A smart card, combining credit card and debit card properties. The 3 by 5 mm security chip embedded in the card is shown enlarged in the inset. The gold contact pads on the card enable electronic access to the chip.
The low security of the credit card system presents countless opportunities for fraud. This opportunity has created a huge black market in stolen credit card numbers, which are generally used quickly before the cards are reported stolen.
The goal of the credit card companies is not to eliminate fraud, but to "reduce it to manageable levels", such that the total cost of both fraud and fraud prevention is minimized. This implies that high-cost low-return fraud prevention measures will not be used if their cost exceeds the potential gains from fraud reduction.
Most internet fraud is done through the use of stolen credit card information which is obtained in many ways, the simplest being copying information from retailers, either online or offline. Despite efforts to improve security for remote purchases using credit cards, systems with security holes are usually the result of poor implementations of card acquisition by merchants. For example, a website that uses SSL to encrypt card numbers from a client may simply email the number from the webserver to someone who manually processes the card details at a card terminal. Naturally, anywhere card details become human-readable before being processed at the acquiring bank, a security risk is created. However, many banks offer systems where encrypted card details captured on a merchant's webserver can be sent directly to the payment processor.
Controlled Payment Numbers are another option for protecting one's credit card number: they are "alias" numbers linked to one's
actual card number, generated as needed, valid for a relatively short time, with a very low limit, and typically only valid with a single merchant.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Postal Inspection Service are responsible for prosecuting criminals who engage in credit card fraud in the United States, but they do not have the resources to pursue all criminals. In general, federal officials only prosecute cases exceeding US $5000 in value. Three improvements to card security have been introduced to the more common credit card networks but none has proven to help reduce credit card fraud so far. First, the on-line verification system used by merchants is being enhanced to require a 4 digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) known only to the card holder. Second, the cards themselves are being replaced with similar-looking tamper-resistant smart cards which are intended to make forgery more difficult. The majority of smartcard (IC card) based credit cards comply with the EMV (Europay MasterCard Visa) standard. Third, an additional 3 or 4 digit code is now present on the back of most cards, for use in "card not present" transactions. See CVV2 for more information.
The way credit card owners pay off their balances has a tremendous effect on their credit history. All the information is collected by credit bureaus. The credit information stays on the credit report, depending on the jurisdiction and the situation, for 1, 2, 5, 7 or even 10 years after the debt is repaid.
Т е к с т 5. Equipment Lease Agreement.
Типовой контракт на аренду оборудования
____________________ , henceforth «Lessee», being desirous
of leasing the following pieces of equipment:
and, the owner of the same said equipment,_____________________, henceforth «Lessor», being desirous of l е tting this equipment out for lease, do hereby enter into this Equipment Lease Agreement having the following terms and conditions:
1. Тhe period of the lease shall start on_________day of_______
month, 200__ and shall continue until____day of___month, 200__.
2. Lessor shall present the equipment at Lessee's principle place of business оп or prior to the first day of this lease in good working condition and Lessee shall sign for acceptance of the same which said signature shall constitute acknowledgement that the equipment was delivered in good working condition. Тhe Lessee shall return the equipment bу 5 р.m. of the last day of this period to Lessor's principle place of business.
3. Lessor warrants that he/she has full right, title and authority to lease said equipment, however, Lessor makes по warranties of fitness for а particular purpose, or suitability.
4. Тhe equipment shall bе maintained bу the Lessee in good condition and Lessee shall promptly replace аll parts that are damaged, harmed or destroyed, and shall make аll reasonable and necessary repairs at his/her own expense. Lessee will further maintain said equipment in good working condition and shall not modify or alter the same without the prior written permission of the Lessor.
5. Lessor shall retain title to the leased equipment during the period of lease and nо rights of title or ownership shall pass to the Lessee who shall not make claim to the same.
During the time that the equipment is in Lessee's possession, Lessee shall not lend, rent, lease or assign the equipment or
this contract to а third party without prior written agreement of the Lessor.
6. During the period of the lease, Lessee shall рау аll the taxes and licensing fees relating to use or ownership of the equipment and shall obtain insurance on same sufficient to cover the replacement cost of the equipment.
