How To Meet Quality Standards With ISO 9001
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In today's ……… ……….. ………….., it is vital that we are all on the same page, right? But how do we know if we meet those standards? Business owners and executives can avoid the uncertainty, and that's where ISO 9001 certification comes in.

Standardizing Quality Systems. The ISO, or International Organization for Standardization, was established in 1947 to develop international standards for everything from …………… to management ………….. Having over 13,000 standards currently in place, ISO has created the auditing and certification process known as ISO 9001. This began the drive toward quality standards.

Improving Customer Satisfaction. Companies choose to implement ISO 9001 and get certified because many customers and industries ……….. it. By keeping customers happy, they can increase sales and …………….. for their business. And if an area of the company's program appears to be too ………………. and …….. - …….. - ………., then it might also be an area for continuous improvement efforts.

Enhancing Company Policy and Performance. Both customers and industries alike use ISO certification as a way to evaluate and ………… their suppliers and products. Through an independent ……………. …………….., customers can gain assurance of their suppliers' products. And as a supplier becomes certified, the testing requirement is waved, which saves the company both time and money.

Developing a Best Practices Process. Employed as a "Best Practices" model, ISO 9001 utilizes the philosophy of the "Plan-Do-Check-Act" continuous improvement cycle to achieve requirements. This process approach centers around eight quality management principles used by management as a guide toward improving performance and identifying the main elements needed in a goodquality system: Customer Focus; Leadership; Involvement of People; Process Approach; Systems Approach to Management; Continuous Improvement; Factual Approach to ………….. - ……………; Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship.

Building Stable Processes. ISO 9001 policies, procedures and forms can provide employers, managers and employees with a systematic and consistent approach to implementing policies, plans, procedures and work routines. Instead of building their own policies and procedures from scratch, some companies prefer to hire professional writers that have already prepared a set of written policies and procedures to help on the way to certification.

Auditing a Company System. In the certification process, an independent registrar will perform an on-site audit of a company's operations to verify that it complies with the ISO standard. If the business complies, then that company will be registered as ISO 9001 compliant.

Effective Policies and Procedures. On the way to certification, a business can meet its ISO needs by: Using ………… - ………….. processes and procedures to build stable processes; Training in the audit and certification process; Continuously improving with ISO 9001 standards.

Work with the text

§ Find words with the opposite meaning to the words in bold.

§ Present the main ideas of the text in a short out-line.


Translate from Russian into English:

§ ISO, или Международная Организация Стандартизации, была основана в 1947, для разработки всех международных стандартов от электронных систем до систем управления.

§ Сохраняя клиентов счастливыми, они могут увеличить распродажи и востребованность их бизнеса.

§ Если предприятие согласно, компания будет зарегистрирована как пользователь ISO 9001.



§ Make a kind of survey among your friends and relatives about their opinion about quality of products and services.

§ Write a short article or report.

§ Present your report to your peers using a plan, scheme or diagram.

§ Discuss other presentations and make notes.

§ Write special terms to your personal glossary.


1. Quality management is focused …………. on product/service quality.

a) only.

b) not only.

c) totally.

2. By implementing Six Sigma concepts, governmental organizations can ……….. .

a) increase turnover in the country.

b) keep the quality of products high.

c) improve their customer services and increase the overall efficiency of the organization as well.

3. Quality management adopts a number of management principles that can be used by upper management………………….

a) to control employees discipline.

b) to guide their organizations towards improved performance.

c) to hire and fire easily.

4. The services offered by governmental organizations involve interactions with people who………………...

a) like to spend time in courts.

b) can be treated as customers of the organization.

c) can’t defend their rules.

5. Six Sigma helps in increasing the efficiency of the interaction process by ………...

a) putting in place effective systems and controls that are based on facts and statistics.

b) controlling discipline.

c) low.

6. By keeping customers happy, companies can …………

a) decrees the amount of competitors..

b) increase sales and profitability for their business.

c) develop the sphere of business.



Lead in

§ What is management?

§ Do you know the special term for it in Russian?

§ If you had a chance would you like to be a manager? Why? Why not?



§ Are there any differences between understanding the term “management” in our country and western countries?

§ Give examples.



§ Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.

Encompass an array, accomplish a task, quintessentially considered, practically skewed, human society, purposefully, systematic innovation, separate branch, goal-oriented results, key functions, overall growth, long-term perspective, setting objectives, crafting a strategy, a blend of, collaborative processes

§ Try to give their definitions in English.

