The ability to interact with other application systems (technical means on which the information system is implemented, are combined by a network or networks of different levels - from local to global).
IP is designed and developed on the basis of agreed international standards and proposals, the implementation of transparency is based on functional standards in the field of information technology.
The ability to move application programs and transfer data in systems and environments that have different characteristics and functionality.
The ability to add new IP functions or change some of the existing ones with the remaining remaining functional parts of the IC.
Providing the ability to transfer applications and data while upgrading or replacing IP hardware platforms and the ability of IT professionals to work with them without their special retraining in IP changes.
Unified interfaces in the process of interaction in the system "user-computer", allowing to work for a user who has no special training.
ICT standards contain requirements for computer hardware and networks, information and software, databases, information systems.
These include life-cycle standards, open system interconnections, as well as standards for software documentation and ICT security.
Computer Architecture
Modern computer system includes a CPU, main memory, disk drives, input and output devices (fig. 2.1).
Figure 2.1 – Computer structure
The CPU executes the commands and controls other computer devices. Main memory (RAM) contains the currently running programs and data. The external memory stores programs and data for future use. Input devices convert data and instructions in a form suitable for processing in the computer.
Output devices present information in the form convenient for the user. Communication devices control the reception and transmission of data in local and global networks.
The principle of operation of the computer is execute programs. A computer program is a sequence of commands. The command is a description of the operation to be performed by a CPU. The command system of CPU consists of arithmetic, logical and other commands.
Computer Architecture is a set of general principles of hardware and software (instruction set, addressing modes, memory management, etc.), which determines the functionality of the computer to solve problems.
The architecture includes the following principles of construction of the computer:
1. The ways to access memory of a computer;
2. The ways to access external devices;
3. The command system of the processor;
4. Formats commands and data;
5. Organization of hardware interfaces.
The architecture of modern computers is based on a modular principle.
Communication between devices of the computer is carried out through the system bus (fig. 2.2).
A system bus is a single computer bus that connects the major components of a computer system.
Figure 2.2 – Communication between devices of the computer
The system bus consists of three groups of conductors:
• Data bus;
• Address bus;
• Control bus.
Additional peripheral devices can be connected to the system bus.
The peripheral device is connected to the system bus through the controller (adapter). To install the controllers on the motherboard there are special connectors (sockets). The peripheral device is controlled through the driver program.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 426.