Use the verbs in brackets in one of the Indefinite Tenses.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. Margie and her sister (to have) wonderful voices. They usually (to sing) folk music.

2. What temperature water (to freeze) at?

3. He (not, to like) yesterday’s concert.

4. As a rule, the captain of the ship (to have) a heavy responsibility.

5. We (to study) biology two years ago.

6. He (to go) with a different girl every week.

7. When psychology (to appear) as an independent science?

8. He (to live) on a farm and (to work) in a big city.

9. After inventing dynamite, Alfred Nobel (to become) a very rich man.

10. We (not, to have) a holiday last year.

11. You (to participate) at the annual student conference next year?

12. It is raining. If you (to walk) there in this rain, you (to get) awfully wet.

13. There (to be) any foreign students in your Institute?

14. You (to be) married?

15. You (to have) any problems with English grammar?

16. It (to be) autumn now; soon the leaves (to change) colour.

17. Our car (to have) a breakdown on the road yesterday.

18. Peter (to wash) his hair twice a week.

19. “When you (to see Sarah)?” “I (to see) her 3 days ago”

20. You (to know) anybody in London?

3. Put in one of the constructions: there + be or it + be.

1. Once upon a time _ a beautiful princess.

2. _ snow on the mountains.

3. _ a lot of people in the restaurant last night.

4. _ a long way from here to the library.

5. “What day _ today?” “ _Sunday.”

6. _ no need to hurry.

7. _ three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom in our flat.

8. _ a storm tomorrow afternoon.

9. _ easy to see the faults in people I know.

10. _ time to go home.

Translate into English.

1. Зимой идет снег.

2. В этом тексте есть новые слова.

3. Новая библиотека находится недалеко от метро.

4. У моего отца есть очень богатое собрание книг русских писателей.

5. Она скоро будет студенткой.

6. Он не расскажет тебе эту смешную историю, если ты не придешь сегодня вечером.

7. -Вы ходили вчера в институт? – Нет, я не ходил вчера в институт, потому что я был болен.

8. -Ее друг занимается английским каждое утро?

9. – На прошлой неделе погода была здесь холодная? –Нет, погода была очень хорошая.

10. Занятия не закончатся в 2 часа.

5. Give the plural form of the nouns:

Way, month, leaf, lady, man-servant, phenomenon, proof, passer-by, piano, German, sheep, hero, goose, child, crisis, tooth-brush, lady-bird, fellow-worker, analysis, studio, kilo, half, Englishman, walking-stick, forget-me-not, Norman, cliff.

Insert the appropriate form of the verb “to be”.

1. Julia’s clothes _ the wardrobe.

2. The most important news _broadcast on this channel.

3. Where _ the glasses?

4. There _ a lot of sheep in the field.

5. Your jeans _ too tight.

6. Draughts _ not a complicated game.

7. There _ hardly any furniture in this room.

8. “Can I borrow your scissors? Mine _not sharp enough.

9. Statistics _ useful in language testing.

10. The USA _ situated in North America.

7. Use the possessive case of the noun instead of the of-phrase if possible.

1. the weather of tomorrow

2. the name of the book

3. the influence of America

4. the wedding of John and Mary

5. the shade of the tree

6. the toys of children

7. a journey of two days

8. the secretary of the President

9. the office of the editor-in-chief

10. the success of the company

Fill in the articles where necessary.

1. It’s _ first volume and _ chapter 32 is in _ second.

2. _ piano is my favourite instrument.

3. What _ lovely song!

4. _ Thames flows through _ London.

5. _ Pacific is _ largest ocean in _ world.

6. Is there _ telephone here?

7. She works as _ psychologist.

8. Show me _ telegram you received yesterday.

9. _ English is _ international language.

10. _ Americans are very different from _ Russians.

Read the text and translate the fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs into Russian in written form.

Can We Stop the Bullies?

1).Bullying is a serious problem in many countries. In the UK, for example, 8 out of every 10 children are bullied at some time. About 10 young people commit suicide every year because they are victims of bullying.

2). Bullying often starts when people pick on something that is different. It could be how big you are or how thin you are, the way you look or the way you dress… Sometimes bullies don’t even need a reason.

3). Bullies rely on three things: that no one tells, that no one stands up for you and that no one steps in if you look for help.

4). Bullying can take many forms – from physical violence to name calling and spreading nasty rumours. Parents and teachers often think that bullies are kids who hit, kick and pinch. But bullies who don’t use physical power are often more dangerous. This type of bully attacks by spreading rumours, calling names and making insulting remarks.

5). It is important to know why people become bullies. Bullies are nearly always cowards. They get satisfaction from hurting people who are usually weaker than they are. They are often jealous of their victims or something the victims can do well. This is because they either have problems of their own or an extremely low opinion of themselves. Perhaps they are victims of bulling by their parents or their brothers or sisters.

6). The golden rule if you are a victim of bully is to talk to somebody you can trust. Don’t give your bullies the satisfaction of a reaction. Don’t show them that their words hurt you. Don’t be an easy target, be self-confident: head high, shoulders back, and act as if you are not at all hurt. Stand up for other students.

7). Finally, if you are bullied you are not alone. Napoleon, Churchill, Madonna were all bullied while at school.

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 249.