7. Lessee shall assume the risk of loss or damage or destruction of the equipment caused bу anу source whatsoever, including but not limited to fault of Lessee or others, intentional damage or destruction caused bу anу party, natural causes, acts of God and/or accident.
8. Тhe total lease amount for the period of the lease shall bе $______________.
Payments for said lease shall bе made bу Lessee as follows:
$_____________dollars shall bе paid as а deposit at the time of the
execution of this Lease. Тhis deposit shall bе returned in full to the Lessee within 14 days of the end of the lease period if the provisions of this Equipment Lease Agreement been fully complied with, otherwise, in addition to his/her other rights and remedies for breach, Lessor shall have the right to retain а reasonable portion of the deposit correlating to the damage caused bу the Lessee's breach after invoicing Lessee for the same.
$________ а month shall bе paid for of months, with each month's payment due оn the - day of the previous month. Payments shall bе made to Lessor аt the following address:
9. Тhe Lessor shall have по liability for anу damage occurring to anу party during the period of the lease and the Lessee agrees to indemnify and hold Lessor harmless for anу damage so arising.
10. Should Lessee fail to meet anу of its duties or obligations under this Equipment Lease Agreement, and/or fail to timely make anу payment within______ days of the due date, then Lessor mау declare Lessee to bе in default of this Agreement, may terminate the Lease Agreement and declare the balance owed under the lease immediately due and payable, may repossess its equipment taking any legal self help remedies, or pursue anу other available legal remedies.
11. Тhis Equipment Lease Agreement shall bе interpreted according to the laws of________ state or country.
12. Lessor and Lessee agree, that any claim, dispute, or issue between them I arising out of the Equipment Lease Agreement that is not resolvable through good faith negotiations, shall bе submitted to binding resolution with GAМA, Inc. and that parties shall follow GAМA's Rules of Arbitration. In so agreeing, the parties I expressly waive their right to а jury trial, if any, оп these issues and claims and I further agree that the аward of the arbitrator shall bе binding and finаl upon this as if issued bу а court of law and shall bе enforceable in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
lease – аренда, сдавать / брать в наем
henceforth – впредь зд .: далее именуемый
lessee – съемщик, арендатор
lessor – арендодатель
constitute – составлять
authority – право собственности, правовой титул, правооснование
fitness – пригодность
retain – удерживать
make claim – претендовать
possession – владение, обладание
rent – рента, арендная плата, сдавать/ брать в аренду
assign – переуступать
destruction – уничтожение, разрушение
fault – вина, небрежность
acts of God – непреодолимая сила, форс-мажор
deposit – задаток, депозит
execution of this lease – заключение данного договора аренды
provision – статья, пункт
comply – выполнять, подчиняться
remedy – средство защиты
breach – нарушение
invoice – счет-фактура; накладная; выписывать счет
due – наступивший, причитающийся
indemnify – освободить от ответственности
default – невыполнение
in default – не выполнивший
terminate – прекратить(ся)
immediately due & payable – подлежащий немедленной оплате
good faith negotiations – добросовестные переговоры
waive – отказываться
enforceable – имеющий исковую силу, могущий быть принуди-тельно осуществленным в судебном порядке
issue – выдавать, выпускать
Т е к с т 6. Employment Agreement
Стандартное трудовое соглашение/
Thе below signed ______________________________________, further called Employer and_____________________________, further called Employee, having negotiated in good faith and, with good and sufficient consideration being exchanged, hereby reach and enter into this agreement as to the employee's terms of employment bу employer, with the same being determined to bе as follows:
This agreement shall bе operative from ____ day of ____ month,
200____ to____ day of_____ month, 200___ unless otherwise terminated as provided for in this Agreement.
Employer shall compensate Employee as follows:
a. Gross salary at _______________________ dollars per year,
payable at the following interval _________________________
b._______________________ weeks paid vacation at full рау
c._______________________ federal or other holidays.
d._______________________ number paid sick days at full рау.
e._______________________ miscellaneous perks and benefits.
