Задание 15.1. Переведите на русский язык, объясните употребление Present Perfect Continuous ( Progressive ).
1. My brother has been staying with us for three weeks.
2. It has been raining since morning.
3. He has been working here since 1999.
4. She has been telling me how good you are since you left the room.
5. Since what time have you been sitting here? Have you been waiting here long?
6. “How long have you been looking for her?”
“For three hours.”
7. The sun is shining, but the ground it wet because it has been raining.
8. Who has been playing with my computer? It doesn`t work!
9. “Why are you so tired? What have you been doing?”
“I have been working in the garden since morning.”
10. She has been playing chess since she was nine.
11. She has been working outdoors a lot recently.
Задание 15.2. Задайте вопрос к выделенным словам.
1. He has been painting this fence for a long time.
2. My secretary has been typing the report for five hours.
3. The boys have been trying to fix that bike since morning.
4. The tourists have been waiting for the guide since four o`clock.
5. You have been talking for almost an hour without stopping.
6. Is has been snowing heavily during the whole night.
7. We have been looking for that café for half an hour.
8. He has been writing this letter since the lecture began.
9. He has been living in this city since 1990.
10. They have been repairing the road for the last five years.
11. The students have been translating the text since the lesson began.
12. I have been buying food here since I came to this town.
Задание 15.3. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям, используя вопросительные слова в скобках.
1. They`ve been looking for a restaurant since they came to the town. (Who? Where? What…for?)
2. She has been packing her suitcase since morning. (What? Why?)
3. Arthur has been driving for six hours without any rest. (Who? How?)
4. They`ve been answering their child`s questions the whole day. (Whose? What?)
5. Ed has been playing with his dog in the park since morning. (Who…with? Where? Who?)
6. He has been answering the director`s questions since morning. (Who? Whose? What?)
7. She has been washing up since breakfast. (Who? What?)
8. Her husband has been watching football on TV since breakfast. (Who? What?)
9. Their son has been fighting with his sister since breakfast. (Who? What? Who…with?)
10. Their cat has been trying to catch a mouse since breakfast. (What?)
11. Someone has been looking through my things. (Why?)
Задание 15.4. Раскройте скобки , используя Present Perfect Continuous ( Progressive).
1. She (to work) in the library for the last two hours.
2. I (to sleep) for twenty-three hours.
3. We just (to speak) about you.
4. What you (to do) In my absence?
5. Who (to teach) us?
6. He (to stay) here for three months; and I think my father (to help) him too long.
7. She (to have) a toothache since morning.
8. They (to play) football for two hours.
9. She (to dance) since the party began.
10. Where you (to sit) all this time?
11. She (to tell) a lot of lies about me, I`m sure.
З a дание 15.5. Переведите на русский язык и объясните употребление Past Perfect Continuous ( Progressive ).
1. They had been living in this city for almost three years when their son came back to the USA.
2. We felt very tired when we came home because we had been walking in the rain for a long time.
3. It had been raining for two hours already when we left home.
4. Mark tried to stop Dinny, who had been talking for the last ten minutes.
5. Angela rose from the arm-chair in which she had been sitting.
6. David saw that Margie had been weeping, but didn’t say anything.
7.thought that he had come to talk about the problem which we had been already discussing for hours. 8.She had been learning French for five years before she could speak fluently. 9.How long had you been waiting before he came?
Задание 15 .6. Составьте предложения с Past Perfect Continuous ( Progressive ) используя слова в скобках.
Пример : I looked out of the window. The sun was shining.
But the ground was wet.
It had been raining.
1. Mary woke up suddenly. She was frightened. (She / to dream).
2. Jim came home. He was tired. His hands were dirty. (He / to work /in the garden).
3. She was tired and angry when I came home. The first things she told me was that she hated music. (Our neighbour / to practise / the piano).
4.When I entered the room no one was smoking. But there was a smell of cigarettes. (Someone / to smoke / in the room).
