Т е к с т  9. The Filing of а Suit/ Подача иска
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Тhе filing of а suit is an exercise in good judgment and expertise in and of itself. What type of court and which jurisdiction are two apрrорriаtе factors to consider. Тhе amount and type of damages that can be sбug1it vary bу jurisdiction. Pennzoil chose а Texas state court at least partially if not wholly because of the possibility of treble damages. In another case, the filing was done in а federal court in the home city of the plaintiff partially because of community goodwill that may hаvе carried over to the jury. Once the appropriate court and jurisdiction hаvе been chosen, finding the best judge to hear the case must also bе considered. This practice is commonly referred to as «shopping for а judge. The «best» judge саn bе defined, in a number of ways. А sympathetic judge is often sought bу plaintiffs in personal injury suits.

Businesses also often seek judges who are known for managing their cases well. Such а judge will keep а case оп а timetable and will limit extraneous lines of questioning and issues. What is to bе filed and who is to bе sued are two additional considerations in the filing.

For instance, а school district and the insurance company representing it decided to settle rather than pursue an age discrimination claim because they were afraid that the suit, if resolved in the plaintiff’s favor, would establish а costly  precedent and bе followed bу other, similar suits.

No one should doubt that litigation is expensive in both money and time. Some experts advise not going to court unless the expected settlement is greater than $100,000. In the pretrial stage, alterative such as negotiations, arbitration, mini-trials, or а nonbinding private trial with а hired retired judge should bе considered. These alternatives can save considerable money and time. Once аll the alternatives hаvе been rejected and the costs and probability of success hаvе been assessed, the fоrmal filing of the suit initiates the second stage, trial.

Often the suit is filed before all alternatives are exhausted to get the other party's attention. The filing of the suit, however, limits managerial discretion. The judge assigned to the case and the rules of discovery an evidence  now govern the conduct of the parties of the suit. Judges can bе quite emphatic in their managing of а suit. Although the assigned judge has governing authority onсе the suit has been filed, management still has control over the tactics to bе used during discovery and trial. Thе attorneys for both .sides mау want to negotiate what form discovery may take. In some cases, one side may want to waive discovery. Thе point is that the discovery process can bе very expensive. In many cases, the cost of discover is greater than the cost of the trial. When the process сап bе shortened or limited, costs can bе minimized.

Тhе warning regarding costliness carries over to the trial itself. What one party or the other mау want to pursue during the trial is up to each party to resolve  for itself. Whether а jury or а non-jury trial is desired and, if а jury trial is chosen, how jury selection is to bе conducted are appropriate questions to have before the presentation of evidence. How aggressively and for how long cross-examination is to be pursued and the of expert and rebuttal witness to be called are other questions that need to bе resolved as the trial progresses.

Once the trial has been completed, the third stage – post-trial - begins. Post-trial may include appeals, negotiations, and settlement. The final outcome of the Pennzoil v. Tехасо case was negotiated settlement for less than the original award, and the final amount upheld on appeal. As pointed out previously, more than once а company has found that it won the battle and sometimes the war, but that the victory was hollow. In other cases, firms win multimillion-dollar judgment only to settle for considerably less because the other firm is bankrupt. Тhe point here is that suits are not to bе filed lightly even when а patty is in the right.



filе а suit – подать иск

filing – подача (иска)

damages – возмещение убытков, убытки (возмещение убытков)

plaintiff – истец

jury – присяжные, состав присяжных, суд присяжных

jury trial – суд присяжных

trial by jury – рассмотрение дела с участием присяжных

non-jury trial – рассмотрение дела без участия присяжных

hear the case – слушать дело, разбирать дело

personal injury – личный вред

extraneous – посторонний, ненужный

issue – предмет спора

claim – требование, претензия, иск

settlement – урегулирование, уплата, расчет

nonbinding – не связывающий

trial – суд, судебный процесс

assess – оценивать, определять стоимость

exhaust – истощить исчерпать

discretion – усмотрение, свобода действий, благоразумие

managerial discretion – усмотрение руководства

judicial/legal discretion – усмотрение суда

assign – назначать, предназначать

discovery evidence – представление документов, раскрытие

presentation of evidence – представление доказательств

conduct – поведение, проводить

emphatic – категорический, настойчивый, выразительный

waive – отказаться (от права)

resolve – решить, разрешить

cross-examination – перекрестный допрос

witness – свидетель

rebuttal – контр-доказательство

арреаl – апелляция

award – решение суда, арбитражное решение; присуждать

make/take арреаl – подавать апелляцию

uphold – поддерживать, одобрять, подтверждать

upheld on арреаl – быть подтвержденным апелляционным судом



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Т е к с т  10. Доверенность (специальная)
на ведение дела в суде

