Задание 16.1. Переведите предложение на русский язык. Определите залог .
1. He tells us something interesting every day. 2. He is told something interesting every day. 3. I often send letters to my friends. 4. I am often sent to the south. 5. I always praise my friends. 6. I am always praised at home. 7. Every Saturday father shows my marks to grandfather. 8. Every Saturday my father is shown my marks. 9. We often remember you. 10. We are often remembered in the village. 11. I am given juice every morning. 12. Every morning I give my cat milk. 13. I am often invited to the cinema.
14. My sister is often helped at school. 15. I sometimes forget my notebook. 16. His documents were forgotten at home. 17. The books by A. Christie are read with interest. 18. Dogs like bones. 19. Dogs are liked in many families. 20. When is the tea drunk by your family? 21. Where are the old letters kept?
22. Why are these rules always forgotten? 23. Why do you always forget these rules? 24. Where do your friends live? 25. Where is the bread bought? 26. When are the questions asked?
Задание 16.2. Составьте предложения в Passive Voice используя следующие слова : mine, produce, grow, manufacture, build, make.
Образец : Gold is mined in Russia.
Coffee Japan
Ships France
Wine Russia
Cars India
Wheat Italy
Computers she USA
Tea Australia
Silk Canada
Radios China
Cotton the UK
Sheep Germany
Champagne Brazil
Задание 16.3. Составьте вопросы с данными словами и ответьте на них.
Образец : Where / meals / to cook?
Where are meals cooked?
They are cooked in the kitchen .
1 . Where / the patients / to operate on?
2 . When / exams / usually / to take?
3 . Where / English / to speak?
4 . Where / English / to teach?
5 . Where / oriental languages / to teach?
6 . Where / bread / to keep?
7 . What time / dinner / usually / to eat?
8 . What time / the children / to put to bed?
9 . Where / books / to sell?
10. Where / newspaper / to print?
11. What / bottles / to make of?
12. Where / concerts / to hold?
13. What / bags / to make of?
14. When / tests / usually / to write?
15. What / furniture / to make of?
Задание 16.4. Переведите предложения на русский язык и определите залог.
1. Yesterday I asked the teacher to help me. 2. Yesterday I was asked to help my classmate.
3. Last summer my sister learned to swim. 4. Last summer I was taught to swim. 5. I gave my friend advice to join the sports section. 6. I was given advice to join the sports section. 7. I showed the doctor my teeth. 8. I was shown to the doctor. 9. I gave my dog a piece of sugar. 10. I was given soup for dinner.
11. Yesterday we were asked a lot of questions at the lesson. 12. I answered all the questions. 13. The teacher gave me a good mark. 14. I was praised at home. 15. These letters were brought this morning 16. My schoolbag was bought last year. 17. These nuts were eaten yesterday. 18. Where did you buy this book? 19. Where was this book bought? 20. When was the dinner cooked? 21. When was the cup broken? 22. When did you break the cup? 23. What was he promised?
Задание 16.5 Составьте предложения используя Past Simple Passive употребляя следующие глаголы : discover, invent, write, make, sing, compose, design, name, build, paint, shoot.
Образец : The wireless was invented by Marconi
Mickey Mouse Thomas Edison
Greenland Alfred Hitchcock
Penicillin Sir Christopher Wren
A Farewell to Arms George Orwell
St Paul’s Cathedral Gustav Eiffel
America the Beatles
The light bulb Verdi
Oliver Twist King Camp Gillett
Gravity Picasso
The telephone Eric the Red
Aida Alexander Fleming
The Pyramids Ernest Hemingway
Guernica George Gershwin
Psycho Isaak Newton
Lord of the Flies the Ancient Egyptians
Lord of the Rings Dickens
Yesterday Alexander Bell
The safety razor J.R.R.Tolkien
The Statue of Liberty Columbus
1984 William Golding
Porgy and Bess Walt Disney
Задание 16.6 Употребите by или with. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The jam sandwiches were made … white bread.
2. Jake was dismissed … his boss.
3. The snow was presented ……… Mr Jones.
4. The parcels were tied … string.
5. The meal was eaten … chopsticks.
6. The song was performed … Madonna.
7. This awful mess was made … Carol’s dog.
8. The football were observed … the police.
9. My hair was cut … a top stylist.
10. The goal was scored … Liverpool’s youngest player.
11. The beds were made up … clean sheets.
12. The supermarket trolley was filled … cat food.
13. My camera was loaded … a black and white film.
Задание 16.7.Передайте следующие предложение в Passive Voice
Образец : They showed me a very interesting book. -
а) I was shown a very interesting book.
б) A very interesting book was shown to me.
1. My mother told me the news yesterday.
2. Their friends sent them their photographs last week.
3. Did they recommend you any good hotels?
4. The librarian showed the student how to find necessary books.
5. They allowed the children to go to the zoo.
6. They gave us a lot of money.
7. Her parents gave her a computer for her sixteenth birthday.
8. They lent us some money.
9. My friend offered me a challenging job.
10. They paid him twice a month
11. My mother taught them English at school/
12. He promised me this book.
13. Did they show you that new Oxford Dictionary?
14. They sent presents to their relatives and friends.
15. The secretary gave the letter to her boss.
Задание 16.8. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voi ce , обращая внимание н a м ecmo предлога.
1. The senior students laughed at the freshman.
2. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday.
3. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care.
4. Nobody lived in that old house.
5. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that subject.
6. We thought about our friend all the time.
7. The doctor will operate on him in a week.
8. The teacher sent for the pupil's parents.
9. They looked for the newspaper everywhere.
10. The neighbour asked for the telegram.
12. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention.
Задание 16.9. Переведите предложения на русский язык . Определите залог .
1. I shall bring a new film tomorrow. 2. The new film will be brought tomorrow. 3. My friend will help me with mathematics. 4. My friend will be helped with German. 5. I shall buy ice-cream. 6. The new skates will be bought tomorrow. 7. Misha will ask me to help him. 8. Misha will be asked to tell about his trip. 9. The doctor will ask me to open my month. 10. The doctor will be asked to treat me. 11. The tickets will be brought tomorrow. 12.The dictation will be written next Tuesday. 13. The mother will be asked not to worry. 14. The mother will be given a cup of coffee. 15. The mother will thank the doctor.
16. The telegram will be sent right now 17. The carpet will be hung on the wall. 18. The books will be laid on the shelf. 19. When will the letter be sent? 20. When will the control work be checked? 21. How will this work be done?
Задание 16.10.Задайте вопросы к предложениям по образцу.
Образец : They will send Jane Abroad. –
When will she be sent abroad?
1.The milkman will bring milk.
2. His mother will bake the birthday cake.
3. His friends will give him a lot of presents.
4. The students will take their exams in Room 305.
5. Someone will give you this book.
6. The artist will finish his picture soon.
7. They will certainly bring us this parcel.
8. They will explain this rule to you again.
9. She will give your money back to you.
10. They will look into your matter more carefully.
11. Sooner or later he will take notice of her.
12. They will put an end to this sort of practice
13. Sooner or later they will agree upon some plan.
Задание 16.11.Составьте предложения с данными словами по образцу, используя Present Continuous ( Progressive ).
Образец : The hens / to feed / my brother. –
The hens are being fed by my brother.