5. Ben felt frustrated. He was staring hopelessly at the lock. (He / to try / to open his own door / an hour).
6. When Mother came home, Jake and Larry were in different rooms. They didn’t want to talk and Larry had a black eye. (They / to fight).
7. When the test was over, the students looked really tired. (They / to write / two hours).
8. Betty came from the beach. Her eyes were red. (She / to lie / in the sun / too much).
9. When the children came home, dinner was ready, but Carol was tired and couldn’t eat at all. (She / to cook / morning).
10. When he got up from the table, his eyes hurt and his head was going to burst. (He / to read up / for the exam).
11. When Jane opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was deep snow lying everywhere. She ran up to the window. There had been no snow the day before. (It / to snow / all night).
Задание 15.7. Объедините предложения , употребляя Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive) . Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Пример: They began watching TV. After half an hour their parents came. –
They had been watching TV for half an hour when their parents came.
1. We had arranged to meet in the café. I came and began waiting. After fifteen minutes I realized that I had come to the wrong café.
2. Mr and Mrs Thompson went to live to Sussex. Six months later their son joined them.
3. We started to play football at about three. Somewhere about half past three it began to rain.
4. Bernard couldn’t calm the baby down. It was crying. After fifteen minutes his wife came.
5. The teacher left the room. The boys began to fight. After ten minutes the teacher came back and they were still fighting.
6. Jane came home. She realized that she had left her keys somewhere. She tried to find them in her handbag. After ten minutes her husband came with the keys.
7. Mother started cooking dinner. After ten minutes Hazel came to help her.
8. Brian was trying to fix his car. After three hours he gave up the idea.
9. Faith sat down and began to write her report. After half an hour her sister called her.
10.She worked for this company. After 25 years she retired.
11. My sister studied French. Then, after five years, she went to France.
12. Pete began to play chess when he was six. He took part in his first tournament when he was ten.
13. The orchestra began playing. After ten minutes a man ran into the hall.
14. The family began watching an interesting film. After half an hour the TV broke down.
15. We settled down in London. After a fortnight our two cousins joined us.
16. We sat down to dinner. After five minutes the door-bell rang.
17. Margaret went to the park. After ten minutes she realized she had forgotten to close the door.
Задание 15.8. Переведите на русский язык и объясните употребление Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive).
1. They will have been working for five hours already when we come and join them.
2. By the first of June he’ll have been working here for 14 years.
3. They will have been trying to solve this problem for two years by 2010.
4. She’ll have been writing an essay for an hour when her friends come.
5. The students will have been answering for a whole hour already by twelve o’clock.
6. She’ ll have been talking for two hours already by four. I want to use the phone, too.
7. Someone will have been playing the piano for three hours by twenty- three. They started at eight. When are they going to stop?
Сравнение времен.
Задание 15. 9 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
Ann: Hello, Kate. I am so glad you (to come) at last.
Where you (to spend) the morning? Kate: I (to be) in the bookstore choosing new books
in English.
Ann: It (to rain) still? It (to be) rather dark in the room.
Kate: No, the rain (to stop), but the wind (to blow). On my way to your place I (to meet) Mary. You (to know) her?
Ann: Of course. I (to know) her since childhood. When we (to be) children, we often (to play) together. Where you (to meet) her? I (not to see) her for a long time. What she (to look) like?
Kate: She (not to change) a bit. She (to go) to the library when I (to meet) her.
Ann: What she (to tell) you Kate: She (to tell) me she recently (to return) from a very interesting trip and that she (to travel) a lot and (to see) many interesting things. She (to want) to see all her friends soon.
Ann: Oh, then she (to come) to see me, too, I (to think).
Kate: Yes, that (to be) a pleasant meeting, I (to be) sure. But what (to be) the time? My watch (to
stop) and I (not to know) the exact time. Ann: It (to be) ten minutes to three.
Kate: Oh, then let's begin working at once. At four o'clock I must go. My mother (to wait) for me at the metro station at a quarter past four.
