Tourism. The other group is against it. Discuss pros and cons
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Of space tourism.

Role play.

Student A Student В
You are a journalist interviewing an astronaut. Ask questions about his/ her space experience and work done on the space station. You are an astronaut. Tell journal­ists about your space experience and word done on the space station.
You are a space tourist, you have recently returnedfrom your trip. Tell journalists about your space experi­ence and time spent on the space station. You are a journalist interviewing a space tourist. Ask questions about his/her space experience and time spent on the space station.


Swap roles.

Unit 2. Space Tourism

19. Translate into English.


Подходы к развитию космического туризма ведутся с несколь­ких направлений. Первое и уже освоенное — полеты на междуна­родную космическую станцию на российских «Союзах». Им вос­пользовались американец Денис Тито и южноафриканец Марк Шатлворт. За недельный космический вояж каждый из них запла­тил по $20 млн. И «Росавиакосмос» недавно заявил, что он готов продавать «Союзы» под запуски туристов. Первым потенциальным покупателем выступает американская компания «Спейс Эдвенчерс», которая выставила на продажу две путевки в космос на следующий год. Одна из них уже продана. По заявлению «Росавиакосмоса», на трехместном «Союзе», пилотируемом профессиональным космонав­том, можно доставить на орбиту сразу двух туристов, предполет­ная подготовка которых займет от трех месяцев до полугода.

Второе направление — суборбитальный полет. Впервые о нем серьезно заговорили в 1996 г., когда ассоциация «Икс Прайз Фау- дейшн» из Сент-Луиса (США) объявила конкурс на создание субор­битального летательного аппарата, способного поднять трех взрос­лых туристов на высоту 100 км, совершить на этой высоте полет и приземлиться на аэродроме. Первая команда, которая создаст и ис­пытает в деле подобный аппарат, получит награду в $10 млн.

20. Write an essay on the topic "Future of Space Tourism".



multimillionaire — мультимиллионер

to gain — приобретать

celebrity — знаменитость

Bachelor — бакалавр

Master — магистр

astronautics — астронавтика

aeronautics — аэронавтика (самолетостроение)


Honorary Doctorate — почетная докторская степень

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

scientist — ученый propulsion — движущая сила jet — реактивный самолет to found — основать indexing — индексирование to dock — приземлиться

Read and translate the text.


Dennis Tito (born August 8, 1940 in Queens, New York) is a United States multimillionaire who gained celebrity status by becoming a space tour­ist. Tito has a Bachelor of Science in Astronautics and Aeronautics from New York University, 1962 and he later received a Master of Science in Engi­neering Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic In­stitute, Troy, New York. He received an honorary doctorate of engineering from Rensselaer Polytech­nic Institute on 18 May 2002 and is a former sci­entist of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. In 1972 he founded Wilshire Associates, an investment management firm in Santa Monica, California which does indexing.

Tito joined Soyuz TM—32 on April 28th, 2001, spending 7 days, 22 hours, 4 minutes in orbit, and docked with the ISS. Tito paid 20 million United States dollars for his trip.


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if


Multimillionaire, bachelor, astronautics, aeronautics, honorary doc­torate, scientist, propulsion, science, engineering.

2. Answer the questions.

1. When and where was Dennis Tito born?

2. What education did he get?

3. Where did he work before 1972?

4. What company did he found?


5. Why did he gain celebrity status?

Unit 2. Space Tourism

6. When did he fly into the space?

7. How long did he spend on the ISS?

8. How much did he pay for his trip?

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text.

Celebrity status, a Bachelor of Science in Astronautics and Aeronau­tics, a Master of Science in Engineering Science, Jet Propulsion Labo­ratory, joined Soyuz TM-32.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Миллионер; космический турист; почетная докторская степень инженера; бывший ученый; инвестиционная фирма; провести время на орбите; приземлиться на МКС; для этого путешествия.

5. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the text.

celebrity                                       Doctorate

space                                         Scientist

Bachelor                                            Status

Engineering                                  Management

honorary                                          Science

former                                           Tourist

Jet Propulsion                                                   of Science

investment                                     Laboratory

6. Retell the text.

7. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea­sons.

For agreement use:                                                     For disagreement use:

I quite agree with you.                                                          I don't actually agree.

That's quite right.                                                 That's wrong.

I think you are right.                                                          I wouldn't say it is.

I should think so.                                                       I'd like to say yes, but...

1. Many people want to become space tourists.


2. Dennis Tito became multimillionaire because he wanted to go to space.

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

3. Becoming a space tourist is becoming a celebrity.

4. Space tourists must be scientists.

5. Space tourists must have a very good health.

6. Space tourists must be young.

7. Space tourism is necessary for financing scientific experiments in space.

8. Discuss.

1. Space tourism should be developed.

2. Space tourism is a goon money-making opportunity.

3. Russia is the leading country in space exploration.

4. Space tourism will be affordable to everybody soon.

5. The only way to become a celebrity is to become a space tourist.

6. Every travel agency can organize a space travel.

9. Translate into English.

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 363.