Conference, meeting, plan, to protect, professionals, resources, method, to separate, central, idea, promotion, to reduce, intensity, conflict, satisfaction, system, conflict, resolution, therapy, techniques, strategies, goal, to function, harmoniously, variations, circular, to affect, outside, to interact, to minimize, position, neutrality, positively.
B )Прочтите и переведите без помощи словаря группы родственных интернациональных слов. Выделите суффикс и определите часть речи.
Separation – separate
Therapy – therapist
To meet – meeting
Promotion – promoter – promote
To reduce – reduction
Intensive – intensively –intensity–to intensify
Satisfaction – to satisfy – satisfactory
Resolution – resolute – to resolve
Variation – variety – various – to vary
C ) Запомните следующие отрицательные приставки: dis-, un-
Dissatisfaction, unprotected, unplanned, disability, unknown, unkind
Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие сочетания:
The central idea, to make the necessary plans, to protect the child, to reduce the intensity of conflict, a method of conflict resolution, the therapist’s role, to function more harmoniously, a position of neutrality.
Упражнение 3. Выпишите следующие слова в тетрадь и выучите их.
Abuse– насилие, плохое обращение
To encourage– поощрять
Custody –опечка, попечительство
Issue – вопрос, проблема
Property – собственность
Approach –подход
Divorce – развод
Mediation – посредничество
Access – доступ
Settlement – решение, урегулирование; расселение
Experience – опыт
Attempt – попытка
Habit – привычка
Behaviour – поведение
Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие сочетания:
To abuse a child; to encourage conflict and bad feeling between parents; the custody of children; the promotion of a settlement; approach to divorce, separation and child custody issues; the central idea in family mediation; issues of access and parenting; to lose the habit; an attempt to reduce the intensity of conflict; to change behaviour.
Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст и найдите ответы на следующие вопросы:
1. What is a “Family group conference”?
2. What happens in the second stage of the family group conference?
3. What is family mediation?
4. What is the goal of family mediation?
5. What was wrong about the old system of divorce?
6. What is family therapy?
7. What is the therapist’s role in conflict resolution?
8. How does the therapist enable the family to function more harmoniously?
Family Group Conference
Family group conference is a meeting of the extended family and adults significant to a child who may have been abused.
Such a conference is called together to work out a plan to protect the child and to make the necessary plans to protect the child. The group conference takes place in two stages: during the first stage, the family meets together to develop its own plans to protect the child; in the second stage, social workers or other professionals are called in to provide advice.
Family mediation is a non-adversarial method of helping divorcing or separated couples make decisions about the custody of children, issues of access and parenting, property and maintenance.
The central idea in family mediation is the promotion of a settlement or an attempt to reduce the intensity of conflict.
Family mediation has arisen partly from dissatisfaction with the adversarial approach to divorce, separation and child custody issues. The old system encouraged conflict and bad feeling between parents. A new method of conflict resolution devises ways for parents to talk to each other, where they lost the habit. Many divorcing parents began to recognize that a relationship might be over, but parenting and parental responsibility remain.
Family therapy is a range of techniques and strategies for helping families resolve relationship problems and function more harmoniously.
There are many variations of family therapy. It is a well-known fact that relations between family members are circular; how each member behaves affects the way everyone else behaves, and vice versa. The therapist’s role is to try to minimize the ”blame games” that often occur in a family.
Maintaining a position of neutrality, the therapist explores with the whole family how to view behaviours more positively. By doing this, the therapist enables the family to change attitudes, viewpoints and behaviour.
Упражнение 6. Переведите текст письменно.
Упражнение 7. Вставьте в предложения подходящие по смыслу слова из упражнения 3 . Предложения переведите.
1. Claudia’s mother ___________ her in her ambition to become a model.
2. Money is not an ______________ .
3. The article discusses a new __________ to teaching English.
4. She has a ___________of playing with her hair when she's nervous.
5. Do you have any ___________________ of working with kids?
6. One in three marriages ends in _____________________.
7. The mother got ________________ of the child.
8. You need a password to get _________________ to the computer system.
9. Can TV violence cause aggressive _____________________?
10. She passed her driving test at the first _________________.
Контрольная работа № 3 .
Выполните следующий тест :
1.___________ meet for coffee some time soon.
A) Let’s B) Do you C) Shall they
2. Kamal has got a holiday home near_______________ sea.
A) a B) the C) some
3. ________________ever been to New York?
