To Make a Great First Impression
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Your personal appearance is a critical component of that all-important first impression when you walk into the room for your interview. So plan ahead!

Some people don't think about what they're going to wear until the morning of the interview. Then they scramble to find something that's appropriate, clean, and doesn't look like it's been slept in.

Imagine putting on that rarely used suit an hour before your interview and discovering that it no longer fits!

Plan your outfit in advance, try it on to make sure it fits well, and get it cleaned and pressed if necessary.

When deciding what to wear, think "conservative business attire." Even if you are interviewing for a field job in which you'll wear jeans and steel-toed boots, those clothes are not appropriate for the interview. It's always better to dress "up" than to dress "down."

The key is to look professional. Here are some preparation tips:

· Think about your hair in advance and make sure it's as ready for the interview as your clothes. Do you need a haircut or touch-up on the color? This goes for mustaches and beards, too.

· How are your teeth? If they're not pearly white, consider using one of the many teeth-whitening products on the market today. Dingy teeth really can make a negative impression, so don't ignore this.

· Freshen your breath, especially if it's been a while (or if you've eaten or smoked) since brushing your teeth. Don't go into the interview with chewing gum.

· Do not plan to wear perfume or cologne. Having no noticeable scent is better than turning your interviewer off by wearing too much perfume/cologne (or wearing a scent that unpleasantly reminds an interviewer of an ex-spouse). And many people are allergic to ingredients in perfumes and colognes. It's safest to wear no scent at all.

· Women, if you decide on a dress or skirt, make sure it's not too short. Be conservative. By the way, pantsuits are perfectly acceptable these days if they meet all the other criteria.

· Don't forget to consider your shoes. Chose a pair that is stylish, but conservative and comfortable. (Spike heels are not a good idea.) Make sure they're clean and/or shined.

Remember, your goal is to look professional and conservative. This applies to makeup, nail polish, jewelry, body piercings, tattoos, etc. If there's any chance that the interviewer might not like it, no matter how "cool" it is, don't let it show!

Dress to impress!

Work with the text

§ Think of tips from the text that you’re not going to follow. Explain why.

§ What re your own preparation tips?

§ Make notes and summarize the text.

Translate from Russian into English:

§ Некоторые люди думают о том, что надеть вплоть до утра перед интервью.

§ Запланируйте, что надеть заранее, примерьте, чтобы убедиться в том, что одежда по фигуре, почистите ее и погладьте, если необходимо.

§ Нежно ли вам постричься или подкрасить волосы?

§ Многие люди страдают от аллергии на компоненты духов и одеколона.

§ Выберите пару стильных, но строгих и удобных туфель.

§ Если есть хоть какая-то вероятность, что работодателю это не понравится, не важно насколько это круто выглядит, не показывайте!


Lead in

§ What do you think your image consist of?

§ Do you or your boss have personal style of management?

§ Do you think it is effective? Why?



§ Divide in two groups.

§ Think of the ideal style of management. Think of its advantages and disadvantages.

§ Discuss your ideas in group.


§ Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.

Recruiting firm, succeed, executive-training program, delegating, collaboration, failure, scenario, tension, turnaround assignment, expectation, charismatic, empower

§ Try to give their definitions in English.

§ In pairs make dialogues using new words and expressions. Read them aloud.

Pre-Reading task

§ Scan the text and try to find the main idea of every paragraph.

§ Read it aloud.


Read and translate the text

Is Your Style The Right Fit For The Job You’re After?

It's not unusual for a leader's style to clash with the company culture, says Chris Von Der Ahe, senior client partner with Korn/Ferry International, a recruiting firm based in Los Angeles. It's the main reason that executives pursue a job change, he says. Most companies focus on skills and experience when selecting a candidate, but research shows that cultural issues are the most important reasons why executives succeed or fail.

The original model for situational leadership was developed almost 40 years ago, and remains part of many executive-training programs. It calls for the leader to adopt a style based upon the ability and readiness of their employees to meet performance expectations.

The four styles are known generally as: directing, coaching, supporting and delegating. As the workers progressively become more competent and the business unit performs, the need for the leader to use a directive style decreases while the need for more collaboration and delegation increases.

When looking for or accepting a new assignment, matching or adapting your personal style to the needs of the position can mean the difference between success and failure. To help you assess whether an opening would a good match for you, here's a rundown on each scenario and the style that's most effective for it.

1. The Turnaround

The business-unit turnaround calls for the leader to provide large amounts of direction, says Don Brown, president of Situational Services.

In addition to being adept at making changes, being comfortable with tension and some stress is important for leaders who accept turnaround assignments.

2. The New Venture.

A new venture is much like the underperforming business unit, but usually requires the leader to move more quickly and to develop infrastructure and strategy, using a style that is both hands-on and detail oriented, says Mr. Von Der Ahe.

3. The Top Performer

The business unit that has been meeting or exceeding expectations requires its leader to use the most collaborative and supportive style, says Rick Scholl, director of the Schmidt Labor Research Center.