1. The money / to count.
2. The windows / to clean / me.
3. The meal / to cook / in the kitchen.
4. The car / to fix / in the garage.
5. The grass / to cut.
6. The fence / to whitewash
7. The student / to examine / in this room.
8. The patient / to operate on.
9. The road / to repair / the workmen.
10. The old castle / to reconstruct
11. The dishes / to wash.
12. The wheat / to harvest.
13. The field / to plough.
14. The dog / to wash / its master.
15. A birthday cake / to make / in the kitchen
16. The trees / to plant / in the yard.
17. A record / to play.
Задание 16.1 2 .Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям , используя вопросительные слова в скобках.
1. The tape-recorder is being fixed now (What? What?)
2. Some record is being played. (What?)
3. The forms are being filled out by the tourists. (Whom … by?)
4. The fire is being put out by the firemen. (Whom … by?)
5. A new medicine is being tried at the hospital. (Where? What?)
6. The tourists are being shown around the city. (Who?)
7. A new road is being built not far from here. (What? Where?)
8. A lot of questions are still being asked about it. (Why? What … about?)
9. A new film is being shown on TV now. (What?)
Задание 16.13.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice по данному образцу, используя Past Continuous .
Образец : When I came,they were still asking questions. –
When I came, the questions were still being asked.
1. When she came, her husband was doing the washing-up.
2. When I came to this town again, they were building a new school in front of the supermarket.
3. He entered the hall and heard that somebody was calling his name.
4. As we were passing their garden, he was watering the flowers.
5. When they entered the auction-hall, they were selling those pictures.
6. When the Father came home, I was cooking dinner.
7. When the guests arrived, they were still making preparations to meet them.
8. At that moment the specialists were examining a new car.
9. When I came home, they were still putting books on the shelves.
10. When I returned, the workmen were still building a new road not far from my house.
11. After half an hour I came back. They were still showing her how to use the remote control.
12. The lesson was almost over, but the teacher was still explaining the new rule to them.
Задание 16.14.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice , используя Present Perfect .
Образец : Nobody has ever spoken to him like that. –
He has never been spoken to like that.
1. Someone has taken his bike.
2. No one has ever beaten me at chess.
3. No one has lived in that house for many years.
4. They have already paid him for that work.
5. He has made several mistakes in his essay.
6. Somebody has left the door open.
7. Somebody has already boiled the water.
8. They have invited us to dinner.
9. Some one has obviously found you purse.
10. Someone has left this house unattended.
11. They have left their money at home.
12. They have opened a new bar not far from here.
13. Have you done all the washing?
14. Someone has broken my glasses.
15. No one has ever treated her like that before.
Задание 16.15. Раскройте скобки , употребив Present Perfect или Past Indefinite (Simple) в Active или Passive Voice.
1.The old fireplace (to replace) in this room recently.
2.In 1964 Martin Luther King (to win) the Nobel Peace Prize.
3.The cartoon character Mickey Mouse (to create) by Walt Disney.
4.What (to change) in this room? You (to put) a new carpet?
5.Teachers (to give) a new pay rise.
6.Where you (to find) this dog? It’s so dirty.
7.A valuable painting (to steal) from the Central Art Gallery last night.
8.The thief (to take) only money. The diamonds (not to take).
9.Where you (to be) lately?
10.You (to invite) to the party?
11.John Kennedy (to assassinate) in Dallas in 1963.
12.The thieves (to enter) the house through the kitchen window.
13. Someone (to be) here last night. My bracelet and some rings (to take)!
14.When the television (to invent)? Who (to invent) it?
15.”They (to tell) you the news?”
“No, I (not to tell) anything.”
16.The missing boy still (not to find).
17.She (not to ask) any questions last night.
Задание 16.16. Раскройте скобки , употребив Past Progressive Passive или Past Perfect Passive.
1.I couldn’t use my car last Sunday. It (to fix).
2.When I got to the parking lot, I didn’t find my car. It (to steal).
3.We didn’t go to the party because we (not to invite).
4.When I phoned Mark, he told me that my camera still (to repair), so I couldn’t come and get it.
5.When the taxi arrived, the things still (to pack).
6.When the taxi arrived, the things (to pack) already.
7.In the dining-room Johnny still (to give) a lecture on table manners.
8.There were no tickets left when we came. They all (to sell out).
9.When Mother came, the room looked spotless. Everything (to tidy up).
10.When they arrived home, the preparations still (to make).
11.I (to ask) a lot of questions before they agreed I knew nothing.
12.When I came into the room, the students still (to ask) questions.
13.When the guests came, everything (to do) already, and the kettle (to put on).
14.By the time we got home, everything was quiet. The children (to put) to bed.
15.I heard some noise upstairs. “What’s going on?” I asked and got an answer that little Kate (to put) to bed.
16.After he (to promise) the job, he felt quite jubilant.
Задание 16.17. Раскройте скобки, употребив Future Perfect Passive по данному образцу.
Образец : By the time you get there (everything / to do). –
By the time you get there everything will have been done.
1.By next summer (the swimming pool / to build) in this street.
2.By three o’clock (my work /to finish) already.
3.By the time you come back (the flat / to tidy up).
4.(The supper / to cook) by the time the children come from school?
5.By next year (this house / to reconstruct).
6.I hope by winter (this road / to repair).
7.I think by tomorrow (this question / to settle).
8.By the time he comes (all traces / to hide).
9.You can’t go to the library at eight tomorrow. By that time (it / to close)
10.The think that by next winter (the reconstruction works / to finish) and they’ll be able to let the tourists see the gallery.
Задание 16.18. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите залог.
1. They are sending for the doctor.
2. The doctor is being sent for.
3. He asked me a question.
4. The question was asked.
5. Special attention is being paid to the grammar.
6. This paper has been just received.
7. I will write a letter to my friends in Britain.
8. The letter will be soon written.
9. The tiles are being laid in the bathroom.
10.They are buying the furniture for the kitchen.
11.They will be speaking about this problem with you tomorrow at five.
12.The new apartment house is being constructed in our street.
13.The armchair was placed in the sitting room.
14.They are playing tennis.
15.Football is played in winter in Great Britain.
16.Their apartment is located not far from the centre.
Задание 16. 19 . Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Передайте следующие предложение в Active Voice .
1. The apartment houses are being built.
2. « Anna Karenina » was written by Tolstoy.
3. The doctor has been sent for.
4. Tennis is played all over the world.
5. The room will be wallpapered tomorrow.
6. He is always listened to with great interest.
7. This student has been spoken about recently.
8. The repairs will be made as soon as my parents come back from vacation.
9. A lot of letters were answered.
Задание 16.20. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Passive или Active Voice .
1. Vlad (invite) many friends to his birthday party.
2. Vlad (invite) to a birthday party by his friend yesterday.
3. The repairs (make) next month.
4. A lot of apartment houses (build) in our city now.
5. The books of this writer (read) all over the world.
6. He (ask) the teacher about this rule.
7. The teacher (ask) the question by Sam.
8. He (meet) at the station yesterday.
9. The blinds (hang) tomorrow.
10.Exercises (write) in class every day.
11.The sofa (place) in the left corner.
12.This problem not (discuss) in class.
Задание 16.21. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Письмо написано студентом.
2. Ремонт производится рабочими в настоящее время.
3. Нас встретили на станции.
4. Об этой книге будут много говорить.
5. Салат уже готов.
6. Вашингтон расположен на реке Потомак.
7. Деревья были посажены прошлой осенью.
