1) Nothing.
2) I am thinking about them.
3) Rather beautiful.
4) Tricky plots and unexpected endings! Great!
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А39. Never heard of him.
1) Do you like Roald Dahl's stories?
2) What are you reading?
3) Is it good or bad reading?
4) Have you enjoyed the latest movie?
Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант .
А 40. Where does one find the largest library in Britain?
1) The Natural History Museum.
2) The Museum of Modern Art.
3) The British Museum.
4) The National Gallery.
Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.
I. Research has shown that a love of reading is more important for children's educational success than their families' socio-economic status or wealth. Yet, research also shows that young people's enjoyment of reading may be declining.
II. Recently, various studies have explored young people's attitudes towards reading, their reading preferences, and what would motivate them to read more. The data for one study was based on 1512 pupils from three primary, one middle school and two secondary schools in England who participated in a survey during spring 2005.
III. The majority of pupils enjoyed reading quite a lot or very much; girls were significantly more likely to enjoy reading than boys. Most pupils showed positive attitudes towards reading, with the majority agreeing that reading is fun and important. However, a minority of boys and secondary pupils believed that reading is boring and that they cannot find books that interest them. Boys were also more likely to believe that reading is for girls. Overall, pupils with positive attitudes towards reading tended to enjoy reading more.
IV. Pupils said they enjoy a wide range of reading materials, with magazines, text messages and websites being the most popular. However, there were significant differences in preferred reading materials dependent on age and gender. Girls were more likely to read magazines, fiction, text messages and emails, while boys were more likely to read websites, newspapers, graphic novels and comics. Secondary pupils were significantly more likely to read websites, newspapers and magazines, while primary pupils enjoyed reading jokes, non-fiction books and fiction.
V. Almost half the pupils enjoyed reading fiction. When specifically asked what types of fiction they preferred, adventure, comedy and horror/ghost stories came out as their favourites. Girls were more likely to read romance books, animal-related stories and poetry, while boys were more likely to read science -fiction, comedy and crime/detective stories. Significant age differences also emerged with primary pupils more likely to read adventure stories, horror/ghost stories and animal-related stories, and secondary pupils more likely to read comedy and realistic teenage fiction.
A41. The article mainly discusses
1) why pupils read and what.
2) how pupils read and where.
3) what pupils read and when.
А 42. The results of the research show that reading
1) does not appeal to the majority of British school students.
2) seems to be losing popularity with British school students.
3) appears to be no less important than family background.
A43. According to the research, boys and girls displayed
1) somewhat similar attitudes to reading.
2) completely different attitudes to reading.
3) gender-biased attitudes to reading.
A44. The results suggest that age and gender
1) influence little the choice of reading materials.
2) do influence the choice of reading materials.
3) have no influence on the choice of reading materials.
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 280.