Put the verbs in the right forms. Translate the story
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Once an Englishman (to travel) in the USA on business. On the train he (to share) the compartment with an American. The American (to want) (to impress) him and (to show) how big America (to be) so he (to say): "You see, my country (to be) so great that if you (to start) your trip in the afternoon in Taxes, the next morning you still (to be) in Taxes". The Englishman (to smile) and (to say): "I (not to know) that you (to have) such a poor railway system",

16. Discuss:

1. What does British government have to do to develop the integrat­ed transport system in GB?

2. What are the biggest problems of British and Russian railways?

3. Is Russian railway network as comprehensive as British?

4. Do we have integrated transport system in Russia?

5. What needs improving in Russian transportation system?

6. What does Russian government have to do to improve transporta­tion system in Russia?

Unit 4. Travelling By Train

17. Speak about... getting around Russia by train.

Explain why travelling by train in Russia is more popular than by plane or by car.


Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.


Mr. Spenser: I'd like a ticket for the afternoon train to Brussels. Ticket agent: What class?

Mr. Spenser: First. I'd like a corner seat in a nonsmoker, facing the en­gine.

Ticket agent: One way or round trip?

Mr. Spenser: One way, please.

Ticket agent: It's'34.20,

"Mr. Spenser: Do you accept credit cards?

Ticket agent: Only Visa and Master.

Mr. Spenser: I've got a Visa.

Ticket agent: Here is your ticket. The train is departing in fifteen min­utes.


Mr. Spenser: What time does it get to Brussels?

Ticket agent: Just a second... It is due to arrive in Brussels at eight sharp.

Mr. Spenser: Thank you very much.

Ticket agent: Have a pleasant journey!

|9* Read and translate the announcements.


The 9.32 train to Brighton, calling at East Croydon, Gatwick airport |nd Brighton only, is now standing at platform 16. A buffet car is avail- tble on this train.


The train is now standing at platform 6 is a 12:20 InterCity Express to Brighton. I repeat...


What other announcements can you hear at a railway station?

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса


Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.


Ann: Here you are, John, at last! John: I'm sorry I'm late. But I've got in a traffic jam. Ann: Here's your ticket. Let's hurry or we'll miss the train. John: Good. I'm glad you have bought return tickets. Is it a through train?

Ann: Yes, and we don't have to change, fortunately. John: Fine. When is the train due in Glasgow? Ann: . It's due at 4:15 p.m.

John: It's very convenient. Shall we call a porter and ask him to take our

suitcases to the compartment? Ann: Yes, please.

21. Answer the questions.

1. Where does the conversation take place?

2. Why was John late?

3. Where are the friends going?

4. When do they plan to arrive in Glasgow?

5. Have they caught the train?

6. Is this a through train to Glasgow?

7. Why do they prefer return tickets?

22. Explain in English.

• to miss the train

• a through train

• to catch a train

• to be due

• to buy a single ticket/a return ticket

• to have to change

23. Open dialogues. Fill in the missing remarks:




B: Yes, it is. Fortunately we don't have to change.

Unit 4. Travelling By Train


A: I'm sorry I'm late. I hope we'll catch the train.



A: I'm glad I've bought return tickets.

B: _________________________


A: ____________________________________ __

B:It's due in Manchester at 8.15 a.m.

Translate into English.

1. Давай поторопимся, а то мы опоздаем на поезд.

2. Им не надо делать пересадку. Есть прямой поезд.

3. Хотя она приехала на вокзал в последний момент, она успе­ла на поезд.

4. В какое время поезд должен быть по расписанию в Моск­ве? — В 9 часов утра.

5. Мы всегда стараемся покупать билеты в оба конца, это удоб­нее и дешевле.

6. Где купить билеты? — Касса вон там.

7. Сколько стоит детский билет? — Для детей до 12 лет билет стоит половину стоимости взрослого билета. — Дайте мне два полных билета и два детских.

8. Мы должны брать билет на ребенка? Ему только 1 год. — Нет, дети до 2 лет бесплатно.

9. Вы бы хотели место в вагоне для курящих или для некуря­щих? — Я бы хотел для некурящих, и нижнее место, пожа­луйста.

10. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, билет в оба конца до Дрездена на завтра. Я бы хотел место у окна по ходу поезда.

11. Пойдемте на платформу, поезд уже подали. Я пойду в вагон и займу места. Билеты у тебя? — Да, конечно, только не за­будь, что я не могу ехать против хода поезда.

12. Простите, носильщик, вы свободны? Отнесите, пожалуйста, мой багаж к третьему вагону. А вы можете донести багаж до купе?

13. Монете положить ручную кладь на полку для багажа в вагоне.


14. Не кладите мой чемодан на полку.

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

15. Когда следующий поезд? — Через 15 минут, посадка уже объявлена.

16. Когда мы отправляемся? — Уже скоро. По расписанию ос­талось 5 минут.

17. У нас на билетах места в разных купе. Что мы будем де­лать? — Я думаю, мы сможем поменяться местами с кем- нибудь.

18. Я буду ждать тебя около камеры хранения через полчаса.


25. Discuss why and when people prefer travelling by train. Give your reasons.

26. Describe your last trip by train.

Role play.

Student A Student В
1. Ask yourfriend about his/her last train trip. L Answer your friend's questions about your trip. Give as many de­tails as possible.
2. You are a traveller in a compart­ment of a train going to London. You can tell from his/her appear­ance that your neighbor is a for­eigner; too. Talk to your neighbor: 2* You are a traveller in a compart­ment of a train going to London. You can tell from his/her appear­ance that your neighbor is a for­eigner; too. Talk to your neighbor.
3. You are a traveller. You don't re­ member where you put your ticket. 3. You are a ticker collector. Check passengers' tickets.
4. You are a traveller. You need in­ formation about trains to Chica­go. Go to the information office and ask the office about timeta­ble, prices and discounts. 4. You are an officer at the informa­ tion desk. Answer the questions of the travellers about timetable, prices and discounts.


J. You are a family waiting for у our train in the waiting lounge of a railway station. Talk about trains and your trip.

Swap roles.

Unit 4. Travelling By Train


I wonder... Could you tell me ... Please tell me...

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