Задание 15. 10 . Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.
1. Он был счастлив: он написал отличное сочинение. 2. Я ищу тебя весь вечер. З. Я вдруг вспомнил, что ничего не ел с утра. 4. К счастью, дождь уже перестал, когда мы вышли. 5. Сколько лет вы работаете в этой школе? 6. B одиннадцать часов мы еще работали. 7. B одиннадцать часов мы уже работали три часа. 8. Я уже три раза говорил тебе, что надо переписать упражнение. 9. Я уже целый час читал после обеда, когда пришел папа. 10. Я не приду. Я буду писать сочинение весь вечер. 11. Где ты был c прошлой пятницы? 12. Я уже две недели живу y друзей. 13. Я уже две недели жил y друзей, когда получил письмо. 14.Сколько дней вы уже читаете эту книгу? 15.Только когда она была в поезде, она вспомнила, что оставила книгу дома. 16. Они живут в этом доме уже пять лет. 17. Моя сестра была больна уже несколько дней, когда я узнала об этом. 18. Ты знал, что он не написал сочинение? 19. Мы не получаем от нее писем уже несколько месяцев. 20.Сколько лет вы уже работаете на этом заводе? 21.Он уже ушел, когда Лена включила радио. 22.Я работаю над этой проблемой уже три месяца. 23. Вы должны отдохнуть.
1. Что делает твой брат? — Он работает в институте. — A что он сейчас делает? — Он читает газету. Я всегда приношу ему газеты, когда он приходит c работы. 2. Было уже темно, кода мы подошли к дому; дул сильный ветер, и становилось все холоднее и холоднее. 3. Что вы будете делать завтра в восемь часов вечера? —Завтра к восьми часам я уже закончу все свои уроки, и в восемь часов буду играть на рояле. 4. Они читали Диккенса по-английски и знают многие его произведения. 5. Наступила зима, и теперь мы опять будем часто ходить на каток. 6. Когда Том вышел из дома, все ребята играли в футбол, a Билл и Джон считали круглые камешки, которые они принесли c реки. 7. Она была удивлена: она еще никогда не видела столько цветов. 8. Когда я проснулся, мама уже встала и готовила чай. 9. Я уже полчаса стараюсь вспомнить ее имя, но до сих пор ещё не вспомнил. 10. Когда он пришел домой, мы уже ушли в кино. 11. Она сказала, что идет дождь и нам лучше сидеть дома, 12. Она жила в этом доме уже пять лет, когда приехал ее брат.
13. Она думала, что будет хорошая погода. 14. Разве ты не понимаешь, что весной будет уже три года, как я ношу эту шляпку? 15. Неужели они играют в шахматы c самого утра? 16. Они шли по дороге уже два или три часа, когда вдруг пошел дождь. 17. Я знаю, что она работает над этой статьей уже три недели.
Задание 15.11. Употребите Present Indefinite (Simple) или Present Continuous (Progressive).
June: Hi Mum!
Mum: Hello, June. Where…….(you/call) from?
June:I 2)………………….(be) at work at the moment. My boss 3)………………….
(have) lunch with his wife now. He4)……………………(often/take) her to
lunch on Tuesdays.
Mum: Well, why 5)………………………….(you/phone)? Is there anything wrong?
June: No, I just want you to know that I6)………………….. (come) home
next Saturday.
Mum: What time 7)……………………(your train/arrive) in St. Petersburg?
June: It 8) ……………….. (leave) Novgorod at 11o’clock and 9)……………… (arrive) in St. Petersburg at 2 o’clock.
Mum: See you on Saturday then.
Задание 15.12. Раскройте скобки , употребив времена Present Indefinite (Simple) или Present Continuous (Progressive).
