What Is the Social Control Theory?
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Travis Hirschi propounded a theory of social control that emphasizes on the role of society in the control of criminal behaviour. It specifies the fact that no society can afford to denounce criminal activity without duly accepting its responsibility towards the same. Theory of social control stresses on the fact that most delinquent behaviour is the result of unmonitored 'social control' by the authorities and primarily, the family. The theory is indicative of the fact that relationships and commitments with respect to set norms and a belief structure encourage or discourage individuals and groups to break the law.

The theory spotlights the internalization of values and timely guidance and monitoring of behaviour as the factors responsible for an 'ideal' society. It is highlighted that it is only when an individual or a group has a major stake in the immediate, surrounding community, that the urge to behave in a deviant manner is suppressed willingly. The theory mentions ways by which the likelihood of criminality can be reduced. Some of the ways mentioned include:

ý Presence of a wide range of activities;

ý Scope for exploring the accepted processes of socialization and ethics;

ý Availability of unbiased choices within social contracts;

ý Generating a sense of responsibility within the immediate society;

ý Predetermining 'costs and consequences' to various choices made available;

ý Inner containment of a tendency towards delinquent behaviour and social anxiety through the development of self-image, within the family;

ý Harmonious living conditions;

ý Reduced family conflicts and aggressiveness and development of healthy family relationships;

ý Timely obscuration of delinquent peers and subcultures, via dedicated social networking.

Types of Social Control

Theory of social control proposes social learning with the help of 'social control'. This is believed to not only build on and motivate individual and group self-control, but also reduce even the most remote inclination towards antisocial behaviour. Types of social control derived from various functionalist theories include:

ý Direct social control via punitive action for wrongful behaviour, by family and state authority;

ý Indirect social control via timely identification of wrong influences on behaviour, by family and state authority;

ý Internal social control via conscience questioning;

ý Control via satisfaction of all basic human needs.


Task 4. Skim the text of the unit to find the problems you cannot come across in it.

1. The Theory of Social Control is widely cited nowadays.

2. Society is meant to provide reinforcement of dictated values.

3. Theory of social control stresses on the fact that most delinquent behaviour is the result of unmonitored 'social control'.

4. Sociologists may distinguish six kinds of socialization.

Task 5. Match column A with column B.

  A   B
cite A правопорушення;
proponent   B актуальний;
subsequent   C компетенція;
delinquency   D зобовязання;
encourage   E спостереження;
supervision   F суспільна свідомість;
immediate   G захистник, прибічник;
responsibility   H надихати;
authority   I наступний;
Conscience   J цитувати.

Task 6. Fill in the correct wordsfrom the previous exercise into the gaps below (not all words are needed).

1. His optimism ______ me.

2. Overall _______ for the school lies with the head teacher.

3. The French___________ have refused to issue him a visa.

4. Each person must vote according to his or her own _____ .

5. Dangerous prisoners need constant __________________.

Task 7. Fill in the correct word or word combination from the box into the gaps below.

encourage investigates learning broader monitoring theory intellectual workforce criminality delinquency


1. The overwhelming majority said there can be no happiness where there is no emotional and _________ attraction.

2. Life long __________ should and must play a role in the move towards a knowledge society.

3. The knowledge economy demands a computer literat _______________ .

4. In order to understand how people behave and how they change it is always necessary to see it as a part of a _____________ social process.

5. The theory ____ social behaviour under the supervision of a controlled society.

6. The theory spotlights the internalization of values and timely guidance and _______ of behaviour.

7. _______ of social control proposes social learning with the help of 'social control'.

8. Social control theory proposes that people's relationships, commitments, values, norms, and beliefs ________ them not to break the law.

9. The theory seeks to understand the ways in which it is possible to reduce the likelihood of ______ developing in individuals.

10. Youth may be directly controlled through constraints imposed by parents, limiting the opportunity for ________ .

Task 8. Are the following statements about the text true (T) or false (F)?


1. The theory of Social Control is widely cited nowadays. T / F
2. The concept of Social Control has been explored and represented by Gaynor Borade. T / F
3. Theory of social control stresses on the fact that most delinquent behaviour is the result of unmonitored 'social control'. T / F
4. Theory of social control emphasizes the role of society in the control of criminal behaviour. T / F
5. The theory mentions ways by which the likelihood of criminality can be reduced. T / F


Task 9. Now look again through the text. Find words in the paragraphs, which mean the same as:

a) leadership, power, authority ___________________

b) condemn ___________________

c) glow, incident ray ___________________

d) unknown, uncertain, hidden ___________________

e) research, check up ___________________

f) commemorate ___________________

g) philosophy, ideology, doctrine ___________________

h) law, code, standards ___________________

i) inside, indoors, interior ___________________

Task 10. Look through the text from the unit. Rearrange the letters to form a word used in the text.

Pcnoetc   a the study of the principles of right and wrong;
Ctaepc   b a group of people in a larger society who are the same in some way;
Pgmdarai   ctendency to behave in a particular way;
cmymonuit   dan idea of something that exists;
itchse   ea situation in which it is difficult for two things to exist together;
iniaclntoni   f a number of different things that are of the same general type;
nraeg   ga set of ideas that are used for understanding or explaining something;
citonlcf   hto agree to do what someone asks or suggests.