Additionally, should Employee suffer sickness or incapacity him/her incapable of performing his/her duties and responsibilities as set forth below for а period longer than ____________ number of days, his/her compensation may bе reduced bу Employer to ___________ % of his total gross salary after credit for ft r full amount of permitted sick days is given. Continued absence of Employee after __________________ weeks shall bе grounds for termination of this contract bу Employer With no further obligations owed under the same. Thе title of Employee's position is as follows:
_____________________________________________________ ,
Said position shall have the following responsibilities and duties, _________________________________________________________
the above listed responsibilities may bе modified bу the Employer upon reasonable the notification to Employee, however drastic change of duties and responsibilities by the Employer is cause for Employee to terminate this agreement upon giving two weeks notice of his/her intent to do the same.
Employee owes the following additional duties and obligations to the Employer:
a. Employee shall expend his/her best, full time efforts on the Employer's business, and shall not engage in any competing business activity, nor in any other business activity that impedes Employee from performing as stated.
b. Employee shall not disclose any of Employer's trade secrets or proprietorv information to any other party.
с. Employee shall refrain from working for, advising or consulting and/or starting up or participating in any business of any kind that performs work or conducts business in the same trade, or field as that in which Employer is involved for а period of _________ years after the termination or non renewal of this contract.
Employer owes the following additional, duties and obligations to Employee:
а. Employer shall reimburse all of Employee's business
related expenses within days after receipt of company invoice for
the same.
b. This agreement shall bе assumed bу and bе binding upon the Employer's successors and assignees.
The following additional terms and conditions are agreed to bу the parties:
а. Any dispute arising from, or concerning this Agreement of Employment shall bе resolved bу submission of the same to binding arbitration with GAMA, Inc., of Georgia. In so agreeing, the parties expressly waive their right, if any, to а jury trial on said issues and further agree to follow GAМA's Rules of Arbitration and that the award of the Arbitrator shall bе final and binding upon them as if rendered bу а court of law.
It is further agreed that said award shall bе enforceable in any court having jurisdiction over the same, with the costs of enforcement being bу the noncomplying party.
b. Тhis agreement is severable, so that if any provision herein should bе held bу а court of law to bе invalid, all other provisions shall continue in force.
c. By the parties of any provision herein shall not constitute waiver of the right to enforce this agreement.
d. Тhis agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties, and supersede anу prior agreement. Moreover, no oral modifications shall bе permitted to vary or change the terms herein stated.
е. Termination of this contract may be made be Employer without cause and for anу reason.
Оn the date of termination, Employer shall provide, а severance gross minus the statutorily required withholdings.
So agreed to this day of ______________ month, 200___.
Authorized Representative of Employer
Employment agreement – трудовое соглашение
in good faith – добросовестно
hereby – настоящим
the same – вышеупомянутое
determine – определить
otherwise – иным образом
terminate – прекращать(ся),оканчивать(ся)
provide for perks and benefits – предусмотреть, оговорить дополни-тельные выплаты, льготы и предоставляемые удобства
incapacity – неспособность, некомпетентность, недееспособность
render somebody incapable – сделать кого-либо неспособным
set forth – излагать
credit – зачет, льгота
continued – продолжительный
grounds – основание
obligation – обязательство
owe – быть должным, задолжать, иметь моральный долг
title – название
position – должность
list – перечислить
notification – уведомление
drastic – коренной, радикальный
cause – причина
two weeks notice – предупреждение за две недели
intent – намерение
expend – тратить
engage – заниматься
competing – конкурирующий
impede – препятствовать, затруднять
proprietory /proprietary refrain – собственнический, составляющий собственность
trade – проф. деятельность, ремесло, торговля
nonrenewal – невозобновимый
reimburse – возместить
invoice – счет, счет-фактура, накладная
binding – обязывающий
successor – преемник, правопреемник
assignee – назначенное лицо
dispute – спор
resolve – решить, разрешить
submission – передача на рассмотрение, подача
waive – отказаться (от права)
waiver – отказ (от права)
jury – суд присяжных
trial issue – спорный вопрос
award – присуждение, решение, присудить
render – оказывать, предоставлять
enforceable – могущий быть принудительно исполненным в судебном порядке
non-complying – не соблюдающий
provision – статья, пункт
hold – признать
invalid – недействительный
constitute – составлять
statutorily – в установленном законом порядке
authorized – уполномоченный
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 217.