Information - scientific concepts, including the exchange of information between the objects of the material world.
Information is transmitted through messages. Message - a set of symbols or signals that display different information.
Signal - a physical process, which shows the transmitted message. The signal transmits a message in time. The physical nature of the signals varied. This is mechanical signals, audio, electrical, light, and others.
Currently, electrical and optical signals are mainly used.
Data – a collection of information recorded at a some storage medium in a form suitable for storage, transmission and processing.
Communication channel - a combination of hardware and communication lines for the transmission of information.
Communication Line -physical environment, used for transmitting signals from the transmitter to the receiver.
Over the past five years, mankind has produced more information than in the whole previous history. Martin Hilbert of the University of California has calculated the amount of information in the modern world (calculations were made in 2007). It turned out 295 * 1018 bytes. It's more than sand on our planet.
The enormous role of information in modern society has led to the understanding of information as a resource as necessary and important as energy, raw materials, financial and other resources.
Information became the subject of purchase and sale, i.e. Information product.
The movement of many types of information as a commodity has influenced the formation of a special market - the information market.
Information technology is a combination of means and methods of collecting, processing, storing, transmitting and presenting data to obtain new information about the state of an object or process.
Technical means of information processing are a set of technical devices that ensure the performance of the processes of obtaining, storing, converting and transmitting information. The technical means of IT include the means of computing and organizational technology. The processes of collection, transmission, storage and processing of information are based on software and hardware.
Information technology is designed to automate the processing of large amounts of information. Information technology is widely used in automated control systems.
Types of Information technologies
The main types of information technology include:
1. IT data processing.
2. IT automated office.
3. IT management.
4. IT decision support.
5. IT expert systems.
IT data processing
Information technology of data processing is intended for solving problems in which there are input data and known algorithms and data-processing procedures (fig. 1.1).
Figure 1.1 – IT data processing
Data collection
All enterprises produce products or provide services. In this case, each action must be accompanied by records that are stored in the database.
For example, when hiring an employee, information about him is recorded in the database. The receipt, storage and sale of goods is also recorded in the database.
So, in order to analyze the data, you must first get it.
Data processing
Data processing makes it possible to obtain new data. There are many events every day Inside the enterprise, but only a few of them are of interest to management.
For example, translating absolute values of trade turnover into relative values in percent represents useful information.
Data processing is performed by the DBMS with the help of arithmetic and logical operations. On output, the DBMS information is provided in the form of reports.
Data processing operations include:
• sorting;
• grouping;
• calculations;
• Aggregation (consolidation).
Creating reports
In information technology of data processing it is necessary to create documents for employees of firm and management, and also for external partners.
At the same time, documents are created in connection with the operation carried out by the firm and periodically at the end of each month, quarter or year.
IT automated office
Office automated technologies are used by managers, specialists, secretaries and clerical employees. They help to increase the productivity of secretaries and clerical workers and enable them to cope with the increasing volume of work. Currently, there are many software products for office automation:
• Word processor.
• Table processor.
• Database.
• Email.
• Electronic calendar.
• Teleconferences.
• Other programs.
An important component of an automated office is the database.
In the automated office, the database concentrates the data about the production system of the firm in the same way as in the data processing technology.
Information in the database can also come from the external environment of the firm. Specialists should have the basic technological operations to work in the database environment.
IT management
The purpose of information technology management is to meet the information needs of company employees dealing with decision-making.
For decision-making, the information should be presented in such a way that the trends of data changes, the reasons for the deviations that have occurred are viewed.
IT management solves the following tasks of data processing:
• evaluation of the planned state of the facility;
• assessment of deviations from the planned state of the facility;
• identification of causes of deviations;
• Analysis of possible solutions and actions.
IT decision support
The main feature of information technology for decision-making support is a qualitatively new method of organizing human-computer interaction.
The solution is developed as a result of the iterative process of the person and the computer. The final decision is made by the person.
IT decision support can be used at any level of management. Therefore, an important function is the coordination of decision-makers at different levels of government.
IT expert systems
Expert systems are based on the use of artificial intelligence. The main idea of using the technology of expert systems is to get knowledge from the expert and use it whenever you need it.
Solving special problems requires special knowledge. However, not every company can afford to keep in its staff experts on all issues related to its work, when the problem arose.
Expert systems are computer programs that transform the experience of experts in any field of knowledge into the form of heuristic rules (heuristics).
The main components of information technology used in the expert system are: knowledge base, interpreter, system creation module.
Knowledge base. It contains facts that describe the problem area, as well as the logical interrelation of these facts. The central place in the knowledge base belongs to the rules.
The rule determines what to do in a given situation, and consists of two parts: a condition that can be satisfied or not, and an action that must be performed if the condition is met.
Interpreter. This is part of the expert system, which, in a certain order, processes knowledge stored in the knowledge base.
Module for creating a system. It serves to create a set of rules. There are two approaches that can be used as a basis for the system creation module: the use of algorithmic programming languages and the use of shells of expert systems.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 412.