Task 11. Look through the text. Choose the best option to complete the sentences.

1. According to the text,________ introduced the ideas of Right Realism

a) Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

b) Richard Allen

c) Travis Hirschi

2. The author claims that an 'ideal' society needs internalization of values, timely guidance and________ .

a) concept of the looking-glass self

b) monitoring of behaviour

c) division of labour

3. The author points out that in day-to-day decision making wives typically exercise far greater ________ than their husbands over children.

a) immunity

b) authority

c) violation

4. The author claims that ________ is the primary source of behaviour control.

a) the society

b) the woman

c) the family

5. One of the ways to reduce criminality can be________

a) harmonising living conditions

b) harmonious exploitation of natural resources

c) exact exploitation of human rights

Task 12. Skim the text from the unit. Use the words from the right side to make the expressions with the words from the left side. Then translate them into Ukrainian.

anti-social relationships
social disorder
personality physical authority needs behavior
delinquent control
state paradigm
human behavior


In this unit we make review of Modal Forms, for more information see Appendix 13

Task 13. Fill in each gap with a suitable verb from the box, using the correct tense form.

understand interpret label be able look


1. To understand the nature of the modern world, we have____ at previous forms of society and analyze the main direction that processes of change have taken.

2. On the basis of her research with the flight attendants, Hochschild_____ ____ to add a new dimension to the way sociologists think about the world of work.

3. Like Marx, Max Weber cannot simply ____ a sociologist; his interests and concerns ranged across many areas.

4. We always need _______ what facts mean, and to do so we must learn to pose theoretical questions.

5. Good research should help us ___________ our social lives in a new way.

Task 14. Replace each word/phrase in bold with a suitable expression from the box.


explanation attempt spread impact constant enforce



1. Any effortto get an individual to do or refrain from doing something can be considered as an effortat control.


2. For science to move forward there must be a long-term interchange between observation and theory.


3. There may be more than one theoretical interpretation for any particular issue.



4. The influenceof science and technology on how we live may be largely driven by economic factors.


5. The means to ensure social control can be either informal or formal.


6. One can't deny the distribution of formalized social control and its impact on our lives and identities.

Task 15. Study the table; translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. beside the point off the point;
2. be to blame be responsible for a mistake / something wrong;    
3. be up against be opposed by, have problems, be in danger;
4. catch one's eye to attract attention;
5. come up with to suggest;
6. eat one's words to take backwords;
7. frame of mind mental state.

1. What I had to tell him privately was beside the point.

2. Who is to blame for this awful mistake?

3. Our company is up against serious attempts of hostile takeover.

4. This picture could not catch my eye.

5. The director came up with a brilliant idea.

6. He had to eat his words after her report.

7. I can't do it in this frame of mind.


Task 16. There is an extra word in each of the sentences below. Check your knowledge of Modals.

1. It should also be to noted that recent sociologists, taking cues from anthropologists, have realized the Western emphasis of the discipline.

2. In recent years, sociologists are have to give much attention to the innumerable implications of the Internet to society.

3. Sociologists must be expand their interests to include the myriad online social activities and behaviours to which these technologies have given rise.

4. Good research should have help us to understand our social lives in a new way.

5. In sociology we must need to look not only at existing societies in relation to

one another, but also to compare their present and past.

6. As liberal democracy is becoming so widespread, we might be expect it to work in a highly successful way.

7. In order that the contradictions might be have explained, he took it upon himself to work out a new theory.

8. We checked all our notes so that our hypothesis should can depend on observable evidence.

9. Students are involved in experiments in order that they may be to ready for individual research work upon graduation.

10. There is a large number of possible causes that could were be invoked to explain any given correlation.

11. Could you speak louder so that everyone may be hear you?

Task 17. Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with words from the text. Then fill in the other gaps.

strength *  
  investigative *
*   reduce
  encouraging *
* reinforcing  
*   internalize
* supervising  
motivation *  

Task 18. Write down a suitable question for the following answers. Pay attention to the correct Modal forms.


Institutions define how people ought to behave and legitimate the sanctions applied to behaviour.

BWhat ________________________________________________________?

Attempts must be made to describe the general features of the history of man.

C Which____________________________________________________?

Sociologists work on problems that are related to the subject matter of other disciplines, both humanistic and scientific.

D How_______________________________________________________?

The development of fields of interest in sociology may be viewed as a problem in the sociology of knowledge.

Task 19. Rearrange these words to form sentences, and translate them into Ukrainian.

1.universities / can / sociology / best / American / opportunities / provide / the rapid / for / the / growth / of /

2. do / had / experiment / to / work / for / the / much / We /

3. defined / can / as / mind / Culture / the / software / be / of / the /

4. be / should / Religion / with / not / monotheism / identified /

5. writing / express / verbally / in / their / own / Respondents / opinions / may / or /

Task 20. Find at least four examples of Modals in the text you have read.


Task 21 Translate the following paragraph into Ukrainian, pay attention to different Modal forms.


Task 22. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 222.