8. Его доклад был выслушан с интересом.
9. Все письма будут написаны завтра к двенадцати часам.
10. Дом будет построен к концу следующего дня.
Задание 16.22. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by the architect Ren. 2. When was the letter written? 3. Where have he books been put? 4. The doctor will be sent for tomorrow. 5. Many houses are built in St. Petersburg.
6. Works of English and American writers are published all over the world. 7. Robert Burns’s poems are known in many countries of the world. 8. When Charles Dickens was a little boy, his father was put into debtors’ prison 9. This opera was written a hundred years ago. 10. This novel has already been translated into five languages. 11. The dinner was being cooked when I came home. 12. By the time he came, the letter had been brought from the library? 13. Our house is being repaired now. 14. Kolya is being asked right now. 15. Have the books been already brought from the library? 16. This cinema had been built before we came here. 17. Where is you brother now? – He is being painted by our designers in our hall.
18. You have just been spoken about. 19. At home she was laughed at. 20. “I have just been ordered to take the prisoners in” – said the soldier. 21. By whom has this letter been written? 22. These flowers have just been gathered. -
Задание 16.23. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. This story was discussed at the lesson of literature. 2. He was brought up by his sister. 3. Don’t worry, he will be helped with the work. 4. Three new schools are being built in our district. 5. I was introduced to her father yesterday. 6. When I return home, all my cases will have been packed. 7. What text-book is referred to by you in your report? 8. Had this composition really been written before you made the report. 9. She wasn’t listened to attentively and all that she had said was soon forgotten. 10. This episode is talked about a lot at our time. 11. We were taken to the hall and offered good seats. 12. Has the medicine been sent for? – Yes it is being looked for. 13. This bridge is being built. It was being built when I saw it for the first time. 14. When I started to help them, the article was being translated.
15. When I come home, the dinner will being cooked.
Задание 16.24. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.
1. You must take the box to the station. 2. You can cross the river on a raft. 3. The workers can finish the building of the house very soon. 4. You must return the books the day after tomorrow. 5. You must do three of these exercises tomorrow. 6. You can find the book you need in any library. 7. We must send these letters at once. 8. I can easily forgive this mistake. 9. You can find such berries everywhere. 11. You must do this work very carefully. 11. The doctor says they must take her to hospital. 12. You can do the work in three days. 13. The students must return all the library books before each summer vacation. 14.Donkeys can climb even the tallest trees.
Задание 17.1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времен.
1.I knew that he had never missed the lectures.
2.I hoped he wouldn't come and spoil the party.
3.We thought that they were a happy couple.
4.Everybody was sure that she was a liar.
5.Strange! I thought I had left this textbook at home!
6.He said that he was very tired.
7.They didn't know that he had seen the doctor already.
8.He said he wouldn't go to college on Friday.
9.I expected that you would introduce me to your teacher.
10.She said she was glad to see us.
11.He said that he wanted to place an international telephone call.
1.Why did you say you had been absent the day before?
2.He wanted to know why you had missed the lecture.
3.Mike told me she would be there very soon.
4.She promised she would call us some day the following week.
5.The doctor asked me when I had caught cold.
6.Father promised that the journey by train wouldn't be so tiresome that time.
7.They were afraid that the repairs would cost a fortune.
8.Mother thought the children were playing football in the yard.
9.Sam told me that he had been reading that book for the whole night.
Задание 17.2. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времён.
1.Я думала, что вы опаздываете в кино.
2.Она была уверена, что ее сын придет из школы рано.
3.Нина вспомнила, что не записала номер телефона своей подруги.
4.Я не ожидал, что мой брат заболеет.
5.Медсестра сказала, что доктор придет только после 12 часов.
6.Почему он сказал мне, что никогда не видел тебя?
7.Я не думал, что мое мнение так важно для тебя.
8.Она обещала, что выучит английский язык перед поездкой за границу
8.Они говорили, что знают его хорошо.
9.Он сказал, что готовится к экзамену.
10.Почему он не позвонил нам, как обещал?
11.Они говорили, что он сегодня задержится.
12.Я думал, что они друзья.
Задание 17.3. Передайте следующие предложения в кocвeннoй речи.
1.“I think he is a clever man,” says Elisabeth.
2.”Michal never seems angry or irritated,” remarks Alina.
3.”Barny is in the garage,” says Norma.
4.”He was born in Chicago,” she says.
5.”What you have just told me is very surprising,” John says to Constance.
6.”I can’t understand what the professor is talking about,” says Flora.
7.”My mother will be glad to have you over for dinner,” says Maurice.
8.”We have lived here for a long time,” says Monica.
9.”He is a good speaker. No one can beat him in a public argument.” Remarks Sheila.
10.“You dance so well,” says Nick to Polly.
1.”I am sorry to disturb you,” said Mike to Elisa.
2.”The taxi is waiting,” said the porter.
3.”I am Monica’s teacher of history,” said Mr O’Brian.
4.”I’ll be all right in a minute,” said Flora.
5.”I am deeply grateful for all Michelle has done for me and my family,” said Gloria.
6.”You have been generosity itself with your cousins,” said the teacher.
7.”Moira always comes home for dinner,” said Mr Collins.
8.”Everyone took me for my twin brother there and behaved accordingly,” said Tom.
9.”I asked the professor some questions”, said Nelly.
10.”My mother wants to know if you are coming to see her tomorrow,” she said.
1.” I posted your letter yesterday,” said Pearl to her.
2.”I’ll have another talk with him tomorrow,” said Agnes.
3.”You have a beautiful lace here,” said Pete.
4.”Jessica arrived last night and she wanted to see you,” said Ann.
5.”You’ll never guess whom I met today. It was Flora!,” said Nick.
6.”I have not seen him this morning,” said Luke.
7.”He’ll meet her today,” she said.
8.”I saw Jack at the University today,”said Anne.
9.”Tonight I shall stay at home and read what the editor has given to me,”said Nelly.
10.”If you come tonight you will see a cheerful crowd of people,” said Bass.
Задание 17.4. Передайте следующие повелительныe предложения в кocвeннoй речи.
1. Their teacher said to me: "Hand this note to your parents, please." 2. Oleg said to his sister: "Put the letter into an envelope and give it to Kate." 3. "Please help me with this work, Henry," said Robert.
4. "Please bring me some fish soup," he said to the waitress. 5. "Don't worry over such a small thing," she said to me. 6. "Please don't mention it to anybody," Marry said to her friend. 7. "Promise to come and see me," said Jane to Alice. 8. He said to us: "Come here tomorrow." 9. I said to Mikes: "Send me a telegram as soon as you arrive." 10. Father said to me: "Don't stay there long." 11. Peter said to them: "Don't leave the room until I come back." 12. "Take my luggage to Room 145," he said to the porter. 10. He said to me: "Ring me up tomorrow." 14. "Bring me a cup of black coffee," she said to the waiter. 15. "Don't be late for dinner," said mother to us. 16. Jane said to us: "Please tell me all you know about it."
17. She said to Nick: "Please don't say anything about it to your sister."
Задание 17.5. Передайте следующие повествовательныe предлoженuя в косвенной речи.
