Evolution of operating systems
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The evolution of the OS is largely due to the improvement of the computer hardware base. In the first period of development (1945-1955) computers were tube machines without operating systems. Programming was carried out exclusively with the help of machine instructions. All the tasks of organizing the computing process were handled manually by the programmer from the control panel. The program was loaded into the machine memory using the switch panel.

Since the mid-1950s, the second period in the evolution of computer technology began, connected with the appearance of semiconductor elements. The use of transistors instead of electron tubes led to an increase in the reliability of computers. The first algorithmic languages, compilers and batch processing operating systems appeared. Compilers are designed to translate programs written in algorithmic language into the language of machine instructions.

The next important period of computer development dates back to the early 1960s. At this time in the technical base there was a transition from semiconductor elements to integrated microcircuits. Computer technology is becoming more compact, reliable and cheap. The complexity and number of tasks solved by computers is growing. Improves the performance of processors. The OS of these computers was oriented to the maintenance of computer systems with a variety of peripheral devices. A feature of such OSs is multiprogramming - a way of organizing a computing process in which several applications are run on one computer alternately. A new type of OS - a time-sharing system was created, which allows creating for each user the illusion of one-man operation with the computer.

The next period in the evolution of computing systems is associated with the emergence of large integrated circuits. In these years (from 1980 to the present) there was a sharp increase in the degree of integration and a decrease in the cost of microchips. The emergence of large (LSI) and ultra-large integrated circuits (VLSI) has ensured the widespread use of computers and their use by non-specialists in programming. This required the development of a friendly, intuitive software interface. The development of communication media has led to the development of networked operating systems.

An important milestone in the history of operating systems was the emergence of the UNIX operating system in the Bell Labs laboratory. Originally it was developed for the PDP-7 mini-computer and included many architectural features, such as time sharing and multi-user work. In the 1970s, the massive use of the UNIX operating system began. Since this operating system was distributed along with the source code, it was the first operating system into which enthusiasts could make changes. Successful architectural solutions of the UNIX operating system (flexibility, powerful functionality and openness) allowed this OS to conquer the market of not only mini-computers, but also servers, workstations based on RISC-processors.

Another significant event in the early 1980s was the emergence of personal computers. The first operating systems for personal computers were very simple due to limited resources. A good example is the MS-DOS operating system.

By the end of the 1980s, personal computers were far from being so limited in resources, the architecture of processors was developing, which in general created the possibility of implementing multitasking and multi-user systems on PC. These systems include OS / 2 (not widely used) and operating systems of the Windows family.

In addition, the opportunity to transfer to PC and UNIX appeared and was implemented. The merit of the full transfer of UNIX to IBM / PC belongs to Linus Torvalds, who in 1991 published the first version of the Linux operating system he wrote on the basis of the UNIX kernel. Thanks to the open publication and active participation of many enthusiasts, Linux dynamically developed and quickly became a full-fledged and modern operating system.

In November 1985, the software shell for MS-DOS, called Windows 1.0, was released. The system requirements were as follows: MS-DOS 2.0, the presence of two floppy disks or a hard drive, a graphics adapter and a minimum of 256 KB of RAM.

In December 1987, Microsoft released a version of Windows 2.0 with improved graphics. The amount of memory was increased, the function of overlapping windows was implemented, icons appeared on the desktop, and the user could communicate with the system using keyboard shortcuts.

In May 1990, Microsoft released a version of Windows 3.0. The user interface was redesigned for a 16-color gamut, the work with memory was improved. At the same time, there is a software development kit (SDK), thanks to which developers have been removed some of the responsibility for writing device drivers. And in September 1990 Windows 3.0 begins to be completed with a package of office applications Microsoft Office, which included Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

Currently, the widespread use of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.

OS Windows 7 went on sale in 2009. Windows 7 uses the graphical interface Aero. Improvements have also been made to the Windows Firewall.

In October 2012, Microsoft introduced Windows 8. Windows 8 uses a new interface called Metro. Windows 8 is completely different from previous OS. The principle of using the OS is similar to working on a tablet. Users of Windows 8 are available Office 2013, as well as built-in cloud tools SkyDrive.

The operating system Windows 10 Microsoft Corporation presented in September 2014. This operating system can be installed on any types of devices, both on desktop computers and mobile, and for various modifications in the Windows store there will be applications and updates. The main innovation is the ability to create several Desktops.



Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 518.