1. _ fine today. 2. _ no telephone in this flat. 3. _ an underground station not far from my house. 4. _ nearly 10 o’clock. 5. _ pity that you can’t come with me. 6. _ little time left. We must hurry. 7. _ a light in the kitchen. Mother is at home. 8. _ no place like home. 9. _ time to go to bed. 10. _ not true to say that she is a close friend of mine. 11. _ October. _ cold. 12. _ late. 13. _ important to complete this work.14. _ difficult to read English newspapers.
Translate into English.
1. В предложении есть ошибка. 2. Журнал на том стуле. 3. На собрании было много людей. 4. Бананы в коробке. 5. Вчера было много уроков. 6. В этой комнате будет два окна. 7. В этом тексте есть новые слова. 8. Новые слова на доске. 9. Стол и кровать были в комнате. 10. Письма на столе. 11. В комнате было два стула. 12. В этой группе мало девушек. 13. В моей голове было много мыслей. 14. У них в группе будет мало человек. 15. Недалеко от нашего дома будет новая школа. 16. В центре города находится рынок. 17. Бассейн находится в центре города. 18. В деревне есть река. 19. На полях было много снега. 20. В нашей квартире будет 4 комнаты.
Translate into English.
1. Зимой всегда холодно. 2. На улице темно? 3. Это сложно сделать. 4. Осенью часто идут дожди. 5. Осенью часто шли дожди. 6. Зимой идет снег? 7. Скоро потеплеет. 8. Поздно идти туда сейчас. 9. Легко перевести это предложение. 10. Им потребовалось 2 часа, чтобы добраться до Минска. 11. Зимой трудно вставать рано. 12. Нам потребовался час, чтобы приготовить пирог. 13. Интересно послушать тебя. 14. Сложно говорить об этом фильме. 15. Интересно будет прочитать эту книгу. 16. Невозможно описать эту картину. 17. Вчера было тепло. 18. Завтра пойдет снег. 19. Важно закончить эту работу сегодня. 20. Дожди нечасто идут здесь летом.
Translate into English.
1. Выпей сок. 2. Не делай этого. 3. Иди домой. 4. Купи новую машину. 5. Не опаздывай. 6. Поторопись. 7. Не плачь! 8. Не ходи туда! 9. Скажи мне правду. 10. Не лги мне.
Add question words to the questions.
1. _ is that little girl over there? 2. _ is her full name? 3. _ old is your little daughter? 4. _ many are you in the family? 5. _ do you live? – I live in Riga. 6. _ is the main river in Minsk? 7. _ were you born? – I was born in 1987. 8. _ do you get up? –I get up at 7 o’clock. 9. _ does your brother work? –He works at hospital. 10. _ books do you like to read? – I like to read detective stories.
Add question-tags to the sentences.
1. My parents are not old at all. 2. Tom has a wife and two children. 3. They have no nephews or nieces. 4. My friends go to the country every week. 5. He didn’t go anywhere yesterday. 6. He made a lot of mistakes in his dictation. 7. Kate will not catch up with the group. 8. There is no need for him to hurry.
The Noun
1. Use apostrophe (‘s) or “of-phrase”.
1) the newspaper/today, 2) the birthday/my father, 3) the director/the company, 4) the economic policy/government, 5) the park/ Mr Smith, 6) the camera/Ann, 7) bottom/the page, 8) the name/the avenue, 9) the wedding/Ann and Paul, 10) the twins/this woman, 11) the leave/a month, 12) the distance/two miles, 13) the novel/Ilf and Petrov, 14) the wheel/the car, 15) the murder/Kennedy, 16) the back/the train, 17) the office/the editor-in-chief, 18) the population/Canada, 19) the palace/St. James, 20) the comment/the passer-by, 21) the telephone conversation/yesterday.
Translate into English.
1. Имя врача. 2. Словари этого студента. 3. Словари этих студентов. 4. Крыша дома. 5. Гнездо птицы. 6.Клетка кроликов. 7. Квартира моего отчима. 8. Машина Тома и Алисы. 9. Решение комитета. 10. Жены Генриха VIII. 11. Друзья моих родителей. 12. Картины Пикассо и Дали.13. Природные ресурсы России. 14. Начало фильма. 15. Гитара моей свекрови. 16. Название улицы. 17. Парк города.
State the number of the nouns and translate them into Russian.
Data, clothes, trousers, news, phenomenon, basis, child, oxen, money, scales, geese, advice, sheep, progress, mice, louse, hair, knowledge, billiards, feet, men, furniture, ink, police, contents, jeans, goods, cattle, scissors, glasses, politics, lives, stairs.
Write down the plural form of the nouns.
Roof, potato, sky, zoo, piano, fish, path, deer, bush, man-of-war, housewife, looker-on, person, mouse, scarf, ray, ox, datum, thief, phenomenon, box, chief, tooth, louse, basis, goose, woman, crisis, child, Roman, tooth-brush, grown-up, lady-bird, fellow-worker, Englishman, German, editor-in-chief, criterion, series, walking-stick.
Insert “is” or “are”.
1. Where _ the glasses? 2. Money _not everything. 3. There _ a lot of sheep in the field. 4. Knowledge _ power. 5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine _ not sharp enough. 6. My hair _ blond. 7. No news _ good news. 8. Julia’s clothes _ in her wardrobe. 9. His advice _ always reasonable. 10. A little money _ better than nothing. 11. The phenomena _ unusual. 12. Mathematics _ difficult, but physics _ more difficult to my mind. 13. I think her hair _ dyed. 14. The cattle _ in the field. 15. Criteria _ changing, you know.
Choose the correct form.
1. When (is, are) the daily news on? – (they are, It is) on every hour on Euro News.2. (Does, do) the police know about the murder? 3. News (travel, travels) fast. 4. The USA (has, have) a violent history. 5. The trousers (don’t, doesn’t) fit you. 6. Fifty dollars (is, are) too much to pay for the jeans. 7. I am going to take a bus. 3 miles (is, are) too far for me to walk. 8. Money (isn’t, aren’t) everything in my life. 9. (Fish, fishes) travel long distances and different fish (live, lives) at different levels of water.
The Article
Insert the articles.
1. Have you got _ car? 2. Give me _ pen and _ pencil, please. 3. I’ve bought _ hat. _ hat is expensive. 4. She is _ doctor. 5. Switch off _ light, please. 6. There is _ nice park in front of our house. 7. There are _ nice pictures on the gallery. 8. Have you seen _ book I bought last week? 9. This is _ Tom. 10. This is _ small boat. 11. The boy is _ good swimmer. 12. They bought _ piano. Can you play _ piano? 13. The girl saw _ old woman. _ old woman helped her with her work. 14. When I was ten I was sent to _ boarding school. _ school was old. 15. _ tea in my cup is cold. 16. Americans were _ first to send people to _ Moon. 17. _ water in _ pool was very cold. 18. _ butter is made of _ cream. 19. He studies _ English. 20. _ English language is spoken all over the world.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 253.