1. Не said: "I have just received a letter from my uncle." 2. "I am going to the theatre tonight," he said to me. 3. Mikes said: "I spoke to Br. Browne this morning." 4. He said to her: "I shall do it today if I have time." 5. I said to them: "I can give you my uncle's address." 6. Oleg said: "Му room is on the second floor." 7. Не said: "I am sure she will ring me up when she is back in St. Petersburg." 8. Misha said: "I saw them at my parents' house last year." 9. Не said: "I haven't seen my cousin today." 10. "I don't go to this shop very often," she said. 11. Tom said: "I have already had breakfast, so I am not hungry." 12. He said to me: "They are staying at the Grand Europe Hotel." 13. He said: "They are leaving next Monday." 14. The clerk said to them: "You can leave the key with the maid upstairs." 15. Masha said: "I usually spend my holidays in the south." 16. She said: "I spent my holidays in the Crimea last year." 17.Bois said: "I go to the south every year." 18. He said: "I am going to a health resort tomorrow."19. Ann said to us: "They haven't come." 20. She said to us: "They arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday."21. I said: "I was in London last year. My friends in London sometimes invite me to spend my holidays with them." 22. Nick said: "I have never been to London. I think I shall go there next year." 23.He said: "I shall not stay with my friends too long."
Задание 17.6. Передайте следующие специальные вопросы в косвенной речи.
1. Mother said to me: "Who has brought this parcel?" 2. Hе said to her: "Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?" 3. Ann said to Mike: "When did you leave London?" 4. She said to Boris: "When will you be back home?" 5. Boris said to them: "How can I get to the railway station?"
6. Mary asked Tom: "What time will you come here tomorrow?" 7. She asked me: "Why didn't you come here yesterday?" 8. She asked: "What will you do tomorrow if you are not busy at your office?"
9. I said to Nick: "Where are you going?" 10. I said to him: "How long are you going to stay there?"
11. I said to him: "How long will it take you to get there?" 12. Pete said to his friends: "When are you leaving St. Petersburg?" 13. He said to them: "Who will you see before you leave here?" 14. She said to him: "What time does the train start?" 15. I asked Mikes: "What will you do after dinner?" 16. I asked my uncle: "How long did you stay in the Crimea?" 17. Ada said to me: "Where did you see such trees?"
18. I said to Becky: "What kind of book has your friend brought you?"
Задание 17.7. Пepeдaйme следующие общие вonpoсы в косвенной речи.
1. I said to Mikes: "Have you packed your suitcase?" 2. I said to Katie: ''Did anybody meet at the station?" 3. I said to her: "Can you give me their address?" 4. I asked Tom: "Have you had breakfast?"
5. I asked my sister: "Will you stay at home or go for a walk after dinner?" 6. I said to my mother: "Did anybody come to see me?" 7. I asked my sister: "Will Nick call for you on the way to school?" 8. She said to the young man: "Can you call a taxi for me?" 9. Marry said to Peter: "Have you shown your photo to Dick?" 10. Oleg said to me: "Will you come here tomorrow?" 11. Не said to us: "Did you go to the museum this morning?" 12. I said to Bois: "Does your friend live in London?" 13. I said to the man: "Are you living in a hotel?" 14. Nick said to his friend: "Will you stay at the "Hiltons"?" 15. He said to me: "Do you often go to see your friends?" 16. He said to me "Will you see your friends before you leave St. Petersburg?" 17. Mikes said to Jane: "Will your come to the railway station to see me off?"
18. She said to me: "Have you sent them a telegram?" 19. She said to me: "Did you send them a telegram yesterday?"
Задание 17.8. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенн o ŭ речи.
1. "Do you know where the Browns live?" we asked a passerby. 2. "There are a lot of trains to my station on Sunday," said Andrew to us. "You will have no problems getting to my country place." 3. "Do you often meet my sister at the library?" he asked me. 4. "Will the teacher return our exercise books today?" asked Nick. 5. "Our nephew is a very capable young man," said the woman. "He has just graduated from college, but he is already a very skillful specialist." 6. "Sit still and don't move your head," said the doctor to me. 7. "I want to know how your cousin likes working at this hospital," said Vera to Helena.
8. "Don't forget to bring your exercise books tomorrow," said the teacher to us. "You are going to write a very important paper." 9. "How can I get to the circus?" asked the girl. "Take tram number five," said the man. 10. "I am very sorry, Katie," said Mikes, "I have forgotten to bring your dictionary." 11. "When does your mother go shopping?" asked the neighbour.
Задание 17.9. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. Marry wondered if Jane would be busy the next day. 2. Tom asked if Jane would come to the Philharmonic with him. Jane asked at what time he was planning to go. Tom said that it would take them long to get there. Jane asked where they would meet. 3. John asked Mary if she was afraid of thunderstorm.
4. He asked her if she had ever walked in rainy weather. 5. Mary told John that she preferred sunny days. 6. The woman asked her son if he was in a hurry. 7. Ann asked if they would go to the country the next day. 8. Mary asked her friend what she liked to doe on her days off. 9. I asked the secretary if I might speak to the headmistress. 10. Nick wanted to know if Helen would give him her book.
Задание 18.1. Переведите на русский.
1. The question is not very easy to answer.
2. They are too well-bred to forget about their manners.
3. They are too well-bred to have forgotten about their manners.
4. They are too well-bred to be spoken of like this.
5. He has a lot of work to do.
6. There is a lot of work to be done.
7. He is not stupid to say things like these.
8. He is not stupid to have said things like these.
9. He is not stupid to be expelled from college.
10. He is not stupid to have been expelled from college.
11. He is lucky to have traveled so much.
12. He seems to know all about European politics.
13. The girl pretended to be reading a book.
14. He seems to be looking for something.
15. It seems to have been raining since morning.
16. It is so wise of you to have come first and to have reserved.
Задание 18.2. Вставьте чаcmицy to nеpeд инфинитивом, где необходимо.
1. I'd like ... dance. 2. She made me ... repeat my words several times. 3. I saw him ... enter the room.
4. She did not let her mother ... go away. 5. Do you like ... listen to good music? 6. Would you like ... listen to good music? 7. That funny scene made me ... laugh. 8. I like ... play the guitar. 9. Му brother сan ... speak French. 10. We had ... put on our overcoats because it was cold. 11. They wanted ... cross the river. 12. It is high time for you ... go to bed. 16. May I ... use your telephone? 14. The heard the girl ... cry out with joy. 15. I would rather ... stay at home today. 16. Не did not want ... play in the yard any more. 17. Would you like ... go to England? 18. You look tired. You had better ... go home. 19. I wanted ... speak to Nick, but could not ... find his telephone numbers. 20. It is time ... get up. 21. Let me ... help you with your homework. 22. I was planning ... do a lot of things yesterday. 20. I'd like ... speak to you. 24. I think I shall be able ... solve this problem. 25. What makes you ... think you are right? 26. I shall do all I can ... to help you. 27. I like... dance.
Задание 18.3. Замените выделенные части предложений инфинитивными оборотами.
Образец : The boy had many toys which he could play with. The boy had many toys to play with.
1. Here is something which will warm you up. 2. Here is a new brush which you will clean your teeth with. 3. Here are some more facts which will prove that your theory is correct. 4. Here is something which you can rub on your hands. It will soften them. 5. Here are some screws with which you can fasten the shelves to the wall. 6. Here are some tablets which will relieve your headache. 7. Here are some articles which must be translated for tomorrow. 8. Who has a pen or a pencil to spare? I need something I could write with. 9. I have brought you a book which you can read now, but be sure and return it by Saturday. 11. Soon we found that there was another complicated problem that we were to consider. 11. The girl was quite young when both her parents died and she remained alone with two younger brothers whom she had to take care of. 12. I have no books which I can read. 13. Is there anybody who will help you with your spelling? 14. Don't forget that she has a baby which she must take care of. 15. Have you got nothing that you want to say on this subject? 16. There was nothing that he could do except go home. 17. I have only a few minutes in which I can explain these words to you. 18. I have an examination which I must take soon, so I can't go to the theatre with you.