He says that this assignment is for the leader who is charismatic, good at building relationships, and empowering others, while keeping a sharp eye on the future for changes ahead.

Work with the text

§ Identify the scenario to your boss’s one.

§ What scenario would you choose? Why?

Translate from Russian into English:

§ Это основная причина, по которой руководители вносят изменения в процесс труда.

§ Оригинальная программа ситуационного управления была разработана почти сорок лет назад и собрала в себе части многих обучающих программ для руководителей.

§ Новое предприятие часто похоже на подструктуру прежнего предприятия.

§ Подразделения, которые сталкиваются или ожидают перемен, желают, чтобы их руководитель придерживался более гибкого и понимающего стиля руководства.

§ Он утверждает, что такой стиль подходит харизматичным руководителям успешным в построении взаимоотношений, воодушевляющим других и внимательно следящим за изменениями, которые могут произойти в будущем.


§ Write your own Curriculum Vitae using the information from units.

§ Prepare a list of questions you may be asked during the interview.

§ In groups of organize a role play. One of you will be an interviewer, others – applicants. Think of possible interview mistakes and wise actions. Act a kind of play for the group.

§ Discuss your plays.

§ Write special terms to your personal glossary.


1. Simply use examples adapting to ……………….

a) the needs of your employer.

b) your personal data.

c) your wishes.

2. Guess that evaluators of your CV get used the same standard examples……

a) for other people.

b) to check your knowledge in business correspondence.

c) for preparing their own successful resume and job applications.

3. Resume highlights your professional profile but application letter gives you another possibility to……………...

a) show your business writing skills.

b) stress on your successful carrier.

c) express your business plans.

4. Dingy teeth really can make ……………...

a) a negative impression.

b) you happy.

c) you laughed at.

5. Make sure your shoes ……….....

a) are new and beautiful.

b) are clean and shined.

c) look expensive.

6. Most companies focus on skills and experience when selecting a candidate, but the most important reasons why executives …………..…

a) are looking for a new job.

b) require well-paid job.

c) succeed or fail.

7. Being comfortable with tension and some stress is ……….

a) important.

b) essential.

c) rare.



Lead in

§ Have you ever had to do your job in tight deadlines?

§ What do you usually do to meet a deadline in your private or professional life?

§ What are your personal ways of saving time?

§ What are your personal time consuming activities?



§ Divide in two groups.

§ Make a list of time saving tips for using in your professional life.

§ Discuss your ideas in group.


§ Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.

Maximum output, biological rhythms, compile, primitive to-do list, guarantee, satisfactory result, switching between tasks, to handle, priority, time frame, disregard, time-consuming activities, time waster, low-yield job, clarification, ill-defined, unnecessary appointments, difficult time frame

§ Try to give their definitions in English.

§ Make sentences using new words and expressions. Read them aloud.

Pre-Reading task

Scan the text and give synonyms to the words in bold.


Read and translate the text

Some Time Saving Tips!


Very few people know how to arrange their day to get maximum output. Biological rhythms, personal likes and dislikes all must be taken into account while planning the day's schedule. People usually do their planning in their heads or compile some sort of primitive to-do list. But having such a list does not necessarily guarantee a satisfactory result.

One of the things that cause the most problems is switching between different tasks. The only way out here is being ready and able to handle several responsibilities at once with minimal time loss.

Some Time Saving Tips:

1. Set your priorities.

2. Select a reasonable time frame.

3. Never disregard a thing that has been planned.

4. Identify useless and time-consuming activities.

5. Track these time wasters in an activity log: look at everything you have done during the work day, decide how much time each was worth, and compare that with the time you actually spent on it.

6. Eliminate low-yield jobs.

7. Seek clarification, if a task is ill-defined.

8. Be ruthless and eliminate the unnecessary appointments.

9. Do not agree to an unrealistic deadline.

10. Never set unrealistic goals with a difficult time frame.


Work with the text

§ Give example for every time saving tip.

§ Compare the list of time saving tips with your own one.

§ Find tips from the list you do not need to use in your professional life. Explain why.

Translate from Russian into English:

§ Биологические ритмы, персональные предпочтения и неприязнь к чему-либо - все должно быть принято во внимание при планировании ежедневного графика работы.

§ Переключение от одной задачи к другой является одной из самых серьезных проблем.

§ Никогда не игнорируйте то, что запланировано сделать.

§ Избавьтесь от малопродуктивных видов деятельности.

§ Не соглашайтесь на нереальные сроки выполнения задачи.

§ Никогда не ставьте нереальные цели к выполнению в сжатые сроки.


Lead in

§ What can lack of time management lead to?

§ Do you think it is better to stay in office late to show your desire to work or it is good to do everything quickly? Why?

§ What do you do to complete your professional tasks quickly?



§ Divide in groups of three.

§ Think of situations to be time managed. Manage them using the techniques you know.

§ Discuss your ideas in group.


§ Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.

Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 206.