 (1.200) Я, гражданка Горюнова Лидия Георгиевна, проживающая в г. Москве, Смоленская набережная, д. 1, кв. 2, доверяю Горюнову Льву Семеновичу, проживающему там же, вести гражданские дела во всех судебных учреждениях со всеми правами, какие предоставлены законом истцу, ответчику, третьему лицу и потерпевшему, в том числе с правом окончания дела миром, признания или отказа полностью или частично от исковых требований, изменения предмета иска, обжалования решения суда, получения исполнительного листа, с правом получения имущества, денег.Полномочия по этой доверенности могут быть переданы другим лицам.(Подпись)_____________                                                        12 июня 1992 года настоящая доверенность удостоверена мною, Сидоровым А.А., государственным нотариусом 3-й Московской государственной нотариальной конторы.Доверенность подписана гражданкой Горюновой Лидией Георгиевной в моем присутствии. Личность ее установлена, дееспособность проверена. Зарегистрировано в реестре за №____________________Взыскано государственной пошлины__________________Государственный нотариус                     Подпись



доверенность – power of attorney

доверять – attorn

вести гражданские дела – conduct civil businesses

истец – claimant

ответчик – respondent

третье лицо – foreigner

потерпевший – sufferer

исковые требования – plaintiff's claim

обжалование – appeal

исполнительный лист – enforcement order

полномочия – credentials

удостоверить – certify

дееспособность – capacity

государственная пошлина – state due

взыскать – exact


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· прецизионная лексика.

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Текст 11. Premises Liability.
Ответственность фирмы за несчастные случаи, связанные
с её помещением


Every business has а business location, and that location is а potential quagmire of legal liability. Premises liability is of greatest concern to stores restaurants, hotels, and other businesses that have frequent customer traffic, but even companies that do not deal directly with the public must keen it in mind because they are likely to bе visited bу repair people, salespeople, exterminators and the like. Premises safety also affects the number of worker's compensation claims that mау bе filed bу employees. This chapter describes strategies for minimizing dangers оп business premises and thus minimizing premises liability.

Тhe condition of а business's office or production plant is the responsibility of the firm's owner. Every business owes certain levels of care to the responsibility of the types of people who enter its premises, from employee to customer to trespasser. Customers, employees, and еven (believe it or not) trespassers all enjoy varying degrees of legal protection when they are on business pr оре rty . 

Liability to E т ployees and Other Licensees. Employees are termed licensees when they are on the employer's property. Repair persons, meter readers, and, in some states, police officers and medical personnel also fall into this category. Typical premises dangers for licensees include loose steps, slippery walks, and lack of guardrails. Worker's compensation covers employees for injuries likely to result from such dangers, but an employer is nonetheless legally responsible for correcting any dangerous conditions known to exist. A voiding injuries сan keep insurance rates down and is particularly helpful for the self insured employer.

Liability to C и sto т ers and Other Licensees. Customers and patrons of а business, or invitees, are given the highest degree of legal protection while оп business premises. То fulfil responsibility to these people, the owner of the business not only must correct аnу known problems but also must I inspect the property periodically in order to discover anу developing or new defects.

Falls on slippery grocery store floors are classic examples of invitee liability. One typical litigation question in cases resulting from such falls concerns the color of the object that caused the fall, because determining how long the object had been there is а key to establishing the lack of care of the premises owner.

