Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
family adventures
share experience
travel entertainment
shore the room
onboard experience
luxury poles
glacier beauty
educational cruise line
tremendous comfort
priceless travel
regal wonderland
totem months


э|с jfi



breaching calving soaring

highly qualified camp personal luxurious floating expansive private gourmet fitness

Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.

route shore




















comprehensive journey afford show kids




Unit 3. Travelling By Sea

display perfect children extensive

personal personnel excellent variety



Make a summary of the text

Describe the facilities and services the liner offers for children and for adults apart.

Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the verbs. Translate the abstract.


Queen Mary 2 is the___________________________ , longest, tallest, widest, and

It — $780-million — the most expensive_______________ ever built.

The successful trials, where the ship consistently exceeded 30 knots, put

her right on_______________________ for her January 12 maiden

___________ from Southampton, England, to Fort Lauderdale.

During the____________ trials, QM2 underwent performance tests

that______________ of three runs over a 10-mile-long course. At vari­ous _____________ , the ship was stabilised at speed during which very

iccurate measurements were_____________________ to establish an average

w__ . The average speed was then corrected for

м _ ship performance standards such as an allowance for

the_______________ that is still to be added before delivery and for

__ conditions, etc.

Voyage, points, weather, largest, speed, sea, liner, taken, weight, con­sisted, schedule, voyage.

Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary. Translate the abstract.

... her inaugural year the ship will offer 13 transatlantic crossings as |he takes ... the role as Cunard's transatlantic liner that is currently op­erated ... her sister ship, Queen Elizabeth 2. Prices ... six-day crossings begin ... $1,499 ... person, double occupancy, including transatlantic air. QM2 will also introduce a new series... Caribbean cruises ... New York ind Fort Lauderdale; a voyage ... Rio de Janeiro and back, timed ... Carnival; five European cruise itineraries and two fall foliage sailings ... ports ... Canada and New England.


Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

A special highlight... the QM2's inaugural schedule will be its maiden eastbound crossing ... New York ... April 25 as both Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elisabeth 2 will sail... tandem. This day will be the first time two Cunard Queens have been berthed (поставлены на якорь)... the port together... March 1940.

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea-




For agreement use: I quite agree with you. That's quite right. I think you are right. I should think so.

For disagreement use: I don't actually agree. That's wrong.

I wouldn't say it is. I'd like to say yes, but



1. Peak travel months are June, July and August.

2. Cruise lines are only for adults.

3. Alaska is an educational wonderland of discovery.

4. Alaska is only ice and sea, no animals.

5. There will be only a few excursions during the trip.

6. Junior activity directors on cruise lines are usually school teachers.

7. There are no discos on board.

8. All cabins on Crystal Harmony have private verandahs.

9. There are spa and fitness facilities on board.

10. The "kids sail free" promotion on Crystal Cruises is unlimited.

12. Discuss:

1. The most important thing in cruises is the itinerary.

2. Cruises are very expensive for common people. They will not sell well in our city.

3. Cruises offer an experience of a lifetime. Everyone should try go­ing to sea at least once.

4. You can never know if you'll be seasick until you go to sea.

5. Travelling by sea is only good if the weather is good.

13. Speak about... planning our first cruise. Read the expert's ad­vice and follow it.


Planning your first cruise can be a challenge for those who either haven't travelled much or who haven't taken an organized tour or vaca­tion. How do you plan that first cruise? Family and friends often get to-

Unit 3. Travelling By Sea

gcther to discuss where they want to travel or vacation next. You might have heard cruise tales from and seen (or been subjected to) cruise vaca­tion pictures taken by your family and friends, or read in magazines and the Web about how much fun (and economical) cruising can be. If you Want to "take the plunge" and go on your first cruise, where do you start?







8.  9.


First-time cruisers should probably work with a travel agent who is experienced in booking cruises. However, before you contact the travel agency or cruise line, you will need to have the answers to these ten ques­tions.

Who Is Going on the Cruise?

How Much Are You Prepared to Spend?

How Long Is Your Vacation?

When Do You Want to Travel?

Where Do You Want to Cruise?

What Types of Things Do You Like to Do ?

What Type of Cabin Do You Want/Need?

When Do You Like to Eat Dinner?


Do You Like to Dress Up?

Student В

How Will You Get to Your Cruise Ship?

After you have answered these ten questions, you will be ready to se lect a cruise line and cruise ship.

Role play.

Student A

1. You are going on a cruise together. Discuss the answers to the questions from the previous exercise; discuss as many details as possible.



2ч Tell your friend that you are go­ing on your first cruise. Describe preparations and details of the coming voyage.

2. Ask your friend about the cruise he/she is going to take. Use ques­tions from the previous exercise. Use these phrases to encourage him/her speaking:



Swap roles.

Giving yourself time to think:

I think

Now, let's see... Well, I suppose... Let me think about it for a moment...

Showing that you are interested:

Really? Indeed? Oh, really! Right I see.

That 's interesting .

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 527.