The World Wide Web (WWW) is the most popular Internet service.
In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee proposed a project of a hypertext system, according to which clicking on a link causes a transition to the required document on the network.
Computers running on the WWW fall into two categories: clients and servers. Browsers are installed on client computers, for example, Google Chrome or Yandex. Web servers process client requests and provide information in the form of Web pages.
WEB-pages are created using the HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). WEB-pages are published on the Internet by placing HTML-files on WEB-servers. To transfer WEB-pages using the protocol HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). Programs browsers intended for view WEB-pages.
WEB page is a ordinary text file. To create a simple WEB page you can use a text editor. Special codes intended to control text formatting. Codes are called tag.
<B> Department</B>ITS
The fractional slash indicates a closing tag.
Tags start with the sign "<" and end with a ">" sign.
For example, <B> ITB Chair </ B>
The opening tag <B> creates an effect, and the closing </ B> - stops the effect. The closing tag begins with the "/" character.
<I> Hello </ I> student!
We type in the notebook the following text:
This text can be read on the screen
<P> This is a new paragraph. </ P>
</ BODY>
</ HTML>
Save the typed text with the extension. Html
To create a paragraph, use the <P> tag. To switch to a new line, use the <BR> tag.
To specify a lower index, use the pair tags <SUB> and </ SUB>.
To specify the upper index, use the pair tags <SUP> and </ SUP>.
The chemical formula of water H <SUB> 2 </ SUB> O
On the screen we will see
The chemical formula of water is H2O.
Text in an HTML document can be selected in one of the following ways:
<B> Bold </ B>
<I> italics </ I>
<U> underscore </ u>
<TT> monospace </ TT>
The align attribute is used to align the text.
For example.
<P align= "left" > - left alignment;
<P align= "right" > - right alignment;
<P align= "center" > - center alignment.
The <FONT> tag is used to set the font size, color and font style, which has the following attributes:
SIZE-sets the font size from 1 to 7 in relative units. The default size is 3.
COLOR-specifies the color that can be specified by the color name or by hexadecimal code.
FACE-sets the font type. You cannot predict which fonts are available on a user's PC for a web page, so you must use this attribute carefully.
The <IMG>tag is used to place images. The SRC attribute specifies the address of the image file. If the image file is in the same folder, you can specify only the file name.
The <BODY>
<IMG SRC=”monaLiza.jpg">
The image is transferred to a WEB page with the size saved. You can change the size of the image on the screen by using the width and HEIGHT attributes. The values of these attributes are set in pixels.
<IMG SRC=tennis.jpg HEIGHT=140>
<IMG SRC=tennis.jpg HEIGHT=280>
To create a hyperlink, use the <a>tag. The href attribute specifies the address of the web page.
<A HREF="" >Microsoft < / a>
If the link points to another page in the same folder, you can specify only the file name.
<A HREF=“prim1.htm " > font Size< / A>.
You can use an image as a reference. To do this, the <IMG> tag must be placed between <a> and </A
<A HREF=“prim1.htm"> <IMG SRC = kstu.jpg> < / a>.
The table begins with the <TABLE > tag. The following tags are <TR> and </TR>, which define the table rows. Each row of the table consists of cells. Cells are marked with <TD>tags. Let's consider an example of table construction.
The <BODY>
The <TR><TD> KSTU<TD> <img src=kstu.jpg> < / TR>
<TR > <TD > Winter has come<TD > Informatics< / TR>
You can use the HEIGHT attribute to set the height of a table or row. The value is specified in pixels or percentage.
For example.
<TR HEIGHT=100 > <TD > hi< / TD > < / TR>
You can use the WIDTH attribute to specify the width of a table or column. The value is specified in pixels or percentage.
For example.
The bgcolor attribute is used to set the background color of a table, row, or cell.
For example.
The BorderColor attribute sets the grid color of the table.
For example.
<TABLE BorderColor =RED>
If there are no symbols in the table cells, the browser will show them not as needed. To resolve this, you must include the   Nonbreaking space character in an empty table cell.
Border attribute-allows you to create a border around the table and around the cells. The value of this attribute is the frame thickness in pixels. If Border=0, there is no frame and grid of the table. The cellspacing attribute specifies the distance between the grid edges. If cellspacing=0, the grid is solid, otherwise the table grid is built with double lines. The cellpadding attribute specifies the distance of the text in the cell from the grid.
Multimedia technologies
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 416.