Задание 18.4. Замените npuдamочные предложения инфинитивным оборотами .
Образец : Не is so old that he cannot skate. Не is too old to skate.
I. She has got so fat that she cannot wear this dress now. 2. The accident was so terrible that I don't want to talk about it. 3. They were so empty-headed that they could not learn a single thing.
4. Тhe window was so dirty that they could not see through it. 5. She was so foolish that she could not understand my explanation. 6. I have very little wool: it won't make a sweater. 7. The problem is so difficult that it is impossible to solve it. 8. The box is so heavy that nobody can carry it.
9. The baby is so little that it cannot walk. 10. He is so weak that he cannot lift this weight. 11. She is so busy that she cannot talk with you. 12. She was so inattentive that she did not notice the mistake. 13. Тhе rule was so difficult that they did not understand it. 14. He was so stupid that he did not see the joke.
Задание 18.5. Переведите н a русский язык, обращая внимание на Active u Passive Infinitive .
1. To play chess was his greatest pleasure. 2. The child did not like to be washed. 3. Isn't it natural that we like to be praised and don't like to be scolded? 4. Which is more pleasant: to give or to be given presents? 5. Nature has many secrets to be discovered yet. 6. To improve your pronunciation you should record yourself and analyse your speech. 7. This is the book to be read during the summer holidays. 8. To be instructed by such a good specialist was a great advantage. 9. He is very forgetful, but he doesn't like to be reminded of his duties.
Задание 18.6. Pa скрой me скобки, у no требляя требующуюся форму инфинитива .
1. They seemed (to quarrel): I could hear angry voices from behind the door. 2. They are supposed (to work) at the problem for the last two months. 3. The only sound (to hear) was the snoring of grandfather in the bedroom. 4. Her ring was believed (to lose) until she happened (to find) it during the general cleaning. It turned out (to drop) between the sofa and the wall. 5. They seemed (to wait) for ages.
6. I hate (to bother) you, but the students are still waiting (to give) books for their work. 7. Не seized every opportunity (to appear) in public: he was so anxious (to talk) about. 8. Is there anything else (to tell) her? I believe she deserves (to know) the state of her sick brother. 9. Не began writing books not because he wanted (to earn) a living. 11. I consider myself lucky (to be) to that famous exhibition and (to see) so many wonderful paintings. 11. Не seems (to know) French very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris. 12. The enemy army was reported (to overthrew) the defence lines and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city. 11. The woman pretended (to read) and (not to hear) the bell. 14. You seem (to look) for trouble. 15. It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snows.
Задание 18.7. Pa скрой me скобки, у no требляя требующуюся форму инфинитива .
1. I hate (to bother) other people.
2. I hate (to bother) by other people.
3. She likes (to tell) and (to tell) how pretty she is.
4. He seemed (to watch) the film very attentively.
5. He seems (to see) a lot in his numerous trips.
6. It was too difficult (to explain) .
7. She had a lot of housework(to do).
8. There are no people (to trust) here.
9. There are many books (to read).
10. There is a lot of housework (to do) today.
11. The wind seems (to blow) since we came here.
12. The wind seems (to blow) every day.
13. The door seems (to blow) shut by the wind.
14. He pretended (to earn) a lot of money.
15. He claimed (to earn) enough money to buy the car.
16. There was no land (to see).
17. (To see) her once was what made him happy.
18. He was happy (to see) her before he left.
19. The committee is said (to study) the documents and they have made a conclusion.
20. I am glad (to help) you with this problem, so it will be no trouble at all. 27. I think he deserves( to tell) about this.
21. He was the first person in our house (to be) to all the continents.
Задание 18.8. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на
1. Thank you for helping me.
2. I remember your telling me the story five years ago.
3. It`s no use arguing about trifles.
4. He dreams of becoming a sailor.
5. We enjoyed walking slowly along the silent streets.
6. You will enrich your vocabulary by reading more English books.
7. There is no chance of his winning the first prize.
8. I remember seeing you somewhere.
9. Peter`s hobby is seeing all new films.
10. This flat needs redecorating.
11. I am thinking of seeing this film again.
12. Seeing you is always a pleasure.
13. There is no accounting for his strange behaviour.
14. Excuse my interrupting you.
15. This film is worth watching.
16. I insist on your coming in time for the lectures.
Задание 18.9. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.
1. Repairing cars is his business. 2. It goes without saying. 3. There is no chance of winning.
4. Would you mind closing the door?. 5. There are two ways of getting sugar: one from beet and the mother from sugarcane. 6. Jane Eyre was fond off reading. 7. Miss Trotwood was in the habit of asking Br. Dick his opinion. 8. Have you finished waiting? 9. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very useful. 10. I like skiing, but my sister prefers skating. 11. She likes sitting in the sun. 12. It looks liked raining. 12. My watch wants repairing. 13. Thank you for coming. 14. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month. 15. I had the pleasure of dancing with her the whole evening. 16. Let's go boating. 17. He talked without stopping. 18. Some people can walk all day without feeling tired.
Задание 18.10. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.
A. I'm really looking forward to going to New York.
B. Are you? I'm not. I can't stand visiting noisy cities.
A. But New York is wonderful. I love seeing the skyscrapers, the museums, the historical monuments, the Statue of Liberty... .
В. I hate visiting museums. I'm not looking forward to going at all.
A. Oh, it's so excising! I like listening to the sounds of New York - the traffic, the different languages... .
B. As for me, I hate visiting noisy cities!
A. Oh, come on! It'll be fun. New York's a great big melting pot of people from all over the world. And the world capital is worth seeing. It's so interesting!
В. That's what you think. And the city's so dirty, you know.
А. You are right, it is dirty. Вut it is beautiful, too. The Big Apple is really worth visiting!
Задание 18.11. В следующих предложениях замените придаточные дополнительные герундием c прeдлогом of.
Образец: She thought she would go to the country for the weekend.
She thought of goings to the country for the weekend.
1. I thought I would come and see you tomorrow. 2. I am thinking that I shall go out to the country tomorrow to see my mother. 3. What do you think you will do tomorrow? — I don't know now; I thought I would go to the zoo, but the weather is so bad that probably I shan't go. 4. I hear there are some English books at our institute bookstall now. — So you are thinking that you will buy some, aren't you?
5. I thought I would work in the library this evening, but as you have come, I won't go to the library.
Задание 18.12. B следующих предложениях замените придаточные времени герундием c предлогом after.
Образец : When she had bought everything she needed, she went home.
After buying everything she needed, she went home.
1. After she took the child to the kindergarten, she went to the library to study for her examination.
2. When he had made a thorough study of the subject, he found that it was a great deal more important than he had thought at first. 3. After I had hesitated some minutes whether to buy the hat or not, I finally decided that I might find one I liked better in another shop. 4. When she had graduated from the university, she left St. Petersburg and went to teach in her hometown. 5. When he had proved that his theory was correct, he started studying ways of improving the conditions of works in very deep coal-mines.
