§ Try to give their definitions in English.
§ Make sentences using new words and expressions. Read them aloud.
Pre-Reading task
Scan the text and name the main role of a manager.
Read and translate the text
The Role Of The Manager
The manager’s role is vital. The role of the manager is becoming more important than ever, whether they are in the same office or thousands of miles away.
This was highlighted by research by the Gallup organization which looked at how great managers find, focus and keep talented employees. It identified the 12 most powerful questions that measure the core elements needed to attract, focus and keep the most talented employees. Significantly these questions also correlated with the most successful organizations in terms of business unit performance.
These questions put great emphasis on the importance of the quality of the conversation between the manager and team members, especially considering that the Gallup research showed that “great managers spent on average only one hour per quarter per person discussing performance”.
More and more responsibility is being passed down to line managers. Their role is vital. Evidence clearly shows that the real impact of performance management systems lies more in the way they are delivered than designed. We can define qualitatively or not the manager if we shall set to the employee some mentioned questions about work below:
1. Do I know what is expected of me at work?
2. Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right?
3. At work do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day?
4. In the last seven days, have I received recognition or praise for good work?
5. Does my supervisor or someone at work seem to care about me as a person?
6. Is there someone at work who encourages my development?
7. At work do my opinions seem to count?
8. Does the mission/purpose of my company make me feel that my work is important?
9. Are my co-workers committed to doing quality work?
10. Do I have a best friend at work?
11. In the last six months have I talked with someone about my progress?
12. At work have I had opportunities to learn and grow?
If the employee will answer the majority of these questions positively, we can tell the manager works in a correct direction.
Work with the text
§ Answer the questionnaire of the text.
§ Analyze and discuss the results of the survey.
§ Present the main ideas of the text making a poster.
§ Write a short composition expressing your own opinion on the topic.
Translate from Russian into English:
§ Роль менеджера становится более важной, чем когда-либо, независимо от того находится он в офисе или в тысячах миль от него.
§ Эти вопросы также тесно связаны с наиболее успешными организациями в вопросах взаимодействия подразделений.
§ Все больше и больше ответственности возлагается на звено непосредственных менеджеров.
§ Роль менеджера жизненно важна.
§ Если служащий ответит на большинство этих вопросов положительно, мы можем сказать, что менеджер ведет работу в правильном направлении.
§ Divide in three groups. The first team will defend the statement that loyalty and democracy is the best way of managing people. The second team will defend the idea that subordinates never want to work and do their best to avoid it. The third team will prepare questions and arguments for the first and second team.
§ Prepare arguments, sayings, questions and examples at home.
§ Debate in group.
§ The third group should decide what position was defended better and explain why.
§ Write special terms to your personal glossary.
1. Management is a creative as well as a systematic flow of knowledge that can be applied to produce results by……………….
a) effective using of material recourses.
b) using human as well as other resources in an effective way.
c) effective core responsibilities delegating.
2. Management focuses on the entire organization from both………………..
a) human and material recourses.
b) profit and carrier move.
c) a short and a long-term perspective.
3. The manager's style is a personal or situational matter and it ……….….
a) has evolved over time.
b) is an effect of human character .
c) is connected with employees ability to work .
4. A burning question is ………………...
a) how to manage lazy employees effectively.
b) how management differs from leadership.
c) how to make a carrier move.
5. More and more responsibility is being passed down to…….....
a) executives.
b) employers.
c) line managers.
6. The role of the manager is becoming more important than ever, …
a) especially when they are far away from their office.
b) whether they are in the same office or thousands of miles away.
c) especially in defend industry.
7. Managers are charged with the responsibility to make a profit and this requires them .……….
a) to shout at subordinates.
b) to become friends to chief managers.
c) to make sound decisions.
Lead in
§ What is motivation?
§ How does your employer motivate you?
§ What motivates you most of all?
§ Divide in groups of three.
§ Make a rating of the most 10 motivating things.
§ Discuss your ideas in group.
§ Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.
Exhibit, manifold ranging, neuropsychology, altruism, morality, initiation, intensity, internal state of our mind, channelize, behavioral pattern, arousal, persistence, diminish, intrinsic, extrinsic, obligation
§ Try to give their definitions in English.
§ Make sentences using new words and expressions. Read them aloud.
Pre-Reading task
§ Scan the text and try to find the key sentence in every paragraph.
§ Read it aloud.
§ Answer the question of the title.
Read and translate the text
What Is Motivation?
In simple terms, motivation may be defined as the reason/s for exhibiting a particular kind of behavior, especially human behavior as dealt with in psychology and neuropsychology. The reasons are manifold ranging from basic needs like food, any desired object or a particular goal, an ideal or state of being to less-apparent ones like altruism or morality.
Green defined motivation as the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of human behavior. Motivation has also been defined in psychology textbooks as internal state or condition that activates behavior and gives it direction; desire or want that energizes and directs goal-oriented behavior and influence of needs and desires on the intensity and direction of behavior. From all these definitions it can be concluded that motivation is basically an internal state of our mind (a need or desire or want) that sets in motion and channelizes our behavioral pattern.
In 1994, Franken added an interesting element to the definition of motivation: the arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior.
Reward as agent for motivating people?
Research has shown that the effect of the reward is directly proportional to it duration – the sooner a person receives the award, the greater will be the effect which gradually diminishes with the increase of time span between the action and the reward. The recurrence of this process of action-reward combination helps to transformthe action into a habit.
The rewards can either be extrinsic such as compliments or money as well as intrinsic like satisfaction or accomplishment.
Intrinsic motivation has often been divided into two groups by some authors – one based enjoyment and the other on obligation. The later implies to a kind of motivation that is based on what one thinks should be done. For example, one may work for a mission simply guided by his sense of responsibility without the help of external factors like reward or a sense of fun and enjoyment.
Work with the text
§ Find words with the opposite meaning to the words in bold.
§ Make a plan or a diagram of the text.
§ Present it to the group.
Translate from Russian into English:
§ Мотивацию можно описать как причину для выражения определенного типа поведения.
§ В психологии мотивацию описывают как внутреннее чувство или состояние, которое побуждает к деятельности и придает ей направленность.
§ Исследования показали, что воздействие вознаграждения прямо пропорционально длительности действия.
§ Вознаграждение может носить внешний характер, например комплимент или денежное вознаграждение, так и внутренний характер, например чувство удовлетворенности или завершенности.
§ Внутренняя мотивация может быть двух видов: один основан на удовольствии, другой – на обязательствах.
Lead in
§ Are you motivated in your work?
§ What do you need to be constantly motivated?
§ How do you motivate yourself?
§ How do you motivate other people?
§ What theories of motivation do you know?
§ Divide in two groups.
§ Think of techniques of self motivating. Give practical recommendations.
§ Discuss your ideas in group.
§ Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.
Science, concept of motivation, limited extent, nonetheless, motivation training, consider, pseudoscientific, lack, imaging theory, establish, brain, capable of consuming, a clearly proven fact, cortical region, decline, adulthood
§ Try to give their definitions in English.
§ In pairs make dialogues using new words and expressions. Read them aloud.
Pre-Reading task
§ Scan the text and divide it into some logically completed paragraphs.
§ Compare the results in group.
Read and translate the text
Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 227.