Perfect Continuous (Progressive)
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1.He (to look) at her. He (to know) she (to cry).

2.She (to tell) him about her plan which she (to think about) all morning.

3.Molly (to close) the book which she (to read) and (to look up)

at her mother.

4.Through the window he (to see) the room where they (to sit) previous night.

5.Paul (to think) for some time before he (to dare) to answer.

6.They (to sit down) to dinner which Mother (to cook)all morning.

7.How long Tony (to read) when this terrible accident (to happen)?

8.When I (to come) everyone (to stop) talking. They (to talk) about my birthday and and (not to want) to tell me anything beforehand.

9.When the lesson (to be) over, the teacher (to ask) the student to turn in the tests they (to write) since its beginning.

10.How long this man (to stand) there before you (to notice) him?

11.How long they (to wait) for a taxi before it (to come)?


Задание 15.20 Раскройте скобки , употребляя Past Indefinite (Simple),Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive).


1.When he (to come) home , he (to see) that something (to happen) . His wife (to cry) . Someone (to smoke) in the room, though no one (to smoke) on his family.

2.Tony (to return) to the book (to read) before his mother (to enter) . He (to try) to concentrate , but he could not . Her last words still (to ring) in his ears.

3.The town (not to be) large, but he (no to be) sorry that he (to come) there . His parents (to live) in the street for 30 years before they all (to leave) for London!

4.He (to go) back to the drawing room. His wife (to stand) near the window. She still (to look) at the garden. The leaves (to fall) down all night, and the trees (to stand) bare and (to whisper) something…When William (to come) back he (to see) that his wife (to try) to keep back tears…

5.When he (to dress), he (to go) downstairs and (to write) a long letter to his sister who (to stay) at her friends.

6.She (to phone) and (to call) a taxi. She (to sit) and (to wait) only five minutes when a car (to come).She (to rush) to the station where Mike (to wait) already.

7.I (to be) here ten minutes before your brother (to come in).

8.Dave (to enter) the room. Margie (to read).She (to look up) at him and (to smile).Their two sons (to sit) and (to watch) TV. They (not to talk) to each other.

9.I (to try) to remember what I (to do) yesterday before he (to call).

10.He (to wait) for half an hour already. Mrs Lamb was late.

11.What are you thinking about?”He (to ask) after he (to look at) her a few seconds. But she (not to answer).She (to try) to gather her thoughts.

12.He (to stand) at the bus-stop already when John (to come) there.


Задание 15.21 Pac кройте скобки , употребляя  Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) или Present Indefinite (Simple).


1. He ( to write) a letter for three hours when you ( to come).

2. He ( to learn) French for six years already when he ( to enter) this college.

3. She ( to watch) this film for an hour already when you ( to ring) her up.

4. We ( to have) dinner for half an hour tomorrow when he ( to call) us.

5. By July 1 she ( to live) here for five months.

6. When you ( to enter) the University you ( to study) languages for more then ten years.

7. The painter ( to work) on this landscape for almost a year by Christmas.

8. They ( to quarrel) for more than an hour when the police finally ( to come)!

9. The students ( to read) up for their exam for more than three hours already by the time we ( to come) to the library and ( to join) them.

10. They ( to travel) for almost a year by Christmas, but they ( not to want) to return.

11. They ( to ask) me silly questions for two hours by twelve. Why they( not to stop)?


Задание 15 . 22. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите времена выделенных глаголов.


1. He runs a large travel agency.

2. The thief enters the room and opens the safe.

3. Skill comes with practice.

4. She’s been practising that song for hours.

5. He’s working hard these days.

6. He’s gained a lot of weight recently.

7. Tom’s picking me up at 7 o’clock tonight.

8. She’s staying with a friend in London at present.

9. The ferry arrives at 10:00 am.

10. They’ve been talking on the phone since 9 o’clock this morning

11. Oh no! Someone’s been reading my diary again.

12. You feel dizzy because you’ve been lying in the sun for too long!

13. He has just cleared out the garage.

14. He’s such a boring man, who’s always making a fuss about nothing.

15. With the help of a good teacher, Gary’s becoming a very good pianist.

16. We’ve been out four times this week.

В .

1. They have sold their house and gone on a tour of the world.

2. Here comes the train!

3. She opened the cupboard, took out a dress and put it on.

4. They received the telegram at 10 o’clock that evening.

5. She was upset because she had been waiting the letter for several months.

6. They were still discussing the plan at midnight.

7. They were flying over the Andes when the plan crashed

8. James Dean made one film with Natalie Wood.

9. Tom was reading out the data while Sara was wri ting it down.

10. She had finished most of the work by he time her boss arrived.

11.She missed the end of the film because she had fallen asleep.

12.He always went to work by train.

13.She was pleased because she had been given the job

14.We had been living in the same house for twelve years before we decided to move.

15.He left his job because he had been feeling dissatisfied for months.

С .

1. I think I’ll go home now.

2. The bus for Brighton departs in an hour.

3. We’ll be sailing around the islands this time next month.

4. By May he will have been living abroad for six years.

5. The men are delivering the furniture tomorrow.

6. Look at the baby! Hes going to eat that worm!

7. Perhaps we’ll see Nicky at school today.

8. He’s going to take a few days off next week.

9. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful holiday.

10. Will Jo be staying with you this Easter?

11. I’ll be having lunch with Sam tomorrow as usual.

12. They will have made a decision by Friday.





Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 569.