Задание 18.13. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму герундия.
1. I like (to ask) other people for help.
2. I like (to ask) for help by other people.
3. These walls need (to paint ).
4. He entered without (to knock) at the door.
5. Your suggestion is worth (to pay attention to).
6. On (to tell) me the truth, he felt very relieved.
7. I remember (to be) here a long time ago.
8. We are strongly against (to treat) like this.
9. The professor insisted on the task (to fulfil) by the coming seminar.
10. There is no (to prevent) it now.
11. We all appreciate your (to do) it all by yourself.
12. I prefer (to walk) home to (to drive).
13. I find the book worth (to read).
14. They kept on (to argue) for hours.
15. He mentioned (to see) her in the office last week.
16. I am sorry for (not to support) you at the last meeting.
17. His suggestion of (to come) before everyone else to get the best seats was met well.
18. I am not used to (to do) this in public.
19. I am not used to this (to do) in public.
20. The idea of film (to be) in Paris excited her.
Задание 18.14. Употребите нужный предлог.
1. I regret … not having worked harder at the language as a boy.
2. He kept … arguing with me though I was silent.
3. He is accustomed … being treated like this.
4. Don`t be afraid … being treated like this.
5. You can`t prevent them … being together.
6. We have no difficulty … communicating our thoughts.
7. I am not used … being interrupted.
8. I have never been fond … accompanying my wife to the shops.
9. The teacher strongly objected … our missing the lessons.
10. He suggested … going to the mountains in summer.
11. He depended very much … his winning the scholarship.
12. I have never enjoyed people … singing at the parties.
13. My parents can`t afford … buying this house.
14. I think I can never succeed … passing my driving test.
15. Do you appreciate people … gossiping around?
16. I don`t fancy … wearing this dress at the party – it makes me look old.
17. I shall never forget … taking this exam.
18. He is punctual – you can rely … his coming in time.
Задание 18.15. Переведите нa русский язык, обращая внимание нa герундий.
1.She has always dreamt of living in a small house by the sea. 2. She disliked living in her old house.
3. She was thinking of buying a new one. 4. Now, she enjoys living in a beautiful new house.
5. She misses seeing the neighbours of course. 6. She enjoyed talking to them and didn't mind helping them usually. 7. She likes cooking and is very good at it. 8. Bout she doesn't like washing and ironing.
9. She hates getting up early, but she has to. 11. She doesn't mind working a lot, you know.
12. She enjoys driving an expensive car. 13. She has always dreamt of travelling round the world.
14. She hates flying and she's never been overseas. 15. She has risen to be head of the company in spite of being a woman in a man's world. 16. She loves meeting people because she can't bear being alone.
17. She loves talking to the press and appearing on PTV shows. 18. She enjoys being photographed because she thinks she's beautiful. 19. She hates being laughed at. 20. She likes being stared at because she thinks she's attractive. 21. She hates being ignored.
Задание 18.16. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание
нa разные формы герундия.
1. I understand perfectly your wishing to start the work in France. 2. Everybody will discuss the event, there is no reasons preventing it. 3. At last he broke the silence by inviting everybody to walk into the dining room. 4. On being told the news, she turned pale, 5. The place is worth visiting. 6. Watching football matches may be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting playing football.
7. She stopped coming to see us, and I wondered what had happened to her. 8. Can you remember having seen the mаn before? 9. She was terrified of having to speak to anybody, and even more, of being spoken to. 10. Нe was on the point of leaving the club, as the porter stopped him.11. After being corrected by the teacher, the students' papers were returned to them. 12. Seeing a good film is a pleasure.13. We thought of seeing a film after supper.
Задание 18.17. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.
1.He keeps insisting on my goings to the south. 2. Oh please, do stop laughing at him. 3. Do you mind my asking you a difficult question? 4. Would you mind coming again in a day or two? 5. I don't mind wearing this dress. 6. She could not help smiling. 7. I cannot put off doing this translation. 8. Though David was tired, he went on walking in the direction of Dover. 9. I avoided speaking to them about that matter.10. She burst out crying. 11. They burst out launching. 12. She denied having been at home that evening. 13. He enjoyed talking of the pleasures of travelling. 14. Excused my leaving you at such a moment. 15. Please forgive my interfering. 16. He gave up smoking a few years ago. 17. They went on talking. 18. Her husband used to smoke, but he stopped smoking two years ago. But it was too late.
19. Have you finished washing the dishes yet? 20. Don't be nervous! Stop biting your nails!
21. Не postponed going to News York as he felt ill.
Задание 18.18. Переведите нa русский язык, обращая внимание нa причастия.
1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl. 2. The little plump woman standing at the window is my grandmother. 3. The man playing the piano is Katie's uncle. 4. Entering the room, she turned on the light. 5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun. 6. Looking out of the window, he saw his mother watering the flowers.7. Bearing the sounds of music, we stopped talking.8. She went into the room, leaving the door open.9. Working at his desk, he listened to a new CD. 10. Running into the road, the young man stopped a taxi. 11. Looking through the newspaper, she noticed a photograph of her boss. 12. Using chemicals, the firemen soon put out the fire in the forest.
Задание 18.19. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Past Participles .
1. She put a plate of fried fish in front of me.2.The coat bought last year is too small for me now.3.Nobody saw the things kept in that box. 4. Ay sister likes boiled eggs. 5. We stopped before a shut door. 6. Tided to the tree, the goat could not run away, 7. They saw overturned tables and chairs and pieces of broken glass all over the room. 8. This is a church built many years ago. 9. Them books written by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th century England. 10. The boy playing in the garden is my sister’s son. 11. You can get the recommended book in the library. 12. He asked her to go on with her story, promising not to interrupt her again. 13. Receiving no letters from her father, she called him.
14. He left the office at three o’ clock, saying he would be back at five. 15. She stood leaning against the wall. 16. He lay on the sofa reading a newspaper. 17. Seeing her he raised his hat. 18. Having signed the letter the manager asked the secretary to send it off at once. 19. Informed of the arrival of the ship, they sent a car to the port. 20. Having lived in that town all his life, he knew it very well. 21. Having arranged everything, he went home on the 10.30 train. 22. Having been well prepared for the interview, he could answer all the questions. 23. Being checked with great care, the report didn’t contain any errors.
24. These machines will be sent to the plant being constructed in this region.
Задание 18.20. Переведите н a русский язык , об pa щая вним a ни e н a Participle I u Participle II .
1. a) A letter sent from St. Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow.
b) He saw some people in the post office sending telegrams.
c) When sending the telegram, she forgot to write her name.
2. a) Some of the questions put to the lecturer yesterday were very important.
b) The girl putting the book on the shelf is the new librarian.
c) While putting the eggs into the basket, she broke one of them.
3. a) A fish taken out of the water cannot live.
b) A person taking a sunbath must be very careful.
c) Taking a dictionary, he began to translate the text.
4. a) A line seen through this crystal looks double.
b) A teacher seeing a mistake in a student's dictation always corrects it.
с) Seeing clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried: "Fire! Fire!"
5. a) The word said by the student was not correct.
b) The man standing at the door of the train carriage and saying goodbye to his friends is a well-known musician.
c) Standing at the window, she was waving her hand.
6. a) A word spoken in time may have very important results.
b)The students speaking good English must help their classmates.
c)The speaking doll interested the child very much.
d)While speaking to Nick some days ago, I forgot to ask him about his sister.
