Breaking the speed limits is regarded by men as a minor offence.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

A. Перевантаження машини розглядається чоловіками як дрібне правопорушення.

В.Порушення обмеження швидкості розглядається чоловіками як дрібне правопорушення.
С.Дотримання обмеження швидкості розглядається чоловіками як дрібне правопорушення.

2. He made a point of never sounding dis­appointed.

А. Він поставив крапку у їхньому непорозумінні.

В. Він ніколи не помічав зміну настрою у близьких людей.

С. Він вирішив ніколи не показувати свій розпач.

Without doubting he took a decision.

A.Він зробив свій вибір не вагаючись.

В.Він ніколи не сумнівався, який препарат обрати.

C. Довго розмірковуючи, врешті він вирішив.

Чи важливе для вас покращення життєвих стандартів?

А. Is improving your standard of life important to you?

В.Is improvement of your standard life important to you?

С.Improving your standard of living important to you?

5. Як я можу завадити її візиту туди?
A. How can I prevent her from going there?

B. How can I prevent she from going there?

C. How can I prevent her from to go there?

Вважається, що мета соціології – це визначення причин соціальних явищ.

A. Discovery the case of social phenomena is the task of sociology.

B. Discovering the cause of social phenomena is told to be the task of sociology.

C.Discovery the cause of social phenomena is said to be the task of sociology.


Task 23. Think about the main concepts of the sexes and their socialized differences. List all the problems touched upon in the text. Discuss the outcome together.

Task 24. Summarize what you have read in the text from this unit in 10 sentences.

Task 25. Prepare a brief report (about 70 words) on the sexes as a social phenomenon. Find additional information on the problem.

Begin with:

Have you used anyexpressions from the text in your summary? used Gerund/Infinitive? checked your spelling?






Task 1. Read these three quotations. Which one would be more relevant to you? Why? Introduce balanced arguments discussing points in favour as well as against he point.

Ø The general fact is that the most effective way of utilizing human energy is through an organized rivalry, which by specialization and social control is, at the same time, organized co-operation. (Charles Horton Cooley)

Ø It's good to take control of your valuable time and realize it's all right to say no. (Craig Williams)

Ø Instead of scheduling your priorities around your life, you ought to schedule your life around your priorities. (Robert Brault)


Task 2. Do you have a healthy attitude towards your emotions? Then turn to page 216to read the analysis of your answers.

How Emotional Are You?

For your every 'no' answer, add 1 to your score

1. Do you feel guilty if you cry in public?

2. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness?

3. Do you think men and boys should be encouraged to hide their tears?

4. Do you feel embarrassed if you find yourself crying while watching a film or reading a book?

5. Would you try to hold back your tears if you were attending a funeral?

6. Would you distrust a politician who shed tears in public?

7. Do you think that tears are an unnecessary expression of emotion?

8. Do you always try to hide your disappointment?

9. Do you get embarrassed if you see grown men crying?

10. Would you pretend that you had something in your eyes if you were unexpectedly discovered crying?

11. Do you always try to hide your anger?

For your every 'yes' answer, add 1 to your score

12. Do you tend to brood about things which make you angry?

13. Does your temper even get out of control?

14. Has your temper even got you in trouble?

15. Do you believe that it does you good to get rid of your anger?

16. Would you allow someone to comfort you if you were crying?

17. Do you get cross quite easily?

18. Do you touch someone you love at least once a day?

19. Do you enjoy physical signs of affection?

20. Do you ever get broody when you see small babies?

21. Would you happily hold hands in public with someone you cared for?

22. Do you enjoy being massaged?

23. Do you regularly tell those whom you love how you feel?

24. Have you ever had a pet of which you were very fond at?

25. Do you enjoy being kissed and hugged by people you love?

26. Do you ever laugh out loud when you are watching funny films?

27. Do you ever tap your feet while listening to music?

28. Do you often have the last clap at concerts, sports events etc.?

29. Do you ever shout encouragement to sports or TV heroes?

30. Can you remember when you last really laughed and enjoyed yourself?


Task 3. Read the text about the main concepts of social control. Write down some interesting things you remember. Discuss the outcome together.


The Theory of Social Control is widely cited nowadays. The concept of Social Control has been explored and represented by Travis Hirschi, a proponent of Right Realism. The theory investigates social behaviour under the supervision of a controlled society and the subsequent reduction in anti-social behaviour.

Though strongly advocated by Travis Hirschi, the Theory of Social Control has also been explored by the realist philosophers such as Reiss, Nye and Toby. The definition states that delinquency is simply the consequence of the failure of related social and personal supervision over antisocial personality disorder. While the 'personal control' definition states the individual ability to refrain from behaviour that is in conflict with social norms, that of 'social control' specified the responsibility of society to ensure the timely application of set norms and/or rules.
In other words, theory of social control elaborates on the onus that is shared by society and devised control mechanisms to ensure a safe social arena, one that is devoid of any type of delinquency. Society is meant to provide reinforcement of dictated values to keep any type of causal or motivational delinquency traits at bay. The theory is supportive of the fact that it is mostly those who fear little or nothing to lose while conforming to delinquency, who are drawn towards anti-social behaviour. Theory of social control is not without specified ways to organize the various control mechanisms that are already 'in place' in society. In fact, the theory specifies that it is the responsibility of these control mechanisms like the law and order enforcement teams and the physical paradigms within each community, to effectively and periodically address delinquent behaviour. The focus is mainly on the 'family' as the primary source of behaviour control.

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 263.