IF | condition | result |
Past Perfect | WOULD HAVE + Past Participle | |
If | I had won the lottery | I would have bought a car. |
Zero Conditional: certainty
IF | Condition | result |
present simple | present simple | |
If | you heat ice | it melts. |
Active | Passive | |
Simple | Не likes tellingtales. | He likes being toldtales. |
Perfect | He is proud of having spokento this person . | He is proud of having been spoken to |
Gerund is used after:
as a result of besides in spite of by
in favour of without despite for
against what about instead of after
as well as how about on before
Gerund is used after expressions:
to be afraid of | to be interested in |
to be busy | to be responsible for |
to be engaged in | to be tired of |
to be fond of | to be used to |
to be good at | to be worth |
Gerund is used after certain verbs:
to avoid | to keep |
to admit | to like |
to burst out | To mind (в вопросит. и отриц. предлож.) |
cannot help | to need |
to consider | to postpone |
to deny | to practise |
to dislike | to prefer |
to excuse | to put off |
to forgive | to regret |
to give up | to remember |
to go on | to stop |
toinvolve | to try |
Gerund is used after verbs with prepositions:
to accuse of | to insist on |
to agree to | to look forward to |
to apologize for | to object to |
to approve of | to persist in |
to congratulateon | to prevent from |
to depend on | to rely on |
to dream of | to succeed in |
to feel like | to suspect of |
to give up the idea of | to thank for |
to inform of | to think of |
Active | Passive | |
Simple | I am glad to tellyou this news. | I am glad to be toldthe news. |
Continuous | I am glad to be telling you | |
Perfect | I am glad to have told you | I am glad to have been Toldthe news. |
Perfect Continuous | I am glad to have been Tellingyou. |
Auxiliary | Uses | Present / future | Past |
may | 1. polite request 2. formal permission 3. less than 50% certainty | May I borrow your pen? You may leave the room. A: Where's Tom? B: He may beat the office. | He mayhavebeenat the office. |
might | 1. less than 50% certainty 2. polite request | A: Where's Tom? B: He might be at the office. Might I borrow your pen? | He might have been at the office. |
should | 1. advisability 2. 90% certainty | I should help my fatherin the morning. She should pass the exam!(future only, not present) | I should have helped my father yesterday. She should have passed the exam! |
ought to | 1. advisability 2. 90% certainty | I ought to study tonight. She ought to do well on the test. (future only, not present) | I ought to have studied last night. She ought to have studied last night. |
had better | 1. advisability with threat of bad result | You had better be on time, or we will leave without you. | (past form uncomon) |
be supposed to | 1. expectation | He is supposed to come at 12. | He was supposed to comeat 12. |
be to | 1. strong expectation | You are to behere at 9:00. | You were to behere at 9:00. |
must | 1. strong necessity 2. prohibition (negative) 3. 95% certainty | I must goto class today. You must not open that door. Mary isn't in class. She must be sick. (present only) | I had to goto class yesterday. Mary must have beensick yesterday. |
have to | 1. necessity 2. lack of necessity (negative) | I have to goto class today. I don't have to goto class today. | I had to goto class yesterday. I had to goto class yesterday. |
have got to | 1. necessity | I have got to goto class today. | I had to go to class yesterday. |
will | 1. 100% certainty 2. willingness 3. polite request | He will be here at 6:00 ((future only). The phone's ringing. I'll get it. Will you please pass the salt? | |
be going to | 1. 100% certainty 2. definite plan | He is going to behere at 6:00 (future only) I'm going to paint my bedroom. (futureonly) | I was going to paint my room, but I didn't have time. |
can | 1. ability / possibility 2. Informal permission 3. Informal polite request 4. impossibility (negativeonly) | I can run fast. You can usemy car tomorrow. Can I borrow your pen? That can'tbetrue! | That can't have beentrue! |
could | 1. past ability 2. polite request 3. suggestion 4. less than 50% certainty 5. impossibility (negative only). | Could I borrow your pen? Couldyou help me? A: I need help in English. B: You could talk to your English teacher. A: Where's John? B: He could beat home. That couldn't be true! | I could runfast when I was a child. You could have talked to your teacher. He could have been at home. That couldn't have beentrue! |
be able to | 1. ability | I am able to help you. I will be able to helpyou. | I was able to helphim. |
would | 1. polite request 2. preference 3. repeated action in the past | Would you please ass salt? Wouldyou mind if I left early? I would rather goto the park than stayhome. | I would rather have gone to the park. When I was a child, I would visit my grandmother every weekend. |
used to | 1. repeated action in the past | When I was a child, I would visit my grandmother every weekend. | |
shall | 1. polite question to make a suggestions 2. future with "I" or "we" as subject | Shall I open the window? I shallleave at nine. (will =more common) |
1. Рушинская И.С. About sociology in English. О социологии: Практикум по английскому языку / И.С. Рушинская. – М. : Флинта : Наука, 2000. – 112 с.
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6. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) National Curriculum for Universities / [Бакаєва Г.Є., Борисенко О.А., Зуєнок І.І. та ін.]. – К. : Ленвіт, 2005. – 119 с.
7. Goodale M. The language of meeting / M. Goodale – Boston : Thomson Learning Inc., 2006. – 128 p.
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Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 261.