Less than half the space, per square kilometer, notable exception, roads have taken over from rail, get on the train, special types of tickets, to book in advance, useful piece of advice, seven major stations, coach lervice, rush hour, the worst drawback, a long struggle through traffic, Ultimate solution to the problem, a series of disconnected parts, compete with each other on one route, to address all these problems, political will.
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5* Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
ГУсто населенная страна; сеть автомобильных и железных дорог; основная система транспорта; безопасный, быстрый и комфортный способ передвижения; удерживать людей от...; по крайней мере; получить хорошую скидку; заплатить целое состояние; Избежать неприятного сюрприза; билет в оба конца; в час пик; купить как минимум за три дня заранее; сэкономить ровно сто фунтов; полезный совет; нужная станция; без ограничений; есть
Недостатки; интегрированная транспортная система; улучшить систему общественного транспорта; паром; автовокзал находится в километрах от железнодорожного вокзала; расписание автобусов не совпадает с расписанием паромов; в конце концов вы берете такси; Срочно необходимо; большое количество времени; достигать.
6* Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
densely fairly |
way exception hour comprehensive ticket fortune |
notable square network of comfortable |
Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса
small | types |
nasty | list |
full | station |
special | roads |
return | shock |
rush | populated |
right | centimeter |
* sft *
advanced drawback
coach timetable
the worst struggle
long will
ultimate problems
disconnected needed
ferry booking
bus solution
waiting room
urgently station
to address service
political parts
7. Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.
space coach
motorway by rail
deal schedule
small fortune nowadays
nasty shock room
by train round trip ticket
bus at minimum
at present way
return ticket bargain
middle a very unpleasant surprise
route center
timetable highway
at least a great deal of money
8. Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.
rule merit
full price without
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best off-peak hour
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Unit 4. Travelling By Train
drawback rush hour achieve with at least different right public |
the same exception private lose maximum wrong reduced price worst |
9. Make antonyms to the following words using negative prefixes: ил-, /л-, im-, j7-, dis-f or mis-. Consult the dictionary if necessary. Translate the pairs.
Advantage, connected, integrated, populated, pleasant, fair.
10. Make pronouns from these nouns using the suffix -less. Translate the pairs.
Use, help, top, bottom, price.
11. Make a summary of the text.
12. Compare British and Russian or American and Russian railway systems.
I was waiting on the |
13. Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the verbs. Translate the story.
__ for the Bristol train when a
___ asked me if I knew the time of the next
_____________ to Oxford. I
inyself, so I knew. A few____
Whether the train for Bristol had hadn't so of course I
_____ have to go to Oxford
later a man wanted to know
______ left. I knew that it
him. The other man
why the train from Birmingham was late. I didn't
know but I told him it was pairs. I couldn't_______________
^____________ me questions. Then I
Standing next to a big sign that said: because of the line re-
why all these people were
that I was
Already, usually, often, platform, train, minute, lady, to inquire, to ask, to understand, to notice, to tell, information.
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Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса
Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea
fpr agreement use: I quite agree, I agree with you. I fully agree. I think you are right.
For disagreement use: Actually, I don' agree. I don't think that's right. I don't think that's true (correct). Well, I am not sure if that's true (right, correct).
1. Trains in Britain are still a safe, fast and comfortable way of travelling.
2. Train ticket prices are not very high in Britain.
3. There are special types of train tickets in Britain.
4. There is one major railway station and a lot of smaller ones in London.
5. Coach services are more convenient than trains.
6. Coach services are much cheaper than trains.
7. The bus timetable usually doesn't match the ferry timetable.
8. Integrated transport system exists in Britain.
9. Integrated transport system exists in Russia. 10. Trains are the most popular transport.
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 521.