§ In pares make dialogues using new words and expressions. Read them aloud.

Pre-Reading task

§ Try to give your own definition of management phenomena.

§ Write down. Read in aloud.

§ Compare it with definitions of your peers.


Read and translate the text.

Definition Of Management


The term ‘management’ encompasses an array of different functions undertaken to accomplish a task successfully. In the simplest of terms, management is all about ‘getting things done’. However, it is the way and the process of how one achieves ones target or goals and it is in this respect that management is considered an art and a science as well.

The term management may be recently defined, but it existed at a time when men started learning the art of organizing, strategizing (during wars) and/or simply planning. At the core of it, management was quintessentially considered as an art of ‘managing men’ and hence the term “manage-men-T.”

At the roots, management evolved when the definition of knowledge became practically skewed rather than being plain ‘rational’. In some way, Rousseau (1972) pointed out “A real knowledge of things may be a good thing in itself, but the knowledge of men and their opinions is better, for in human society.”

And much later, management scholar, Peter Drucker (1993) defined management as “Supplying knowledge to find out how existing knowledge can best be applied to produce results is, in effect, what we mean by management. But knowledge is now also being applied systematically and purposefully to determine what new knowledge is needed, whether it is feasible, and what has to be done to make knowledge effective. It is being applied, in other words, to systematic innovation.” (Drucker, 1993)

From the above two definitions, it is clear that management is a creative as well as a systematic flow of knowledge that can be applied to produce results by using human as well as other resources in an effective way. Management has not been limited to managing human resource; management today has been segregated into various branches like financial management, strategic management, operations management, time management, crisis management, marketing management etc. Each of these is a separate branch that is being handled by managers who specialize in these fields.

Today the importance of management from an organization’s point of view has increased multifold. It is only through effective management that companies are developing and executing their business’s policies and strategies to maximize their profits and provide with the best of products and services.

Management today combines creative, business, organizational, analytical and other skills to produce effective goal-oriented results! Some of the key functions in management includes learning to delegate, planning and organizing, communicating clearly, controlling situations, motivating employees, adapting to change, constantly innovating and thinking of new ideas, building a good team and delivering results which are not just figure -bound but results that also focus on overall growth and development.

Management focuses on the entire organization from both a short and a long-term perspective. Management is the managerial process of forming a strategic vision, setting objectives, crafting a strategy and then implementing and executing the strategy.

Management goes beyond the organization’s internal operations to include the industry and the general environment. The key emphasis is on issues related to environmental scanning and industry analysis, appraisal of current and future competitors, assessment of core competencies, strategic control and the effective allocation of organizational resources.

A good management style is a blend of both efficiency and effectiveness. There is no point in acting efficiently if what you are doing will not have the desired effect. Management techniques can be viewed as either bottom-up, top-down, or collaborative processes.

Work with the text

§ Compare the definition you wrote before reading the text and definition mentioned in the text.

§ Match sentences T (True) or F (False):

- The term management was defined long ago ( ).

- Management became practically skewed ( ).

- Today the importance of management from an organization’s point of view has increased ( ).

- A good management style is a blend of power and ambitions ( ).

Translate from Russian into English:

§ По сути, менеджмент является квинтэссенцией искусства управлять людьми и процесса управления людьми.

§ Управление не является ограничением человеческих ресурсов; управление сегодня разделено на такие отрасли как финансовый менеджмент, стратегический менеджмент, операциональный менеджмент, менеджмент времени, кризисный менеджмент, менеджмент маркетинга и т.п.

§ Управление сегодня объединяет творческие, деловые, организационные, аналитические и другие способности для более эффективного достижения ориентированных на цель результатов.

§ Методы управления могут быть рассмотрены как восходящий, нисходящий, или совмещенные процессы.


Lead in

§ What types of management do you know?

§ If you were a manager what type of managing people would you choose? Why?

§ What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a manager?


§ Divide in two groups.

§ Think of advantages and disadvantages of democratic and authoritarian type of management.

§ Present your ideas.



§ Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.

Investment, efficient manner, disposal, situational matter, self-motivated workers, empowering, diverse, burning question, mundane monitoring, complex projects, insensitive, forceful arguments, proactive, autocratic leadership

§ Try to give their definitions in English.

§ Make sentences using new words and expressions. Read them aloud.

Pre-Reading task

Scan the text and divide it into 6 paragraphs.


Read and translate the text

What Is Management?

Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 223.