1. Cuckoos (not to build) nests. They (to use) the nests of other birds. 2. You can’t see Tom now: he (to have) a bath. 3. He usually (to drink) coffee but today he (to drink) tea. 4. What she (to do) in the evenings? – She usually (to watch) TV. 5. I won’t go out now as as it (to rain) and I (not to have) an umbrella. 6. The last train (to leave) the station at 11:30. 7. He usually (to speak) so quickly that I (not understand) him. 8. Ann (to make) a dress for herself at the moment. She (to make) all her own clothes.
9. I (to wear) my sun-glasses today because the sun is very strong. 10. Tom can’t bring the article now because his aunt (read) it. 11. I can’t answer the phone now because I ( to paper) the sitting-room walls. 12. How you (to get) to work as a rule? – I usually (to go) by bus. 13. Why you (to put) on your coat? - I(to go) for a walk. 14. I always (to buy) lottery tickets but I never (to win) anything. 15. You always (to write) with your left hand? 16. I always (to write) to him on his birthday. 17. Right now Tom and Jack (to have) a long conversation. I wonder what they (to talk) about. 18. He never (to listen) to what you say. He always (to think) about something else. 19. Why you (to walk) so fast today? You usually (to walk) quite slowly. 20. You (to recognize) that man? - I (to think) that I have seen him before but I (not to remember) his name.
Задание 15.13. Употребите Present Indefinite (Simple) или Present Continuous (Progressive).
1. I (to think) you (to behave) rather foolishly.
2. I (to think) about?
3. Your German (to get) better?
4. I (to see) that you (to have) some problems with this computer. Can I be of any help?
5. He (to understand) the rule, but he still (to make) mistakes too often.
6. “You (to believe) his story?”
“Oh no. I never (to believe) him. He always (to tell) lies.”
7. How many debts (to have) you?
8. “Listen! You (to hear) that noise?”
“That’s our neighbour. He (to shout) again.”
“He always (to shout) like that?”
9. Now I (to see) everything clearly. You (to try) to swindle. That won’t do!
10. Who this house (to belong) to?
11.“Hello there! What are you dreaming about?”
“I (to want) to go to the disco”.
“No. You must (to do) your lessons now and (to dream) about good marks”.
12.“Where’s Mary?”
“She’s in the kitchen. She (to cook) dinner.”
“I (to think) I’ll go and help her.”
“Don’t! She (to be) tired today. She (not to want) to see anyone.”
13.”Why he (to look) so gloomy?”
“Oh, he (to have) a toothache. Poor thing!”
14. “What you (to look) at?”
“I (to look) at the girl over there.”.
15. “What you (to think) about?”
“I (to think) about the party we are going tonight”.
Задание 15.14. Раскройте скобки употребляя Past Indefinite(Simple) или Past Continuous(Progressive).
1. He (to write) a composition when I (to see) him.
2. George (to fall off) the ladder while he (to change) the light bulb.
3. The sun (to rise) when I (to wake up) that morning.
4. When I (to go out) that morning, the sun (to shine) brightly and the birds (to sing).
5. I (not to drive) very fast when the accident (to happen).
6. We (to listen to) the radio yesterday when the bell (to ring).
7. Yesterday I (to hear) that the bell (to ring) I (to come up) to the door and (to open) it. But I (to see) nobody.
8. The boys (to play) the guitar from 2 till 5 yesterday.
9. My hat (to fly off) when I (to cross) the bridge.
10. What you (to explain) to him when I came?
11. I (not to look) at you at all.
12. There (to be) nobody in the hall. They (to sit) in the parlour and (to listen to) Joan’s story. Nobody (to pay attention) to Robert’s arrival.
13. Alan (to enjoy) himself. He (not to be) so often in good mood last time, but today was something special.
14. Someone (to sing) next door while I (to try) to get some sleep.
15. Everything (to go) wrong. He (to feel) it, but could do nothing. He just (to watch) and (to wait).
16 . “When I (to walk) home I (to see) a man who (to follow) me.”
“No one (to follow) you. You (to imagine) things, as always.”
Задание 15.15. Раскройте скобки, употребив Past Perfect или Past Indefinite (Simple).
