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There have been many eloquent and well-worded definitions of the term sex roles, but simply stated a sex role is an expectation of a person’s behaviour based on whether the person is male or female. Each society organizes its sex roles into categories which we may refer to as sex-role stereotypes.

Children were taught their roles when very young. Boys were shown how to farm and provide for in their future families’ needs. They went to school where they were taught the basics along with being introduced to career alternatives. Higher education was available.Girls learned how to do the household chores, and received some basic education. Higher education was not opened for women until 1837, and even then only to a very limited degree, hence career alternatives were not available for them. Girls were taught how to be wives and mothers.

Surprisingly to some, there were feminists then. They were usually thought of as unfeminine, sinful women who preached the devil’s words. Some feminists did take on manly ways, like cutting their hair short, but the majorities were feminine and married. They were chided by the church, by most men, and by some women who did not understand their outspokenness. Feminists advocated equality of the sexes in education and careers. They also campaigned and rallied for the right to vote. Women’s rights were not all these feminists fought for; they also opposed slavery.

Early feminists were few in number but did make great gains in a few areas. Partly as a result of their work, slaves gained their freedom in 1865, and high schools and many colleges were opened to women by the end of the 1800’s.

The male world expanded and men had the opportunity to take up new careers and the freedom to move around the country more conveniently. They were still the breadwinners in the family. Most men learned how to deal with the expanding world by using assertive, aggressive, domineering skills they had developed in the home. Males overwhelmingly dominated our government, legal and medical agencies.

Women’s roles during this time also changed but not as much as men’s. Women’s primary roles were still homemaker and child care. Some women, mostly from the lower class, entered industry by using domestic skills in their factory work, like weaving and tailoring. Women employees were attractive to company owners because they were paid considerably less than men. Widows and unmarried women made up the majority of the female working force. Once married, most middle class women took to caring for the home and children. Lower class, married women were encouraged and allowed by their families, to stay in the working force, mainly for financial reasons. Married women who also held a job, had two jobs, one unpaid, the other underpaid.

Sex roles had not changed drastically in the early 1900’s. Men were still the primary breadwinners and women, whether working outside the home or not, still had most of the passive responsibilities of homemaking and child care.

During the 20th century the women’s movement has had its ups and downs. Even though, in 1920, women won the right to vote, sex roles had not changed drastically. Women were gradually moving into the male-dominated labor force, and the home became mainly a meeting place for the family to gather together at the end of the day.

Unemployment during the Great Depression forced some men to do more work in the home which was an education for some. Generally, it had been years since men actively worked in the home.

World War II brought many women into the labor force because of a shortage of men. Women helped to run the country at this time, and took active roles in the traditionally male-dominated world. Upon the return of the veterans, some women went back to their homes, but others stayed on their jobs. The opportunities for women were broadening and some women began making careers for themselves outside the home.

The feminist movement continued quietly, and by the early 1960’s had developed into a strong organization with lobbying groups.

The divorce rate has steadily increased since the turn of the century. Recent findings have shown that one-third of all marriages in America end in divorce. Some people have blamed the destruction of the family on the women’s movement, but in fact, the familyhas not been destroyed but lives on in various forms. The women’s movement is only one issue in our ever-changing society. Family structures have changed but only partly as a consequence of changes in women’s roles. And women’s roles have changed not only as a consequence of the women’s movement but also as a consequence of the changing economy. Our economy is now dominated by “white-collar” and service jobs as well as by industrial labor, and women make up a large part of the service sector.

The problems of mixing career, marriage and parenthood have been alleviated by the development of more pre-kindergarten schools and child-care agencies, and the extra income may pay for a nanny. Also there are some companies that allow people to set their own schedules, or that allow job sharing where two people share the hours of one full-time position.

The family has taken on many forms and has undergone changes throughout our history. These changes do not indicate the downfall of the family but give rise to a variety of family structures, each with their own individual attributes and individual problems.



Task 4. Skim the text from the unit to find the problems you cannot come across in it.

1. Each society organizes its sex-role stereotypes.

2. Feminists were chided by the church.

3. Women were gradually moving into the male-dominated labour force.

4. The family is one of the nature's masterpieces.

  1. Our economy is now dominated by the “white-collar”.

Task 5. Match column A with column B.

  A   B
eloquent A відвертість;
chore   B пропагувати;
preach   C розлучення;
outspokenness   D виразний, переконливий;
advocate   E рутинна робот;
widow   F успіх, кар’єра;
consequence   G наслідки;
divorce   H звинувачувати;
career   I удова;
blame   J Проповідувати.

Task 6. Fill in the correct wordsfrom the previous exercise into the gaps below (not all words are needed).

1. Both my parents have always __________tolerance and moderation.

2. Crime is a complex issue – we can't simply _______ poverty and unemployment.

3. The ___________________of such policies will inevitably be higher taxes.

4. She still refuses to _______ him.

5. Choosing a _________________________can be a very difficult decision.

Task 7. Fill in the correct word or word combination from the box into the gaps below.

undergone lobbying outspokenness vote household consequence issue expectation unemployment thought of

1. A sex role is an______ of a person’s behaviour based on whether the person is male or female.

2. Girls learned how to do the _______________________ chores.

3. They were usually_________ as unfeminine, sinful women who preached the devil’s words.

4. They were chided by the church, by most men, and by some women who did not understand their _____________________________

5. They also campaigned and rallied for the right to ____________________

6. …during the Great Depression forced some men to do more work in the home.

7. The feminist movement continued quietly and developed into a strong organization with ___________________________groups.

