Rewrite the third paragraph of the text in the Past Indefinite.
Find the nouns in the plural form from the third paragraph and make them singular.
13. Put the type of question given in brackets to the following sentences:
1. The police say that most runaways return home within a few days. (General)
2. Many runaways come from homes broken by divorce. (Special to the subject)
3. There are four main means of survival on the street: begging, stealing, prostitution and drug dealing. (Special)
4. Legally they are too young to get a job. (Alternative)
5. Most of them have no money to survive. (Disjunctive)
Answer the questions.
1. What problem is touched upon in the text?
2. Why do teenagers run away from their homes?
3. What problems do runaways face on the street?
4. What are the main means of survival on the street?
5. How do people try to protect street children?
6. Have you ever thought of running away from home?
Контрольная работа 2
1 вариант
Put the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense form either Indefinite or Continuous.
1. Listen! The telephone (to ring).
2. Say it again, I (not, to hear) you.
3. I (to read) a book yesterday at 6 o’clock.
4. My wife often (to make) plum-cakes.
5. John still (to work) in the garden.
6. Alice (to work) for an insurance company, Phil (to work) in Japan at the moment.
7. I (to play) a lot of tennis when I was younger.
8. I (not, to know) Spanish, but I (to learn) it now.
9. We (to argue) yesterday the whole evening where to go in summer.
10. This time tomorrow they (to sit) in the train on their way to Chicago.
11. Hurry up! If you (to catch) a taxi, you (to meet) Mary at the station.
12. Every day I (to help) Mom about the house, but last week I (to be) very busy with my exam. So I (not, to help) her much.
13. – Take your umbrella. It (to rain) cats and dogs.
14. We (to wait) for you at the library at 5 tomorrow.
15. I (not, to belong) to a political party.
Translate into English using one of the Indefinite or Continuous tense forms.
1. Он собирается продать свой дом.
2. – Вы переводили статью или готовились к контрольной работе в 2 часа? – Я готовился к контрольной.
3. Он думает, вам не понравится новый балет.
4. – Что будут делать дети, когда мы придем домой? – Они будут обедать.
5. Я не собираюсь обманывать ее.
6. Попов изобрел радио в 1895 году.
7. Почтальон приносит нам почту по утрам.
8. Мы пошлем вам документы, как только получим их из Минска.
9. Мой кот не ест рыбу, поэтому я всегда покупаю мясо для него.
10. Я думаю, мы встретимся со своими друзьями через несколько дней.
3. Write the numbers in English words:
1. 12 503 467
2. 3 ¾
3. 6, 75
4. 0, 25
5. 3. 09. 1807
6. in 2005
7. 47%
Fill in the indefinite pronouns: “some”, “any”, “no” or their derivates.
1. I hardly know _ person at this party.
2. Where can I get _ to eat?
3. Is there _ in the paper?
4. If _ happens, ring me up immediately.
5. Did you go _ yesterday?
6. _ doctor will tell you that smoking is bad for you.
7. Ann is very secretive: she talks to _ about her problems.
8. Quick, let’s go! There is _ coming, and I don’t want _ to see us.
9. You may come at _ time that is convenient to you.
10. Can I have _ cold water?
5. Complete the sentences with much, many or a lot of.
1. – Do you have _ trouble with English? – I don’t have _ trouble speaking, but I have _ difficulty writing.
2. The journey was a short one: it didn’t take _ time.
3. Not _ people come here in winter.
4. I like _ butter on my bread.
5. Is there _ mud on the road after the rain?
6. Complete the sentences witha little,little, a fewor few.
1. It is _ use trying to change her mind.
2. Could you possibly give me _ help?
3. She only wanted _ love, _ kindness.
4. Unfortunately, he had _ friends.
5. He doesn’t speak much English, only _ words.
Choose the right pronoun.
1. Tom and Ann blamed (their, themselves, themselfs) for the accident.
2. Their flat is bigger than (our, us, ours).
3. Our city is famous for (its, his, it’s) beautiful ancient buildings.
4. Jeans always stay in fashion. People like (their, them, it).
5. Take (this, these, those) money and give (them, it, they) to Pete.
6. Clothes are very important to me. (She, they, it,) show my personality.
Translate into English.
1. На катке сегодня мало детей. 2. Подождите немного, я попрошу кого-либо купить молока и хлеба. 3. Никто ничего не знает об этом. 4.Сегодня кто-нибудь отсутствует? 5. Везде есть парки и деревья. 6. Он знал всех в этом городе. 7. Мы где-нибудь купим тебе майку. 8. Я поеду в Париж с кем угодно, но только не с Катей. 9. Я забыла свою ручку, не дадите ли мне вашу? 10. Эта машина не его, она моя. 11. То дерево было старое, а это – молодое. 12. Она очень мало говорила о себе. 13. Он почистил ботинки сам. 14. Эти книги мои, возьмите их, если хотите. 15. Она умывается каждое утро.
Read the text and translate it into Russian in written form.
The Gene Revolution
1). Films and science fiction books played with the idea of reproduction exact copies of people. Today we have our first real clones, though they are not human beings –yet!
2). Cloning is a controversial issue. Some people are ready to eat cloned fruits and vegetables, but are against cloning animals. They think it is morally unacceptable.
3). Every plant, animal and person has genes. They are passed on from generation to generation.
4). The recipe for a human being is contained in the 80, 000 genes we inherit from our parents. These genes have the instructions that not only make us human, but also determine things like skin colour and the shape of our nose.
5). Scientists have known about genes for a long time.
6). The gene revolution began in 1997, when Dr Ian Wilmut and his colleagues from Edinburgh University produced the 1st cloned sheep, Dolly. In 1999, a young bull was cloned in the United States. In 2000, American scientists announced the birth of 5 cloned piglets.
7). In 2002, the world’s first cloned pet, Copy Cat, was born. She turned out to be very different from her mother. They are different in appearance and character. Scientists say it proves that clones don’t necessarily turn out to be exact copies.
8). Cloning animals opens exciting new medical possibilities.
9). Many people are in need of tissues and organs, for example, heart, liver or kidney, for transplantation. Cloning can solve this problem. It can be also used to preserve animals who are on the brink of extinction.
10). Scientists can develop animals which produce more milk, meat and wool, or animals which don’t catch certain diseases. This can save the lives of starving people.
11). But cloning is only one part of genetic engineering. It’s also possible to transfer an individual gene from one cell to another and create new life forms. For example, British scientists managed to create the first “geep”, an animal which is 50% sheep and 50% goat.
12). Now people are wondering if the world will soon see another incredible sight : a clone of a human being.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 248.