1. He (to sit) in the park until the light (to fade).
2. He (to remember) so well that house, where he (to spend) his youth and first (to meet) Mabel!
3. When he (to rush) into the room he (to see) at once that she (to burn) the letter which he (to hope) so much to read.
4. As soon as he (to understand) it he (to quiet) down.
5. David (to look up) at his friend and (to see) that he just (to get) some bad news.
6. ‘Why you (to go) there before I (to come)?’ he asked. You (to promise) to wait for me.’
7. After the sun (to rise), they (to start) walking slowly towards the lake.
8. What (to happen) here before I (to come)? She asked. Nick (to explain) that he (to want) to play with the dog and they (to break) the vase. After he (to try) to clean the carpet he (to decide) to tell the truth.
9. She (not to remember) the place. But suddenly it all (to come back) to her: how they (to be afraid of) their teachers, how they (to quarrel), how they (to share) their secrets…
10. There (to be) a rule in their house: they never (to start) eating and even (not to sit down) at the table until everyone (to gather) in the dining-room.
Задание 15.16 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён: Present, Past, Future (Simple); Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.
1. Mike (to eat) ice cream every day. Look, he (to eat) ice cream now. When I (to see) him in the morning, he (to eat) ice cream too. He (to say) he (to eat) three ice creams already by that time. I think he (to fall) ill if he (to eat) so much ice cream. 2. They (to walk) along the street and (to talk). Suddenly Nick (to stop) and (to say): ”Oh, what shall we do? I (to lose) the key to the door.” If you (not to find) it, ”said Pete,” we (to have) to wait for mother in the street.” 3.When I (to come) to the station yesterday, I (to learn) that my train already (to leave). 4. What he (to do) when you (to see) him yesterday? 5. I (to give) you this book as soon as I (to finish) reading it. 6. When the ship (to cross) the ocean, a great storm (to break) out.
Задание 15.17 Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён: Present, Past, Future (Simple); Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.
It was eight o’clock in the morning and time for me to go to work. I (to look) out of the window. It (to rain) hard. “You (to get) wet through if you (to go) out now,” said my mother. “No, I… ,; I answered, “ I(to take) an umbrella.” We (to have) five umbrellas in the house, but when I when I (to want) to take one, I (to find) that there (to be) not one that I could use: they all (to be) torn or broken. So I (to take) them all and (to carry) them to the umbrella maker, saying that I would call for the umbrellas on my way home in the evening. When I (to go) to have lunch in the afternoon, it still (to rain) very hard. I (to go) to the nearest café, and (to sit) down at a table. A few minutes later a young woman (to come) in and (to sit) down at the same table with me. When I (to finish) my lunch and (to be) ready to leave. I absentmindedly (to take) her umbrella and (to start) for the exit. She (to stop) me saying that I (to take) her umbrella. I (to return) the umbrella witch many apologies. In the evening I (to go) to the umbrella maker, (to take) my five umbrellas and (to get) on the tram to go home. It so happened that the woman I (to meet) at the café (to ride) in the same tram. When she (to see) me with my five umbrellas, she (to say): “You (to have) a successful_day_today_(to_have_not)_you?”
Задание 15 . 18. Раскройте скобки , употребив Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive).
Dear Linda ,
I`m glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself in Australia.
Things at home are the same as usual. Your father 1)…. ( work) very hard. Susan 2)... (just/pass) her driving test . Alex 3) …(not/write) for weeks, probably because he 4) … (study) very hard for his exams. Uncle Tom 5)… (build) a shed in the garden. I think it will be ready next month. Mr Brown …(not/feel) well recently. He 7) … (visit) the doctor four times this month. Mrs Smith 9) …(not/open) her new shop yet. The decorators 10) … (paint) for weeks. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Australia11)…(you/see) the famous Opera House yet ? Tina sends her love. Write to me soon.
Love, Mum .
Задание 15 . 19. Раскройте скобки , употребив Past Simple или Past
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 406.