Exercise 14. Name the most famous modern libraries from your point of view. Explain and prove your choice. You are welcome to choose both public and private libraries
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Table 4

Library Form (public/private/another) Location Its value

Exercise 15. If you had an opportunity what kind of library would you build?

Table 5

Area Form Organization & management Books format



A different language is a different vision of life

Federico Fellini

Exercise 1. Read the vocabulary, try to translate it into Russian and make up 10-15 sentences using the words from it.

to be trained full-time

duration of study

theoretical and practical disciplines



an Associate Professor

to allow to take foreign courses

to be composed of

vocational training

a solution

to solve the tasks

to master a foreign-language

to have close ties with

an employee


advertising and PR specialists

Exercise 2. Read , translate and retell the Text about the Department of Foreign Languages .


One of the most interesting departments of Yugra State University is the Department of Foreign Languages. Its basic educational program is 45.03.02, Linguistics. The students are trained here full-time getting Bachelor’s degree.

The duration of study is 4 years.

The Department of Foreign Languages provides teaching of 150 theoretical and practical disciplines, realizing educational activity.



Currently, the training of future professionals is conducted in English, French and German.

The staff of the department includes 26 people, including 12 Associate Professors, 12 senior lecturers, 1 specialist in Education and Methodology. All teachers of the department take language training courses on the basis of Russian universities (Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Russian State Vocational and Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Tomsk National Research University, National Research Tomsk State Politechnical University). Participation in international programs and projects allowed a number of teachers to take foreign courses at universities of Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, China, the USA, Finland.  



The structure of the department is composed of three methodological associations that work in the following areas:

1. Linguistics as a field of vocational training;

2. Humanitarian field;

3. Engineering and science.

Scientific interests of teachers are focused on problems of linguistics, linguodidactics, intercultural communication and translation.

Scientific theme of the department can be formulated the following way: “Intercultural communication as a social and linguistic space for the solution of ethnic, social and professional (linguistic, pedagogical, translation) problems”. Its main theme of study makes it solve the following tasks:

1. Study of the processes of intercultural communication, strategies for solving ethnic, social and professional (linguistic, translational) problems.

2. Research of the effectiveness of modern technologies in teaching foreign languages and translation.

3. Formation of communicative competence among students in the process of mastering a foreign-language picture of the world.

4. Increase students' motivation for personal and professional development.

The main disciplines of the department are Audio Translation, Introduction to the Theory of Intercultural Communication, Business Foreign Language, Information Technology in Linguistics, Lexicology, Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and others, Second Foreign Language, English, German.

Objects of professional activity of the graduates:

• the theory of foreign languages studied;

• theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures;

• translation and translation studies;

• the theory of intercultural communication;

• linguistic components of electronic information systems;

• foreign languages and cultures of the countries of the languages studied.

Our graduates can potentially work as managers in international companies or in Russian companies that have close ties with foreign partners; teachers of foreign languages in schools, colleges and universities; employees of international departments and services in organizations and enterprises; employees of public relations services, interpreters, advertising and PR specialists, etc.

Our partners are the Department of Public and External Economic Relations of KhMAO-Ugra (Department for Coordination of Foreign Economic Relations), KBC International, Linguistic Center "New Sight", Schools No. 1, 3, Gymnasium No. 1.

    Our teachers publish books for the students of the university, take part in conferences, work on scientific articles and studies. They organize language competitions for the school pupils and for the students (for example, “Language Battle”). Future linguists participate in scientific conferences and publish their articles in journals. Each year at the end of September we celebrate professional holiday of translators (Translator’s Day). There are creative laboratories and performances held during this day.


Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 303.