§ Try to give their definitions in English.
§ In pairs make dialogues using new words and expressions. Read them aloud.
Pre-Reading task
§ Scan the text and try to find five the most important tips of wise time management.
§ Read them aloud. Comment your choice.
Read and translate the text
Spend Your Time Wisely!
• Clear your desk and plan your activities for the following day.
• First list your items, e.g. meetings and then write down the tasks you have to complete.
• Once you have prioritized your tasks, make a to-do list and work through the items in order of priority.
• Ensure that you have given yourself sufficient time to complete your list, taking into account your daily interruptions
• Do difficult jobs first when you are at your best. Look after minor jobs when you are tired.
• Fix deadlines for all jobs and stick to them. A task should only take the time set aside for it.
• Do not postpone important matters that are unpleasant. Jobs rarely get more pleasant by being postponed.
• Try to fix definite times when you would not like to be disturbed, and stick to the system except in genuine emergencies.
• Plan your telephone calls. Make a brief note of what you want to say and what you want to find out. It saves time later. If you have several phone calls to make, do them all in a burst.
• When you start a piece of work, try to finish it without interruptions. If you have to finish it later, you will lose time picking up where you left off.
• Arrange your breaks at times when you cannot work effectively.
• Plan some time for discussing routine matters with colleagues. Then you avoid interrupting each other all the time.
• Learn to say 'No'. Get used to asking yourself, ' Am I the right person for this job?' Monitor how you see your time and make conscious changes to your behavior.
• Make a habit of finishing the main job of the day before you go home.
Once you have time-planning strategies set in your subconscious, it will be natural for you to stick to them. You will feel more confident and safe. Remember, stress and fatigue are rarely caused by the things you have done, but by the thought of what you have not done. Get going, and when you complete a piece of work do not forget to encourage yourself and move on spending your time wisely.
Work with the text
§ Make your list of time management techniques.
§ Give reason for every chosen tip of your list.
§ Discuss in group if the information helped you to master your time management skill.
Translate from Russian into English:
§ После того, как вы расставили приоритеты, составьте список дел на день по принципу приоритетности занятий.
§ Сделайте самую трудную работу в самом начале, когда вы полны сил.
§ Не откладывайте важные, но не очень приятные дела.
§ Набросайте на бумагу то, что вы хотите сказать по телефону и что хотите узнать.
§ Делайте перерывы тогда, когда не можете эффективно работать.
§ Учитесь говорить «нет»!
§ Заведите привычку завершать все важные дела до того, как уйдете домой.
§ Вы будете чувствовать себя более уверенно и безопасно.
§ Think about your future plans and write your own carrier plan for the next 10 years using the information you got and all the recommendations.
§ Analyze all the expenses (time, money, effort) and benefit (result).
§ Write special terms to your personal glossary.
1. Success in studying is to do with how brilliantly clever and original you were; one of the central challenges of adult life is.……………….
a) delegating.
b) time management.
c) sense of humor.
2. Having a to-do list …………………. a satisfactory result.
a) necessarily guarantee.
b) usually guarantee.
c) does not necessarily guarantee.
3. One of the things that cause the most problems is………………...
a) lack of time.
b) switching between different tasks.
c) lack of efforts.
4. Do not agree to ………………...
a) an unrealistic deadline.
b) anything you hate to do.
c) work hard.
5. Fix deadlines for all jobs and …….....
a) wait.
b) do not hurry.
c) stick to them.
6. Make a habit of finishing the main job……………...…
a) at home.
b) before you go home.
c) before hand.
7. Remember, stress and fatigue are ……. caused by the things you have done.
a) usually
b) always
c) rarely
1. Concise Oxford American Thesaurus, 1st edition. Толковый словарь английского языка. - Oxford University Press, Inc., 2006
2. Oxford Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition. Английский толковый словарь по экономике. - Oxford University Press, Inc., 2002
3. Oxford Dictionary of Finance and Banking, 3rd edition. Английский толковый словарь по финансам и банковскому делу. - Market House Books Ltd., 2005
4. Oxford Dictionary of Business and Management, 4th edition. Английский толковый словарь по бизнесу и менеджменту. - Market House Books Ltd., 2006
5. Большой англо-русский словарь по экономике и менеджменту. Серия словарей «Economicus». - ABBYY, 2008; ООО «Экономикус», 2008
6. Англо-русский толковый словарь «Государство: управление и финансы». Серия словарей «Economicus» - ABBYY, 2008; ООО «Экономикус», 2008. Под научн. ред. И. Н. Баранова и Ю. В. Фетодова.
7. Англо-русский толковый словарь «Международная экономика и бизнес». Серия словарей «Economicus». - ABBYY, 2008; ООО «Экономикус», 2008. Под научн. ред. А. П. Киреева и В. И. Черенкова.
8. Economist – экономическая интернет-газета // http://www.economist.com
9. Systemic modeling laboratory - интернет бизнес-лаборатория // http://lamswww.epfl.ch
10. Prince2 primer – Management training course / Обучающая программа по менеджменту // http://www.prince2primer.com
11. Businessballs / свободный электронный ресурс по этике, менеджменту и развитию // http://www.businessballs. com/motivation.htm
12. About.com / свободный информационный портал // http://management.about.com/cs/projectmanagement
13. Management for the rest of us / портал «Менеджмент для всех» // http://www.mftrou.com/stress-management-techniques.html
14. Википедия - свободная энциклопедия // http://ru.wikipedia.
(сборник текстов и заданий по дисциплинам «Деловой иностранный язык» и «Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере» для магистрантов, обучающихся по программам: 080109.68; 080104.68; 080127.68; 080106.68; 080100(23).68; 080100.68)
Волкова Олеся Владимировна
Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 201.