Motivational and inspirational slogans, posters, motivational speakers and stories, team building games and activities, all develop employee motivation for sales and business staff in all kinds of organizations. Motivational and inspirational experiences improve employees' attitudes, confidence and performance. Good leadership demands good people-motivation skills and the use of inspirational techniques. Motivational methods are wide-ranging, from inspirational quotes and poems, to team building games and activities, as ice-breakers, warm-ups and exercises for conferences, workshops, meetings and events, which in themselves can often be helpful for staff motivation too.
Motivation is an essential part of life coaching processes and techniques too. People playing games or competing in teams learn about each other, they communicate better and see each other in a new light. Mutual respect grows. People often enjoy events which include new non-work activities, especially when bosses and superiors take part in the same teams as their junior staff, which also helps cohesiveness and 'can-do' culture. Inspirational quotes, stories and poems all help motivation too. Powerful positive imagery stimulates visualization in the conscious and sub-conscious brain, which encourages self-motivation, developmental behavior, confidence and belief. Playing games enables people to experience winning and achieving in a way that their normal work might not. People become motivated to achieve and do better when they have experienced the feelings of success and achievement, regardless of context. This is why fire-walking and outward-bound activities have such powerful motivational effect. All of these ideas, and more explained below; contribute to improving motivation, inspiration and performance.
Work and business-based training commonly concentrates on process, rules, theory, structure and logic, all of which tend to develop and use the left-side of the brain. However, modern successful organizations rely just as heavily on their people having well-developed 'soft' skills and attributes, such as self-motivation, confidence, initiative, empathy and creativity, which all tend to use the right-side of the brain. Using games and activities like juggling helps to unleash right-side brain skills, because these activities necessarily draw on a person's intuitive, spatial and 'feeling' capabilities - found in the right-side of the brain.
Also, using activities and references that take people out of their normal work environment creates new opportunities for them to experience winning, achievement, team-working, learning and personal development, in ways that are often not possible in their usual work context. Experiencing these positive feelings is vital for the conscious and sub-conscious visualization of success and achievement, essential for broadening people's horizons, raising their sights, setting new personal standards and goals, and increasing motivation. The use of role playing games and role play exercises is an especially effective motivational and visualization technique. Inspirational references, stories, quotes and examples also help the life coaching process.
Inspirational quotations, and amusing maxims and sayings are motivational when used in team building sessions, conferences, speeches and training courses. Inspirational quotes contribute to motivation because they provide examples and role models, and prompt visualization. Inspirational quotes stimulate images and feelings in the brain - both consciously and unconsciously. Powerful positive imagery found in motivational quotations and poems is genuinely motivational for people, individually and in teams, and can help to build confidence and belief. Inspirational examples motivate people in the same way that the simple 'power of positive thinking', and 'accentuate the positive' techniques do - people imagine and visualize themselves behaving in the way described in the quotation, saying, story or poem. Visualization is a powerful motivational tool - quotes, stories and poems provide a very effective method for inspiring and motivating people through visualization, imagination and association.
People will not generally and sustainably improve their performance or attitude when they are shouted at or given a kick up the backside. People will on the other hand generally improve their performance if empowered to develop their own strategic capability and responsibility within the organization.
If you are managing a sales team try (gently and progressively) exploring with the team how they'd like to develop their experience, responsibilities, roles, status, value, contribution, within the business. Include yourself in this. Usually far more ideas and activity come from focusing on how the people would like to develop their roles and value (in terms of the scale and sophistication of the business that they are responsible for), rather than confining sales people to a role that is imposed on them and which is unlikely to offer sustainable interest and stimulation.
Most employees are capable of working at a far higher strategic level, developing ever greater returns on their own efforts. Performance improvement is generally found through enabling people and teams to discover and refine more productive and strategic opportunities, which will lead to more productive and motivating activities. If necessary (depending on your organizational culture and policies seek approval from your own management/executives for you to embark on this sort of exploration of strategic growth. (If you are unable to gain approval there are many other organizations out there that need people to manage sales teams in this way....)
The principles described above generally apply to most other job roles. People are motivated by growth and extra responsibility, while at the same time the organization benefits from having its people focus on higher strategic aims and activities. Be aware however that people in different roles will be motivated by different things, and particularly will require different types of support and guidelines when being encouraged to work at a higher strategic level. For example, engineers require more detail and clarification of expectations and process than sales people typically do; administrators are likely to require more reassurance and support in approaching change than sales people typically do. For sure you should encourage and enable people to develop their roles, but make sure you give appropriate explanation, management and support for the types of people concerned.
Work with the text
§ Make notes for every motivating technique.
§ Give your own examples of situation when these techniques are used.
§ Think of the negative influence of these techniques.
Translate from Russian into English:
§ Развитие мотивации и воодушевленности сотрудников стимулируют развитие их уверенности.
§ Визуализация является мощным инструментом мотивации.
§ Большинство сотрудников способны работать на более высоком стратегическом уровне.
§ Учтите, что люди, выполняющие разные роли, могут быть мотивированы разными вещами.
§ In groups of three make a kind of survey among your group mates, friends, relatives, tutors and others. Ask them next questions:
o What things make them motivated?
o What techniques do they use for self motivation?
o How do they combat unnecessary motivation (e.g.: adverts)?
§ Analyze the results and prepare a report on the topic.
§ Make a rating of the most motivating things.
§ Present your scheme to the group.
§ Write special terms to your personal glossary.
1. Motivation is basically an ……….. state of our mind.
a) external.
b) internal
c) natural.
2. The rewards can be ……….
a) extrinsic.
b) intrinsic
c) extrinsic and intrinsic.
3. Intrinsic motivation has often been divided into two groups by some authors –………………………………..
a) one based enjoyment and the other on obligation.
b) one based suffer and the other love
c) one based rest and the other on work.
4. Children’s brains are …….. capable of consuming new information than those of adults.
a) less.
b) much more
c) equally.
5. Motivational and inspirational experiences employees' attitudes, confidence and performance.
a) control.
b) decrease.
c) improve
6. Using activities and references that take people out of their normal work environment…………………………..
a) damages team discipline.
b) creates new opportunities for them to achievement and personal development.
c) takes a lot of company profit.
Lead in
§ What ways of earning money does society suggest to young people nowadays?
§ Do you know such a social and economic phenomenon as «сетевой маркетинг»? Do you know the special term for it in English?
§ What is your attitude to this phenomenon?
§ Why do people in all over the world join easily to this business?
§ Why did it become so popular in Russia at the present times?
Fill in the table.Share your ideas in groups of three.
things I know about Multilevel Marketing | things I don't know about Multilevel Marketing | things I'm not sure about Multilevel Marketing |
1 2 3 | 1 2 3 | 1 2 3 |
§ Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.
vitamins, investment, "start-up kit", competitively, legitimate, consumers, company, commissions, rewards, opportunities, distributors, a product, training programs, risky
§ Try to give them definitions in English.
§ In pairs in turn make sentences using expressions from the list above.
Pre-Reading task
Scan the text and put in the missing words and expressions from the list above.
Read and translate the text
The Bottom Line
Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 233.