физическое здоровье
to need a sound mind and body – нуждаться в хорошей физической и умственной форме
Exercise 5. :Watch the video at
Answer the questions:
a) What is her/his kind of sport?
b) When does he/she have training sessions?
c) Where does he/ she study?
d) Tell additional information about him/her.
Exercise 6. Read information from the site
http: //en.ugrasu.ru/Social Students/Sport.php
Tell your fellow students about all kinds of sports at Yugra State University
Exercise7. Read information about Sports & Health Centre at Yugra State University and write a short essay about it. Before writing see information from the site
Exercise 8. Answer the questions:
a) When did Sports club start operating?
b) What sports did our Sports club offer?
c) When did Sports & Health centre start operating at Yugra State University?
d) What does Sports & Health centre include?
e) What opportunities have our students at sports activities nowadays?
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 358.