Задание 18.21. Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильную форму причастия.
interesting films interested spectators
exciting games excited children
boring lessons bored students
burning fires burnt woods
sinking ships sunk ships
1.A crowd of (excite) people were watching the firemen trying to save the (burn) building. 2. “During my vacation I came across several extremely (interest) books,’’ said he. “Which ones?’’ she asked in an (interest) voice. 3. Why do you look so (worry)? – I’ve had a number of (worry) telephone calls lately.
4. I don’t know what was in the (burn) letter, I didn’t read it. 5. Nothing can save the (sink) ship now, all we can do is to try and save the passengers. 6. It was an (excite) incident. No wonder she spoke about it in an (excite) voice. 7. After hearning the (frighten) tale, the (frighten) children wouldn’t go to sleep.
8. The doctor did his best to convince her that there was nothing seriously wrong with the boy, but the (worry) mother wouldn’t calm down.
Задание 18.22. Переведите следующие причастия на английский язык.
1.написанный; 2. принесённый; 3. давая; 4. разговаривающий; 5. спрошенный; 6. отвечая;
7. читаемый; 8. рассказанный; 9. издаваемый; 10. работающий; 11. читая; 12. открывающий;
13. берущий; 14. потерянный; 15. сделанный; 16. стоя; 17. идущий; 18. входя; 19. смотрящий;
20. построенный; 21. видя.
1. разбитая чашка; 2. проигранная игра; 3. разорванный конверт; 4. проигравшая команда;
5. проигрывающая команда; 6. кипячёная вода; 7. кипящая вода; 8. забытый метод: 9. человек, забывший (раньше); 10. лающая собака; 11. испытанный метод; 12. жареная рыба; 13. жарящаяся рыба; 14. вспрыгнувший на стол кот; 15. прыгающая собака; 16. украденная тема; 17. смеющийся голос; 18. смеявшаяся девушка; 19. выбранная тема; 20. печёный картофель; 21. потерянный шанс; 22. найденное решение; 23. выигравший спортсмен; 24. написанное письмо.
Задание 19.1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Mike can run very fast.
2. They can understand French.
3. Kate can speak English well.
4. My brother can come and help you in the garden.
5. Сan you speak Spanish?
6.Can your brother help me with mathematics?
7. His little sister can walk already.
8.The children cannot carry this box: it is too heavy.
9.My friend cannot come on time.
10.This old woman cannot sleep at night.
11.His sister can cook very well.
12.I can sing, but I cannot dance.
13.Can’t you wait till tomorrow morning? – I can wait, but my toothache can’t.
14.Can I borrow your pencil fore a moment?
15.Her grandmother can knit very well.
16.I can answer the questions. They are very easy.
17. This trip is too expensive for me. I can’t afford it.
18. She can type. She can speak well on the telephone. She hopes she can find the job she’s looking for.
19. Could you come to my place next Friday? – I’m sorry. I can’t.
Задание 19.2. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя выражение to be able to.
1.Она не может вовремя добраться до аэропорта.
2.Ты сможешь отправить ему электронную почту сегодня вечером?
3. Они какое-то время не смогут смотреть телевизор: с ним что-то случилось.
4.Боюсь, что он не сможет помочь мне переехать в новый дом на следующей неделе.
5. Ты сможешь сделать эту работу завтра?
6. Я думаю, она не сумеет решить эту задачу.
7. Завтра я буду свободен и смогу помочь тебе.
8. Мы сможем поехать в Нью-Йорк в будущем году?
9.Ты сможешь починить мой магнитофон?
10.Вчера я не смог встретиться директором так, но сегодня после работы я смогу это сделать.
11.Он рад, что смог вовремя закончить задание.
Задание 19.3. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.May I invite Nick to our house?
2. You may go now.
3.If you have done your homework, you may go for a walk.
4. Don’t go to the wood alone: you may lose your way.
5.May I go to the post office with Mike?
6. May I take Pete’s bag?
7. Don’t give the vase to the child: he may break it.
8. May we take notes with a pencil?
9. You may not cross the street when the light is red.
10. May I shut the door?
11.It stopped raining, and mother told us that we might go out.
12. May children play with scissors?
13. They may travel by sea. It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time.
14. It may be true.
15.May I come and see you?
16. Where have you been, may I ask?
Задание 19.4. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя выражение to be allowed to.
1.Извините , но здесь курить воспрещается.
2.Ему не позволили курить у них в доме.
3.В Англии вам разрешат водить машину, если вам семнадцать лет.
4. В США вам разрешают продолжать водить машину даже в возрасте 90 лет.
5. Мне разрешают пользоваться новым папиным компьютером.
6. Дети уже большие. Им разрешают ходить в школу одним.
7. Ему не разрешают купаться в этой реке.
8. Вчера ей позволили прийти домой в десять часов.
9. Нам не позволяют разговаривать на уроках.
10. Тебе позволили взять эту книгу?
11. Я думаю, мне не разрешат поехать с тобой за город.
12. Тебе разрешат пойти гулять, когда ты сделаешь уроки.
13. Тебе разрешали ходить на озере, когда ты был маленький?
14. Когда мне разрешат есть мороженное?
15. Парковка на газоне запрещена!
16. Вам не разрешается разговаривать на экзамене.
Задание 19.5. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. You must work hard on your English.
2. You must learn the words.
3. Must we learn the poem today?
4. It must be very difficult to learn Chinese.
5. You must not talk at the lessons.
6.Everybody must come to school on time.
7. Don’t ring him up: he must be very busy.
8. You must not make notes in the books.
9. I must help my mother today.
10. Don’t worry! This is not important. – Not important! You must be joking!
11. He never comes to work late! He must have overslept today.
12. You must not argue with the boss.
13. She must stop eating too much and she must lose weight.
14. You must quit smoking! If you don’t you’re going to have serious problems with your lungs some day.
15. We mustn’t be late.
16. I must have forgotten about it.
17. I must say, you are making a serious mistake.
18. She must be very particular about what she eats.
Задание 19.6. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. I had to do a lot of homework yesterday. 2. She had to stay at home because she did no feel well.
3. Pete had to stay at home because it was very cold. 4. Mike had to write this exercise at school because he had not done it at home. 5. They had to call the doctor because the grandmother was ill. 6.Why did you have to stay at home yesterday ?- Because my parents were not at home and I had to look after my little sister. 7. It was Sunday yesterday, so hi didn’t have to be at work, but he had to do a lot at home. 8. I am sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I had to work late. 9. I haven’t written my essay. I shall have to write it on Sunday. 10. We did not have to buy biscuits because our granny had baked a delicious pie. 11. Will you have to get up early tomorrow? 12. Why do you have to get up early tomorrow ? 13. I had to go to the hospital to visit my aunt. 14. What did you have to learn by heart? – At school, I had to learn a beautiful poem “Leisure” by William Henry Davies. 15. I have to see him to day.
Задание 19. 7 . Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальные глаголы must , may или can .
1. Можно мне взять ваш словарь? 2. На уроке английского языка вы должны говорить только по-английски. 3. Мы должны сегодня сдать тетради? 4. Можно мне задать вам вопрос? – Пожалуйста.
