Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
space tourism
recent phenomenon
space travel
personal intense
wealthy studies
primary pleasure
uniqueness of fiction
thrilling advantages
described by individuals
extremely attraction
mind tanks
status successes
various experience
initial boggling
public feeling


Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса



science symbol
fuel interest
feasibility astronauts
express access
  * * *
personal spaceflight
common landing
space company
average importance
enjoy crew
moon experiments
decreased structures
starve belief
decide later
television venture
a week to allow
seventh in detail
TV-broadcast race
scientific flight
shuttle a holiday
private candidate
explored for cash
inflatable from orbit
first family
  * * *
Japanese singer
Express companies
suborbital station
circumlunar transport
space vehicles
maintenance concerns
American millionaire
former hope
band flight
dismantle costs
computer problems
making missions
funding tourism
health businessmai
put on date


Unit 2. Space Tourism

Soyuz available launch interstellar

scientist hold the trip Mir



* * *

commercial more



minutes of








safety of

a week-long

best case





weightlessness flight property missions stay










a license







Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and

find them in the text.  
space tourism cosmonaut
executive spacecraft
aim private
personal different
businessman space travel
corporation common
agreement company
safety security
abandon entrepreneur
astronaut director
various build
average habitat
vehicle purpose
rocket transport

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

hotel                            contract

construct                         reject

Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and

find them in the text.  
primary private
increase argue
initial commercial
public international
subsidiary final
agree late
early free-paying
wide secondary
free narrow
national the latter
the former decrease


9. Form antonyms using negative prefixes un-, in-, il-r im-r ir-r dis-r

Mis-. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

Personal, advantage, manned, reality, available, agreement.

10. Make a summary of the text.

11. Choose the right word from the list below. Translate the article.


Pioneer 10 left Earth in 1972 and began to cross the _____________________________________________

______________  asteroid belt four months later. Some people said it

would be____________________ to find a way through the dust and

______________ millions of rocks that lie beyond the inner planets; but

despite its very__________________ technology Pioneer made a

___________________ crossing and went on to carry out its first mis­sion: to study Jupiter.

It continued past the___________________ planets until 1983, crossing the

paths of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto before finally entering the vast

_____________ area outside our solar system. There it will maintain

course on its_______________________ journey, passing close to Proxima

Centauri in 70,000 years' time. Eventually,______________ believe,

in the safe vacuum of deep space, it may even________________________ the

Earth, which in five billion years will_________________________ as the Sun grows


ever bigger and swallows up our tiny planet.

Unit 2. Space Tourism

Basic, outer, unexplored, successful, unknown, impossible, endless, countless, outlive, disappear, scientists.

12. Give missing derivatives (nounsr verbs, adverbs and adjectives) from these words and translate them.

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
To fly     ------
  proposal   -------


13. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea­sons.

For agreement use:                                          For disagreement use:

That's right.                                               I think that's wrong.

I am with you here.                                               I am not with you here.

I fully agree.                                               I don't really agree.

Definitely.                                Definitely not.

Exactly.                                           On the contrary.

1. Space tourism was invented many years ago.

2. People have always dreamed of going into space.

3. The primary attraction of space tourism is the unique experience of weightlessness.

4. There are many science fiction stories about space travels.

5. The average family of the early 21st century can enjoy a holiday on the Moon.

6. The first space tourist was Dennis Tito.

7. After the Columbia disaster the Russian Soyuz program was put on hold.

8. The Soyuz rockets are the only vehicles available transport to ISS.

9. The space trip price is $20 million.

10. Suborbital flights will be much cheaper than orbital ones.

11. There also circumlunar trips available to space tourists now.

12. Orbital tourism will soon be superseded by planetary and interstel­lar tourism.

13. There are lectures on space tourism in many universities around the world.


14. Many companies want to build space hotels.

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

14. Discuss.

1. Popularity of space tourism will increase.

2. Space tourism will always be affordable to only extremely wealthy people.

3. The average family of the 21st century will be able to enjoy a holi­day on the Moon.

4. International Space Station needs space tourists in order to offset its maintenance costs.

5. Everybody can go on a space trip if they have enough money.

6. Licensing is a very useful procedure when it comes to space trav­el.

7. The importance of space exploration decreased after the Moon landing.

8. Suborbital tourism will be more popular than orbital tourism.

9. Space hotels will be very popular with families and children.

10. Space hotels will be constructed within our lifetime.

15. Speak about... one of Russian or foreign astronauts and his/

Her space experience.

16. Explain why space tourism is gaining popularity.

17. Divide into two groups. One group is for popularizing of space


Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 511.