Liability to Trespassers. At one time, а business owner's only legal duty to trespassers was not to intentionally injure them. А business owner could not set а mantrap in order to cut down on burglaries, for example. Now the duty to trespassers has bесоmе somewhat muddled, due mainly to questions about when someone is considered а trespasser and when bе or she becomes а licensee. For example, if а business owner knows of trespassers оn the property and does not try to prevent their entry or have them removed, this is taken to imply consent for them to be there and causes them to be counted as licensees, who have greater legal protection than trespassers.


premises liability – ответственность за несчастные случаи, связанные с помещением

quagmire – болото, трясина; дилемма

exterminator – дезинфектор

соnсеrn – озабоченность; касаться

customer traffic – поток клиентов

trespasser – нарушитель владения, правонарушитель

business property – собственность фирмы, помещение и территория фирмы

licensee – лицо, имеющее разрешение

read meters – снимать показания со счетчиков

guardrails – перила

insurance rates – ставки страховании

invitee – приглашенное лицо

invitee liability – ответственность перед приглашенным лицом

lack of care – невнимание, отсутствие заботы

mantrap – западня, ловушка

burglary – кража со взломом

muddled – запутанный, непонятный

consent – согласие


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Определите, есть ли в тексте:

· термины,

· клише,

· прецизионная лексика.

3. Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык, соблюдая специфику данного жанра.

Т е к с т  12. Доверенность



Санкт-Петербург                               ________________ 200__ г.


Я, гражданин Российской Федерации Смолина Анна Олеговна, паспорт ХХ ХХ 434841, выдан Главным Управлением Внутренних Дел Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области
2 августа 2003 г., код подразделения 781-002, зарегистрирован по адресу: 195027, Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург, Большой пр-кт Петроградской стороны, д. 45, кв. 12, доверяю


Смирнову Денису Павловичу, паспорт ХХ ХХ 040118, выдан ОВД города Заозёрска Мурманской области 5 апреля 2006 г, зарегистрирован по адресу: Россия, Мурманская обл., г. Заозёрск, ул. Чумаченко, д. 28, кв. 6,

Ининой Елене Александровне, паспорт ХХ ХХ 259627, выдан УВД Ленинского района города Кирова 30 декабря 2003 г, зарегистрирован по адресу: Россия, Кировская обл., Унинский
р-он, п. Уни, ул. Победы, д. 4

быть моими представителями в Межрайонной ИФНС РФ № 15 по городу Санкт-Петербургу по всем вопросам, связанным с государственной регистрацией Общества с ограниченной ответственностью " АртИкс " для чего предоставляю право: получить свидетельство о государственной регистрации и зарегистрированные в установленном Законодательством РФ порядке учредительные документы вышеуказанного Общества, подавать от моего имени и получать на мое имя все документы и заявления, необходимые для решения вышеуказанного вопроса, уплачивать налоги и сборы, расписываться за меня и выполнять все действия и формальности, связанные с данным поручением

Доверенность выдана с правом передоверия сроком на один месяц.


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Определите, есть ли в тексте:

· термины,

· клише,

· прецизионная лексика.

3. Выполните письменный перевод текста на английский язык, соблюдая специфику данного жанра.


Дополнительные тексты

Т е к с т  1. Confidential Information Agreement


In consideration of being employed by “LANA”, Ltd., the undersigned hereby agrees and acknowledges:

1. That during the course of my employ there may be disclosed to me certain trade secrets of the Company;

the said trade secrets consisting of:

a) Technical information: Methods, processes, formulae, compo-sitions, inventions, machines, computer programs and research projects.

b) Business information: Customer lists; pricing data; sources of supply; and marketing, production, or merchandising systems or plans.

2. I shall not during, or at any time after the termination of my employment with the Company, use for myself or others, or disclose or divulge to others any trade secrets, confidential information, or any other data of the Company in violation of this agreement.

3. That upon the termination of my employ from the Company:

a) I shall return to the Company all documents relating to the company, including but not necessarily limited to: drawings, blueprints, reports, manuals, correspondence, customer lists, computer programs, and all other materials and all copies thereof relating in any way to the Company's business, or in any way obtained by me during the course of my employ. I further agree that I shall not retain any copies of the foregoing.

b) The Company may notify any future or prospective employer of the existence of this agreement.

c) This agreement shall be binding upon me and my personal representatives and successors in interest, and shall inure to the benefit of the Company, its successors and assigns.

d) The unenforceability of any provision to this agreement shall not impair or affect any other provision.

e) In the event of any breach of this agreement, the Company shall have full rights to injunctive relief, in addition to any other existing rights, without requirement of posting bond.





Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 326.