5. Я не могу пойти с вами в кино, так как я очень занят. 6. Можно здесь остаться? – Пожалуйста. 7. Он сейчас должен быть в своем кабинете. Вы можете поговорить с ним. 8. Можно выйти? – Пожалуйста. 9. Вы должны прочитать этот текст. 10. Может ли он выполнять на компьютере простых заданий? 11. Я должен сегодня поговорить со своим другом. 12. Мы должны оплатить счет за электричество к концу месяца. Эта женщина – прекрасный водитель. Она может водить даже автобус. 14. Можно мне бутерброд с тунцом и чашечку кофе?
Задание 19. 8 . Переведите на русский язык и объясните употребление модального глагола may / might .
1. “Shall I tell you of what it reminded me?” “You may.”
2. This picture may not be ever shown to the public; you must remember it very well.
3. I wanted to be weak that I might avoid the awful passage of further suffering I saw laid out for me.
4. Georgiana said that I might use the guest rooms in her village cottage as well as her conservatory and gardens.
5. You might have telephoned to the embassy and settled everything with the visa so that I might leave this country.
6. You might have gone by the side door: your boots are muddy.
7. Jack might often be seen sitting on the porch with a pipe in his mouth? Contemplating.
8. I asked if he might bring his wife down next Saturday.
9. Aunt Augusta has invited us both for dinner next Sunday but she is afraid you might be bored.
10.There was so much they had shared together and so much more they might have shared that they had
11. Joan said that I might take her car whenever I wanted it.
12. “Did she say where she was going?”
“She may have left a message.”
13. “Did she say where she was going?”
“No? but she might have left a message. She knows I am always getting so nervous when she leaves
all of a sudden.”
14. “What has happened to the dog? It is not here.”
“Mom may have taken it round for a walk in the park.”
Задание 19. 9 . Употребите в правильной форме глаголы can / may . Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. You … use my car tomorrow since I do not need it: I am staying at home.
2. “… I come in? ”
“Yes, do, please.”
3. You … not smoke here. Look, there is a “No smoking” sign over the door.
4.You … not do it without your parent’ consent.
5. You … go now; but remember what I have told you.
6. I … not tell you about it. I have promised to keep this secret.
7. You … not watch this film until you have completed your homework.
8. No one … sit down while the King is speaking.
9. Nigel said that I … stay in his apartment while he was in New York putting his affairs in order.
10. The colonel said that I … come and see him whenever I thought I had important information for him.
Задание 19. 10 . Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальные глаголы must , can and may .
1. Он должен много читать чтобы улучшить свое произношение.
2. Он, должно быть, много читает вслух, у него хорошее произношение.
3. Вероятно, он еще не закончил читать эту книгу.
4. – Неужели они никогда не видели снега?
- Конечно, нет. Они же из Бразилии.
5. Наверное, ваш брат станет знаменитым историком: он так увлечен наукой.
6. Вы можете и не высказывать свое мнение вслух. Я его отлично знаю.
7. Может быть, вы не хотите, чтобы ваше имя попало в газеты, но этого, я думаю, уже не избежать.
8. Вы должны исполнить то, что в ваших силах. Никто не требует от вас большего.
9. Нужно проверить его слова: он, возможно,прав, а возможно, и нет.
10. Он в последнее время к нам совсем не ходит:он, вероятно,не знает,что мы уже приехали.
11. Он поспешил уйти. Скорее всего, не захотел, чтобы его заметили.
12. Неужели вы еще не были в Париже? Вам обязательно нужно там побывать – это удивительный город.
13. Скорее всего, он уже не появится: слишком поздно и пора расходиться.
14. Вы можете оказать мне небольшую услугу? Позвоните моей сестре и помиритесь с ней.
15. Ничего уже не поделать! Вы больше не будете друзьями.
Задание 19.1 1 .Переведите на русский язык и объясните употребление глаголов to be to и to have to .
1. The picture had to be concealed.
2. The very first thing we have to do is reduce our staff.
3. I’ve had to give a lot of thought recently to my feelings toward you.
4. Now? will you please show me the office where I am to work?
5 He was to have had a board meeting on Tuesday but was suddenly summoned to a summit in New York.
6. He looked around for his car but it was nowhere to be seen.
7. You are not to utter a word in the presence of the Royal Family, otherwise you’ll be punished.
8. No I’ve had to listen to a lot of lying. And I never watch faces.
9. I had to feet my way down the stairs as there was no light.
10. I found myself in an unknown town and had to have someone swot me the way from the station.
11. If you don’t pay for the parcel you are sending, the addressee will have to pay for it.
12. ”What are the arrangements for the conference?”
”We are to be there to be present at the plenary meeting.”
13. I don’t have to attend all the lectures on history: last year I look a special course in history under the supervision of the same professor.
Задание 19. 12 . Выпишите предложения в которых глагол have является модальным:
1. I have been calling her up all day and I haven’t received any answer as yet.
2. Have you any relatives living permanently in Egypt?
3. What are we having for dinner tonight?
4. You don’t have to be there at all: I am going there and will settle everything for you.
5. It is super! Have you done it yourself?
6. The weather is awful but I still have to go out. My doctor says I need exercise.
7. Have a look at these fantastic engravings. Aren’t they absolutely amazing?
8. Where have you been all this time? I have been worrying!
9. I have to telephone my parents and tell them I have already arrived: they’ll be happy.
10. Have another cup of coffee. Help yourself to it.
11. She never had to work: she was very rich.
12. She had never worked in her life, for she was immensely rich.
13. Do you have any complaints? Is everything all right? If you need anything, just ask your servant.
14. What have I done to make her so unhappy?
15. You don’t have to spend so much time studying chemistry. Natural science is a wide field and there are so many interesting aspects.
Задание 19.13. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык.
1. The scissors must be in this drawer.
2. This can`t be the right way!
3. Shall I help you with your homework?
4. He should try to give up smoking.
5. You can`t come in without a membership card.
6. You`d better cut the grass soon.
7. You may leave now.
8. Could I see the manager?
9. You ought to drive more carefully.
10. There might be some shops open on Sunday.
11. We`ve got to escape or else we`ll die.
12. Would you like me to fetch it for you?
13. It can`t be 2 o`clock!
14.You should not have done it yourself: all you had to do was to ask me.
15.You need not have paid your debt so soon. I do not need this money so urgently.
16.You should not give the child so much care. It may take him dependent on your attention. He should be more self-confident.
17.You needn’t have come so early. Now you will have to wait untill four o’clock
18.I am sorry? I should not have told you that: it has upset you so much!
19.You need not have carried this luggage yourself: there were a lot of porters around.
Задание 19. 14 . Переведите на английский язык.
1. Я не ожидал, что мои слова так подействуют на вас. Мне не следовало этого говорить вам.
2. Ей совсем не следовало вставать: она ещё не оправилась после болезни, и эта прогулка может иметь нехорошие последствия.
3. Я сожалею, что был с тобой более откровенен, чем следовало.
4. Я думаю, тебе уже нужно знать, что этого делать не следует в обществе людей старше тебя.
5. С какой стати я должна звонить ему первая? Он начал это дело, пусть он теперь и отвечает за всё.
6. Откуда же мне знать, что он устроил скандал в школе? Я уже вторую неделю сижу дома и никого не вижу.
7. Вам нужно побольше двигаться и бывать на свежем воздухе. Вашему сердцу это полезно.
8. Должно быть, Алиса уже приехала, и нам следует поторопиться, чтобы встретить её.
Задание 19.15.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 981.