8. The women’s movement is only one__________ in our ever-changing society.

9. Women’s roles have changed as a___________ of the changing economy.

10. The family has taken on many forms and has______changes throughout our history.

Task 8. Are the following statements about the text true (T)or false(F)?

1. Higher education was not opened for women until 1837. T / F
2. Feminists advocated the priority of women both in education and careers. T / F
3. Early feminists were enormous in number. T / F
4. Women employees were attractive to company owners because they were paid considerably less than men. T / F
5. The divorce rate has unpredictably collapsed since the turn of the century. T / F

Task 9. Now look again through the text. Find words in the paragraphs, which mean the same as:

a) prototype, model ________________

b) choice, selection, option ________________

c) matriarchal ________________

d) having the same rights and opportunities ________________

e) struggle, mission ________________

f) belonging to another person as their property _______________

g) extraordinarily,enormously _______________

h) radically, evolutionally ________________

i) divide, distribute ________________

Task 10. Look through the text from the unit. Rearrange the letters to form a word used in the text.

tceduiona   ato get/achieve something;
snfeiitm   bthe way in which the parts of some thing are organized;
jmiayort   c having a duty, responsibility, etc. (to do something);
nagi   dsomeone who has a lot of experience doing a particular activity;
rotbenyspsiili   esomeone's experience of learning or being taught;
vnetrae   fmost of the people or things in a group;
rsttrucue   gto control something or someone because you have more power or influence;
mtdaoine   hsomeone who support sequal rights and opportunities for women.

Task 11. Look through the text in this unit. Choose the best option to complete the sentences.

1. According to the text, the first feminists were usually thought of as the women who _________.

a) affirme dloyalty to men

b) carried information

c) preached the devil’s words

2. Feminists were chided by the church, by most men, and by some women who ___________ .

a) did not understand their outspokenness

b) looked on them with admiring envy

c) be jealous of their good name

3. The author points out thatmost men learned how to deal with the expanding world by domineering skills they had developed __________ .

a) at work

b) in public transport

c) in the home

4. The author claims, World War II brought many women into the labor force because of _________ .

a) energy oversupply

b) a shortage of men

c) hormone disease

5. Women’s roles have changed not only as a consequence of the women’s movement but also as a consequence of _________.

a) the changing economy

b) b.shift in mindset

c) c.cultural and linguistic change

Task 12. Skim the text. Use the words from the right side to make the expressions with the words from the left side. Then translate them into Ukrainian.

well-worded Care
sex Force
career child rights role
working Group
women’s Alternatives
lobbying Definition


In this unit we make review of Gerund/Infinitive, for more information see Appendix 12

Task 13. Fill in each gap with a suitable verb from the box, using Gerund/ Infinitive form.

abuse convince commit persuade perform


1. Не gave up trying __________ the audience to trust him.

2. He was accused of ___________ a serious crime.

3. In spite of a number of difficulties we kept on _________ our investigation.

4. They succeeded in _____________him that there was no danger to his life.

5 Those poor women complained about ______ regularly ______ by their husbands.


Task 14. Replace each word/phrase in bold with a suitable expression from the box.


forward were prevented succeeded danger investigation objected to


1. He was opposed tobeing treated like a lay person (not an expert).


2. They did well in persuading the partners to come to a consensus.


3. I finished the letter with the words "I am looking aheadto seeing you soon."


4. Theywere restrained from advertising their new product.


5. In spite of a number of difficulties we kept on performing oursearch.



6. They succeeded in convincing him that there was no hazard to his life.

Task 15. Study the table, translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.


1. to be sure of бути впевненим (у);
2. to be proud of пишатися чим-небудь / ким-небудь;
3. to be fond of цікавитися чим-небудь;
4. to be guilty of бути винним (у);
5. to be interested in цікавитися чим-небудь;
6. to be surprised at бути враженим;
7. to be good at добре справлятися (з).


1. We are interested in finding out the truth.

2. He is guilty of deceiving his friends.

3. They were sure of winning the debate.

4. She was good at solving complex mathematical problems swiftly.

5. They are proud of having completed the job.


Task 16. There is an extra word in each of the sentences below. Check your knowledge of Gerund/Infinitive.


1. Sociology is thought to be a specific way of looking at the social world in which we are live.

2. One of the first scientific studies of social behaviour is known to have done been conducted by E. Durkheim.

3. These ideas are seem to be gaining popularity.

4. Applied science is appears to have led to a vast increase in the well being of society.

5. Would you mind about asking a few questions?

6. She will denied knowing anything about his intentions.

7. He has avoids making public statements.

8. Do you mind being the first to be speak ?

Task 17 Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with words from the text. Then fill in the other gaps.

  * limit
* educative  
alternative *  
*   outspeak
individuality *  
organization   *
advocate   *

Task 18. Write down a suitable question for the following answers. Pay attention to the correct forms of Gerund/Infinitive.

A What _______________________________________________________?

Being interrupted may be upsetting for me.

BWhy _______________________________________________________?

She postponed sending her answer back for some vague reasons.


She mentioned having shared her ideas with the other scientists.


Lots of people prefer recording their thoughts to writing them down.

Task 19. Rearrange these words to form sentences, and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. the / being / about / remembered / warned / He / danger /

2. people / of / to / be / The / encourage / individuals / purpose / education / is / to/

3. The / systematically / record / skilled / were / faithfully / enough / to / their observations / observers / and /

4. politics / career / make / desire / to / was / His / a / in /

5. study / To / relationships / conduct / sociologists / cause-and-effect / experiments /

Task 20. Find at least four examples of Gerund/Infinitive in the text you have read.



Task 21. Translate the following paragraph into Ukrainian, pay attention to Gerund/Infinitive.


Task 22. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 237.