Переведите текст на русский язык в письменной форме
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2. Определите, верны ли следующие высказывания. Если не верны, запишите на английском языке исправленный вариант:

1. Birdseye Seafoods, Inc. was a big success.

2. The inventor of Coca-Cola became rich.

3. Karl Gerhardt didn't realize the potential of aspirin.

4. Edwin Armstrong loved the competition of the business world.

5. It takes more than just a good invention to make money.


Вариант 8


I. Из английских грамматических форм в правой колонке выберите ту видо-временную форму глагола, которую вы употребили бы при переводе следующих русских предложений:


1. Мы живем в этой квартире с того момента, как поженились. a) live b) are living c) have been living
2. Наша компания открывает два новых магазина следующим летом. a) will open b) is opening c) opens
3. Почему ты бросил работу? a) was leaving b) has left c) left
4. Он пытался расстегнуть наручники, но тщетно. a) was trying b) tried c) had tried


II. Переведите на английский язык предложения:


pass   prefer write revise 1. В конце каждого семестра мы будем сдавать несколько зачетов и экзаменов. 2. Джентльмены предпочитают блондинок. 3. Когда ты написал этот роман? 4. Сейчас мы повторяем формы английского глагола.


III. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смысла во времена группы Indefinite (Simple), Continuous или Perfect. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. They (to send) all the purchase orders by the time she (to arrive) yesterday. 2. He (to speak) French? – Yes, he (to speak) French quite fluently. 3. He isn’t here, he just (to go) out. 4. He (not to see) me yesterday as he (to read) when I (to come) into the room.


IV. Поставьте глагол to make в зависимости от смысла в нужное время (групп Indefinite (Simple), Continuous, Perfect или Perfect Continious) в страдательном залоге. Предложения переведите на русский язык.


1. White wine (to make) from red grapes. 2. Unfortunately only one experiment (to make) last month. 3. Less than 150 cars (to make) by Fiat by 1923. 4. By the time you return home, hot sandwiches already (to make). 5. Many new mistakes (to make) by this untrained employee if you don't help him. 6. China usually (to make) of porcelain.


V. Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным. Используйте конструкцию с предлогом by.

1. I will have repaired the last car by tomorrow. 2. When I came home, my wife had been watching TV for four hours. 3. In 1963 Fiat exported more than 300000 vehicles. 4. People often ask for this book.


VI. Трансформируйте следующие предложения в прошедшее и будущее время, используя соответствующую форму модального глагола или его эквивалента.

1. This plant can provide our institute with a new type of welding equipment. 2. You must use cold welding in explosive areas. 3. This scientist may investigate new means of production.


VII. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выражение модальности в английском языке.

1. Pupils are to write their names at the top of the paper. 2. You may go away now, I will finish the work myself. 3. When must we visit the laboratories of the Institute? 4. The children cannot carry this box. It’s too heavy.


VIII. Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:




Many of the modern world's most famous discoveries and inventions were not made by scientists, but by amateur inventors. Often, these inventors had such unusual ideas that they were laughed at. But people like these, working on their own, gave us many of the things we use every day. 

Clarence "Bob" Birdseye, who invented frozen foods, was both a successful inventor and a good businessman. But it took him years to overcome the biggest problem of successful inventions - convincing people to try something new and different. Birdseye first tried to freeze fish. After years of experimenting with the process, he started Birdseye. Seafoods, Inc. But the company soon went bankrupt. Even though the process worked, people didn't believe that frozen fish could possibly be good. It took a long time, but people finally accepted frozen food. By the end of his life, Birdseye, who was a completely self-taught inventor, had 100 patents that he sold for a total of 22 million dollars.

Few inventors were as successful as Birdseye. Some, like the original owners of Coca-Cola, didn't realize the potential of their discoveries. The son of the inventor of Coca-Cola sold the recipe for $2,300. Today the product is worth billions of dollars. In 1853, Karl Gerhardt invented aspirin, but he didn't know what to do with it. Fifty years after his invention, a German company discovered that it was a painkiller and has since made millions selling it. Edwin Armstrong invented FM radio, but he spent his whole life trying to protect his invention. Competitors stole his patents, and companies cheated him out of money. Finally, he became so frustrated with his failures that he ended his life by jumping out of a window.

Most great inventors, like Gerhardt and Armstrong, made little or nothing from their inventions. The first person with a new idea may get attention, but he also gets the problem of an untried idea. In business, it is sometimes better to be second.


Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 286.