I will be able to speak French soon. 14. Everybody had to fill in a big form last year. 15. Everybody will have to fill in a big form next year.
16. You must phone Martin. 17. Ann might be here this evening. 18. You needn’t wait. 19. People shouldn’t watch TV all the time. 20. Shall I open the window?
21. – (the infinitive is used after a modal verb, not past simple form); 22. – (“had” should be used here); 23. – (“had to” forms its interrogative and negative forms with the help of the auxiliary – did)
24. must; 25. can’t; 26. may have gone
27. Could I have a cup of coffee? 28. Could I take a photograph of you, please? 29. Can you close the door, (please) John?
Appendix 6
Verbs with prepositions:
Many verbs have the structure verb + preposition (in/for/about etc.) + object.
Verb + | Preposition + | Object(noun) |
We talked | about | the problem. |
You must apologise | for | what you said. |
If the object is another verb, it ends in -ing:
Verb + | Preposition + | Object (ing-form) |
We talked | about | going to America. |
She apologised | for | Not telling the truth. |
Here are some more verbs with this structure:
Verb + | Prep. + | Object (ing-form) | |
succeed (in) | Have you succeeded | in | finding a job yet? |
insist (on) | They insisted | on | paying for the meal. |
think (of) | I'm thinking | of | buying a house. |
dream (of) | I wouldn't dream | of | asking them for money |
approve (of) | She doesn't approve | of | gambling. |
decide (against) | We have decided | against | moving to London. |
feel (like) | Do you feel | like | going out tonight? |
look forward (to) | I'm looking forward | to | meeting her. |
apologise (to) smbd (for) | She apologised to me | for | not telling the truth |
The following verbs can have the structure verb + object + preposition + ing-form:
Verb + | Object + | Prep. + | Object (ing-form) | |
congratulate (on) | I congratulated | Ann | on | passing the exam. |
accuse (of) | They accused | me | of | telling lies. |
suspect (of) | Nobody suspected | the man | of | being a spy. |
prevent (from) | What prevented | him | from | coming to see us? |
stop (from*) | The police stopped | everyone | from | leaving the building. |
thank (for) | I forgot to thank | them | for | helping me. |
forgive (for) | Please forgive | me | for | not writing to you. |
warn (against) | They warned | us | against | buying the car. |
Now check your answers (conditionals):
1. have, will finish; 2. rains, won’t be able to; 3. is leaving, will asked; 4. has driven, will be; 5. is picked, will be boasting.
6. If she didn’t drink so much coffee, she would feel calmer. 7. If he could type, he would be able to operate a computer. 8. If they understood the problem, they would find a solution. 9. If he didn’t sit around so much, he would be fitter. 10. If she were in your position, she would be able to advise you.
11. If we hadn’t run out of money, we wouldn’t have come from our holiday early. 12. If the fire brigade hadn’t come immediately, the house would have burnt down. 13. If the men hadn’t been wearing protective clothing, they wouldn’t have all been safe. 14. If I had been watching the road, I wouldn’t have had an accident. 15. If it hadn’t been so hot, I wouldn’t have been sweating.
16. if he didn’t have; 17. unless we had broken; 18. unless management and unions become / if management and unions don’t become; 19. unless I get held up / if I don’t get held up; 20. unless we have / if we don’t have.
21. are, shouldn’t have missed; 22. didn’t catch, won’t arrive; 23. will be feeling, played; 24. had been, would feel; 25. were, would have answered.
Now check your answers (non-finites):
1. to see; 2. help; 3. to buy; 4. to go; 5.not to.
6. to phone; 7. seeing; 8. to work; 9. to see; 10. smoking; 11. driving; 12. to buy; 13. to talk; 14. sending, 15. talking, 16. to come, 17. speaking.
18. A; 19. A; 20. C; 21. C; 22. A; 23. D.
24. I was surprised to find a cat in my bed. 25. I was sorry not to have time to phone you. 26. My phone number is easy to remember.
27. A; 28. A.
29. It’s too heavy to lift. 30. He’s old enough to vote. 31. I’m too tired to drive.
32. The boss wants Mary to answer the phone. 33. Ann would like Pat to look after the children.
Infinitive | Past Simple | Past Participle | Infinitive | Past Simple | Past Participle |
be bear beat become begin bite blow break bring build burn burst buy catch choose come cost cut deal dig do draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly forbid forget forgive freeze get give go grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep know lay lead learn leave lend let | was bore beat became began bit blew broke brought built burnt burst bought caught chose came cost cut dealt dug did drew dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew forbade forgot forgave froze got gave went grew hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew laid led learnt left lent let | been born(e) beaten become begun bitten blown broken brought built burnt burst bought caught chosen come cost cut dealt dug done drawn dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown forbidden forgotten forgiven frozen got given gone grown hung had heard hidden hit held hurt kept known laid led learnt left lent let | lie light lose make mean meet pay put read ride ring rise run say see seek sell send set sew shake shine shoot show shut sing sit sleep smell speak spell spend spill split spoil spread spring stand steal stick sting strike swear sweep swim take teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear win write | lay lit lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sought sold sent set sewed shook shone shot showed shut sang sat slept smelt spoke spelt spent spilt split spoilt spread sprang stood stole stuck stung struck swore swept swam took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote | lain lit lost made meant met paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sought sold sent set sewn shaken shone shot shown shut sung sat slept smelt spoken spelt spent spilt split spoilt spread sprung stood stolen stuck stung struck sworn swept swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written |
1. Virginia Pagoulatou-Vlachou Round Up 4 – Pearson Education Limited, China, 2008
2. Virginia Evans Round Up 5 – Pearson Education Limited, Spain, 2002
3. Virginia Evans Round Up 6 – Pearson Education Limited, Spain, 2002
4. Michael Swan, Catherine Walter The Good Grammar Book. A grammar practice book for elementary to lower-intermediate students of English – Oxford University Press, China, 2001
5. Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use – Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 1997
6. Raymond Murphy English Grammar in Use – Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 2002
7. Alexander L.G. Longman English Grammar Practice for intermediate students – Longman, Malaysia, 1999
8. Donald Adamson Practise Your Tenses – Longman, Malaysia, 2000
9. Mike Watkins Practise your Modal Verbs – Longman, Malaysia, 1999
10. Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth New Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students – Pearson Education Limited, Spain, 2000
11. Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth New Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students – Pearson Education Limited, Spain, 2000
12. Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth New Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate Students – Pearson Education Limited, Spain, 2000
13. Michael Swan, Catherine Walter How English Works – Oxford University Press, Spain, 1998
14. British Council materials – English for Teaching. Foundation Stage. Module 1 “Then and Now”
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 940.