Общеизвестно; путешествовать по стране; в их распоряжении; различные средства транспорта; скорые поезда; хотя самолеты быстрее; в первую очередь (во-первых); поесть в вагоне-ресторане; спальный вагон; готов к отправлению; купить билеты заранее; В газетных киосках; камера хранения (2); зал ожидания; сесть на поезд (2); бюро находок; касса; справочное бюро (2).
84 Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса
6. Make word combinationsr translate them and find them in the
text. | |
travel | airplane |
express | view |
big | office |
jet | bureau |
railway | train |
corner | in queue |
splendid | ticket |
comfortable | item |
to wait | on business |
luggage | a train |
waiting | bed |
to board | ship |
small | room |
information | seat |
Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and
find them in the text. | |
various | buffet car |
plane | to arrive |
dining car | snack bar |
queue | line |
luggage | trip |
to leave | baggage |
to come | beforehand |
journey | different |
cloak room | thing |
refreshment room | to depart |
item | luggage office |
in advance | aircraft |
Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.
to push departure to get off exit |
arrival entrance to board to pull
Unit 4. Travelling By Train
Make a summary of the text,
10. Describe what you do at each office or room:
• Waiting room
• Refreshment room
• Lady's or Men's room
• Luggage office
• Lost property office
• Booking office
• Inquiry office
• Police office
For disagreement use: I don't think so. I don't agree with you here. I definitely disagree. Not in the least. |
For agreement use: I think so. I agree with you. I absolutely agree. Sure.
11. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs where necessary. Translate the story.
Linda found a seat ... a compartment that was full ... middle-aged businessmen. One ... them offered to put her case ... the rack ... her. She politely told him she could do it herself. The man started talking ... her § *» she had sat down. She tried to avoid getting ... a conversation but it Was impossible. He was one ... those boring types that go ... talking even If nobody is interested. When she casually mentioned that she was going Liverpool... order ... do a report... the city, he began ... telling her all ... the place. Several hours went.... He talked and talked. Linda hardly said anything. Finally, the train gotLiverpool. The man kept... talk- lug ... the very last minute. Linda got... to go. Just then he invited her ... i party. He said he would introduce her ... all his friends so that she could
learn more ... Liverpool. Linda politely refused and hurried.......................................... the
compartment. She could still hear the man's voice. He was talking ... lomeone else ... the compartment and she happened to catch ... a few Words: "Nice girl", he was saying. "But you know, she talked so much that I could hardly put... a word."
85 |
12. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea -
Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса
1. Long train trips are so exciting.
2. A talkative person in your compartment is the very thing you need to make your trip pleasant.
3. Travelling alone is not only boring but dangerous.
4. Railway system is the best invention of the mankind.
5. It is difficult to travel by train if you have heavy luggage.
6. Lost property office is the most useful office at a railway station.
13. Discuss:
1. So many interesting and pleasant things happen when you travel a lot.
2. There are advantages and disadvantages in travelling by train. What are they?
14. Speak about... your first train trip.
15. Explain why trains are still a very popular means of transport.
Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.
Railway agent: Good morning! British Railways, King's Cross.
Customer: Can you give me the times of fast trains to Edinburgh,
please, and arrival time? I'd like to get there about 6.00 p.m.
Railway agent: Just a minute. Let's see. Week days 8.48 arrive 5.10; 9.30
arrive 5.30. Do you want any more?
Customer: No. That's fine, thank you very much. These are weekday trains, aren't they?
Railway agent: Yes. Monday and Saturday inclusive.
Customer: Thanks a lot.
Readr translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.
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Customer: Hello. The centre of London, please. Railway agent: All trains go to Victoria station. Single or return?
Unit 4. Travelling By Train
Single, please. How much is that? £9.80, please. Sorry? How much? £9.80.
87 |
Customer: Agent: Customer: Agent: Customer: Agent: Customer: Agent: |
Role play
Thanks. What time's the next train? At 11.20, so, in ten minutes. Platform 7. And how long does it take? About half an hour.
Student А You are a traveller. | Student В You are a railway agent. |
h Call the railway station and inquire about trains to the place you need to get to. Ask about departure and arrival time, prices and discounts. | L Answer the questions about trains' timetable. Give details about departure and arrival time, prices and discounts. Use real information. |
2. Come to the booking office and buy tickets to the place you need to go. Ask for special fare or discount, especially if you are a student or a family with toddlers, or your spouse is over 60. | 2. Sell tickets to customers. Offer special fares or discounts for round trip tickets and for children, students or senior travellers who are over 60. |
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 507.