Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

to send away                                             to lose

to find                                          first

last                                             to take on

10. What is the meaning of "like" in these phrases? Translate them and make up sentences using them.

To eat like a bull To sleep like a log To work like a dog To dress like an officer

11. Make a summary of the text.

12. Match the word with its definition. Give Russian equivalent.

Captain — the person who helps the captain, the head sailor

First officer — the person who prepares food on the ship

Sailor — a boy on ship who helps the crew but too young or

inexperienced to be a sailor Cook       — all people who work on a ship

Crew      — the person who is in charge of the ship and who gives

orders and leads the sailing Sea cadet — a person who works on a ship, a member of the crew

13. Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the verbs. Translate the abstract.

My little_______________ was quite near the___________

when I suddenly saw the Hispaniola. It was right in front of me, not half

a_________________ away. The beautiful white__________________________

of the ship shone in the sun like snow or silver. I thought that the men

__________________ were going round the island. She was lying on a

_____________________ about north-west. But soon the ship began

________________ more and more towards the west. I thought that the

____________________ had noticed me and were going to take me


However, the Hispaniola turned___________________ and then again

and again. The ship turned to the north, to the south, to the __ , to the west. I realized that the crew were

Unit 3. Travelling By Sea

On board, again, crew, coast, to sleep, boat, east, to turn, sails, mile, course.

14. Express the following in a different way.

an exciting or dangerous journey —

to search into something for the purpose of learning about it — to sleep very deeply, to sleep well — the person on a ship who gives orders — all the seamen working on a ship — a four wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse or horses — an area of water in a harbour where ships are loaded, unloaded and («paired —

15. Fill in the blanks with prepositions, particles and adverbs where necessary. Translate the abstract.

I went straight ... the east coast ... the island. It was already late ... $bt afternoon, but it was still warm and bright. Soon a cool wind began и„ reach me and I saw the sea lying blue and sunny... the horizon. I could Jttso see the Hispaniola ... the Jolly Roger flying ... her.

Although I could see the white rock ... I was walking ... the shore, it $BK>k me a long time ... get ... it. It was almost dark when I got there, ^he little boat, a strange thing made ... wood and goat-skin, was hidden «м the bushes. It was very light so I was able ... carry it.

Well, now that I had found the boat I knew that I ought ... go back the stockade, but another idea suddenly came ... me. I decided ... sail 6Ut... the Hispaniola and cut her anchor rope.

|8. Put the verbs in the right forms. Translate the abstract.

In the morning I (to wake up). The sun (to be) already up but (to |hide) behind Spyglass Hill. My boat (to be) at the south-west end of Trea­sure Island. 1 could (to see) the dangerous rocks on that side of the coast. IThe sea (not to be) calm; the waves (to rise) and (to fall) one after the Other. They (to crash) over the rocks with the terrible sound of thunder I (to know) that if I (to try) (to get) to the shore that way I (to be killed) 0П the rocks. How was I to reach land?

I (to be) frightened but (to keep) my head and (to decide) (to wait) Until the sea (to carry) my boat somewhere to the side of the island.


'Well, now,' I (to think) to myself. 'It's clear that I should just (to Itay) where I (to be).'

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

From time to time I (to try) (to give) my boat a shove or two towards land. It (to be) very hard and slow work. The sun (to shine) terribly and f (to be) very thirsty.


Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea-




For agreement use:

Yes, I think so. Vd like to think so. I quite agree with you. That's absolutely right. Of course he did.

For disagreement use: I don 7 think so.

Fm afraid Fm not with you here. I disagree. That's not true. Nonsense.



1. Jim stayed several weeks with his mother before they went to sea.

2. Jim was very glad to leave the Admiral Benbow Inn.

3. The squire kept his promise to hold his tongue.

4. Silver helped the squire to gather a crew for the ship.

5. Silver found a man to be captain.

6. There used to be many pirates in seas long time ago.

7. There are no pirates in seas now.

18. Pick out the words which you could use to describe Mr. Trelawney and Jim. What are the strongest / the worst points of their characters? Describe and compare Jim and Mr. Trelawney. Use more words if necessary. Consult the dictio­nary.

Hot-tempered, even-tempered, emotional, resolute, kind-hearted, generous, trustful, friendly, cruel, courageous, brave, wise, honest, thoughtful, energetic, respectable, independent, talkative, prudent, clever, open-hearted.

19. Discuss:

1. What people does a captain need on a ship?

2. Why do seamen take mice on the ship with them?

3. There is an old saying that a woman brings bad luck to the ship. What do you think of it?

4. Who are pirates? Why were there so many pirates in seas some 200—300 years ago?

5. Who are pirates of nowadays?

Unit 3. Travelling By Sea

20. Explain why?

In Great Britain people use she for boats and ships.

21. Translate into English

1. Если нам нужен отдых, то лучше всего прогулка по морю.

2. Мы отплываем в понедельник.

3. Он весело помахал рукой приятелям и начал расхаживать по палубе с таким видом, как будто он капитан Кук, сэр Френ­сис Дрейк и Христофор Колумб в одном лице.

4. Я хорошо переношу плавание, меня никогда не укачивает (to be seasick).

5. Она пожалела, что не пустилась в плавание вместе с ним.

6. Пароход медленно причалил. Они сошли на берег и с грус­тью посмотрели, как пароход снова отчаливает, унося с со­бой незабываемые впечатления прошедшей недели.

7. Только три человека на борту: он сам, капитан корабля и вто­рой помощник — устояли против морской болезни.

22. Write an essay on the topic "My Sea Adventure".



iemand — спрос

generation — поколение

iboard — на борт

truise — круиз

Itateroom — каюта

to delight — восхищать

to inspire — вдохновлять

ihore — берег

Onboard — на борту

Comprehensive — исчерпывающий

to offer — предлагать

luxury — роскошь

luxurious — роскошный

Itinerary — маршрут


round-trip — путешествие туда и обратно One way — путешествие в один конец


Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса



to take to sea — спустить на воду

conveniently — удобно

schedule — расписание

glacier — ледник

wonderland — страна чудес

discovery — открытие

to dedicate — посвящать

to afford — предоставлять

regal — королевский

port of call — порт захода (назначения)

to reveal — открывать

whale — кит

to amaze — изумлять

eagle — орел

extensive — обширный

excursion — экскурсия

options — варианты

misty fjord — туманные фиорды

seaplane — гидросамолет

exploration — исследование

to acclaim — провозглашать, приветствовать

to suit — подходить

to outfit — оснащать

software — программное обеспечение

camp counselor — вожатый

at least — как минимум, по крайней мере

appropriate — подходящий

toddler — малыш, ребенок

teen — подросток

handcraft — ремесло

creation — творение, создание

frosted — замороженный

igloo — иглу (жилище изо льда)

invitation — приглашение

fare — плата, цена, стоимость

float — плыть

scenery — пейзаж

deck — палуба

feature — черта, особенность

award — награда

lounge — гостиная, зал отдыха

Unit 3. Travelling By Sea

fling shui — фен шуй (китайское учение о гармонизации интерьера) |ра — минеральные воды

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 486.