As the demand for multi-generational family travel continues to grow, Crystal Cruises invites children under 12 to cruise for free aboard seven Crystal Harmony 2005 Alaska cruises when sharing the same stateroom With two adults. Available during the peak family travel months of June, July and August, families and children of all ages will delight in the awe- inspiring majesty of the Last Frontier with specially designed shore adventures, onboard entertainment, and a comprehensive Junior Activities program.
With eleven departures from May through September, Crystal's 2005 Alaska season is the most extensive ever offered by the luxury cruise line. A new 7-day itinerary round-trip from Vancouver takes to sea on May 21, and ten 12-day cruises operate conveniently round-trip from San Francisco departing every week from May 30 till September 15 (see the ichedule). All itineraries feature at least one glacier experience.
Alaska is an educational wonderland of discovery, offering travellers Of all ages an open classroom in adventure, nature and the environment. For families, a Crystal cruise represents tremendous comfort and value — no other luxury line offers such an extensive program dedicated to children of all ages, while the journey through Alaska itself affords priceless experiences.
From the regal beauty of Victoria's Butchart Gardens to the Tlingit totem poles of Ketchikan, ports of call reveal the beauty of a land embraced by nature. Depending on the itinerary, guests will travel to Vancouver and Victoria, Ketchikan, Wrangell and Glacier Bay and many Other interesting places.
Along each itinerary, children will be amazed at the sight of breaching whales, calving glaciers and soaring eagles. An extensive collection Of shore excursions in each port provides ideal options for family adventures such as the legendary White Pass Scenic Railway in Skagway, or the Misty Fjords Seaplane Flightseeing Exploration in Ketchikan.
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With its acclaimed children's programs and activities, Crystal is the luxury operator best suited for the family market. Crystal Harmony has a fully supervised Junior Activities program for kids ages 17 and under, and Fantasia — the ship's dedicated children's playroom — is outfitted
Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса
with games, craft materials, Sony PlayStation video games, and personal computers with entertainment and education software.
The line's highly qualified staff of Junior Activities Directors includes grade school, high school, and physical education teachers on summer holiday, as well as seasoned camp counselors. There is at least one counselor for each 12 participants, a ratio that supports a variety of age-appropriate activities tiered for toddlers through teens. Crystal also caters to children with a special Alaska program featuring a guest naturalist when Crystal Harmony cruises Glacier Bay and Tracy Arm.
For example, younger kids display their handcrafted creations, such as frosted sugar cube igloos, in an Alaska Art Expo open for viewing by all guests. For their older brothers and sisters, one high point is a 'teens only' disco night for which they get their own personal invitations.
Depending on itinerary, cruise fares start at $1,825 per person/double occupancy. The "kids sail free" promotion is limited to triple stateroom accommodations and is capacity controlled.
At 50,000-tons, the luxurious Crystal Harmony carries only 940 guests, and is a perfect floating resort from which to view the breathtaking glaciers and unspoiled Alaskan and British Columbia scenery. The award-winning ship features expansive decks, richly appointed staterooms, more than half of which boast private verandahs, a wide variety of lounges for critically acclaimed entertainment, gourmet dining, a casino and a state-of-the-art, feng shui-designed spa and fitness facility.
Crystal Cruises is the recipient of an unprecedented nine consecutive best large-ship cruise line awards from the readers of Conde Nast Traveller and Travel + Leisure magazines.
1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if
Generation, cruise, delight, awe-inspiring, majesty, design, itinerary, glacier, adventure, nature, environment, journey, through, experience, beauty, whale, eagle, shore, excursion, luxury, luxurious, entertainment, qualified, physical, ratio, feature, guest, scenery, award, variety, lounge, gourmet, recipient.
2. Answer the questions.
1. What does Crystal Cruises offer to children?
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2. How often are the trips and how long are they?
Unit 3. Travelling By Sea
Why is Alaska so attractive for travellers with children? What are the itineraries on offer? What will children like most along each itinerary? What activities are offered for children on board? Who will lead the children's activities?
What are prices and restrictions for the Alaska Summer Cruises? What facilities and services does Crystal harmony offer to guests? What rewards does the Crystal Cruises company have?
3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text.
To cruise for free, to share the same stateroom with two adults, peak family travel months, onboard entertainment, luxury cruise line, 12-day cruises, all itineraries feature, tremendous comfort and value, totem poles, the beauty of a land embraced by nature, calving glaciers, soaring eagles, acclaimed children's programs, craft materials, entertainment and education software, Junior Activities Director, grade school, high school, Camp counselor, for toddlers through teens, guest naturalist, one high point is, a 'teens only' disco, double occupancy, triple stateroom accommodations, capacity controlled, award-winning ship richly appointed Staterooms, boast private verandahs, critically acclaimed entertainment, t state-of-the-art, feng shui-designed spa and fitness facility, best large- ihip cruise line award.
4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
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3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. |
Спрос на семейные путешествия продолжает возрастать; приключения на берегу; исчерпывающая программа досуга для детей; Семидневное путешествие туда и обратно; лайнер отправляется; Посещение по крайней мере одного ледника; страна чудес и открытий; приключения, природа и окружающая среда; обширная программа посвящена детям всех возрастов; королевская красота; порт назначения; в зависимости от маршрута; дети будут потрясены; Отдыхающие на пляже киты; экскурсии на берегу; лучше всего удовлетворяет рынок семейного отдыха; игровая комната оснащена играми и материалами для поделок; образовательное программное обеспечение; высококвалифицированный персонал; учитель физкультуры; разнообразные виды деятельности, соответствующие возрасту; поделки; иглу из замороженного сахара; именные пригласительные билеты; цены за круиз; отличный плавающий курорт;
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Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса
захватывающие дух ледники; нетронутый пейзаж; широкие палубы; разнообразие гостиных; еда для гурманов; получатель девяти наград подряд.
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 676.