A) Have you B) Are you C) Did you
4. Did Amina finish the report? - No. She ____________________it tomorrow.
A) finishes B) is going to finish C) finished
5. We never ____________a television when I was a child.
A) have had B) hadn’t C) had D) didn’t have
6) We paid the restaurant bill____________________ credit card.
A) to B) with C) on D) by
7) The last time I ________________Joanna was in Paris.
A) have seen B) saw C) see D) was seeing
8) Can I make myself a cup of coffee? - Of course. You______________to ask.
A) haven’t B) mustn’t C) needn’t D) don’t have
9. I____________________________ a lot of sport in my free time.
A) do B) practise C) make D) exercise
10. __________________________anywhere interesting recently?
A) Do you go B) Have you been C) Are you going D) Will you go
11. It’s Walter’s birthday on Friday. He_______________ be 30, I think.
A) should B) can C) will D) shall
14. Learning the piano isn’t as difficult _________________learning the violin.
A) like B) so C) than D) as
15. If the weather is bad tomorrow, I _______________ stay at home
A) must B) will have to C) could D) would be
16. A billion cans of Coca-Cola________drunk around the world every day.
A) is B) are C) was D) were
17. Hans isn’t here. He_________ to see his grandmother.
A) has gone B) had been C) has been D) had gone
18. When I was a child, I_____________________ play the piano.
A) may B) did C) could D) used
19. Have you finished_______________________ the wall yet?
A) paint B) to paint C) painting D) painted
20. I _______________ outside the cinema when suddenly a police car arrived.
A) stood B) was standing C) have stood D) am standing
21. My doctor advised me ____________________more exercise.
A) take B) taking C) having taken D) to take
22. Boxing is a sport ____________________requires a lot of speed and fitness.
A) it B) that C) what D) where
23. Many new houses______________________ in the town where I live.
A) build B) are being built C) are building
24. I don’t know many people ______________________still smoke nowadays.
A) they B) what C) which D) who
25. ______________I open the window?
A) May B) Would you mind if C) Could D) Will
26. My doctor_____________ me I should eat less meat.
A) told B) spoke to C) said D) told to
27. We missed the last bus so we_________________________ walk home.
A) should B) have to C) must D) had to
28. Have you seen my car keys? I can’t find ____________anywhere.
A) him B) it C) them D) they
29. ________________________dog is called Ruby.
A) They B) Their C) Them D) Theirs
30. Is this your _________________car?
A) parents B) parent’s C) parents’
31. Do you think David Beckham is ______________English football player?
A) the best B) best C) a best
32. Nina is two years _________________________ .
A) older than me B) more old as me C) old than me D) more old than me
33. Jane’s passport while she was on holiday.
A) is stolen B) was stolen C) stole
34. I was really nervous and I couldn’t eat________________ all day.
A) something B) nothing C ) anything
35. The computer_____________ I bought wasn’t very expensive.
A) who B) what C) whom D) that
36. Do you know the girl ________________ our teacher?
A) saying about B) talking to C) speaking at D) telling of
37. We met a boy __________________a heavy bag.
A) carry B) carried C) carrying D) carries
38. Pieces of __________________glass lay on the floor.
A) break B) broken C) breaking D) breaks
39. The article __________________ by John is very interesting.
A) translate B) translates C) translated C) translating
40. He stopped before a _________________ door.
A) closed B) closing C) close C) closes
Лексический минимум III семестра.
Урок 1.
1. Adoption – усыновление
2. Legal relationship – правоотношения
3. Intention – намерение
4. Couple – (семейная) пара
5. To maintain – сохранять
6. Perspective – позиция, точка зрения
7. Perspective adoptive parents–потенциальные усыновители
8. To surround – окружать
9. Family background – семейные корни, социальное происхождение, история семьи
10. To produce distrust – вызывать недоверие
11. To recognize – признавать, узнавать
12. To obtain consent – получать согласие
13. To explain to parents – объяснять родителям
14. To change one’s mind – изменить решение, передумать
15. To gather information – собирать информацию
Урок 2.
1. To raise/upbring dependent children– воспитывать детей
2. Similar – схожий, похожий
3. Widow – вдова, вдовец
4. Hardship–нужда, трудности
5. To look after– присматривать, ухаживать
6. Full-time/part-time employment – полная/частичная занятость
7. Concern – озабоченность, тревога
8. To account for – составлять, объяснять
9. To acknowledge – подтвердить, признавать
10. To call for – призывать
11. To afford – позволить себе
12. To earn – зарабатывать
Урок 3.
1. Abuse– насилие, плохое обращение
2. To encourage– поощрять
3. Custody –опечка, попечительство
4. Issue – вопрос, проблема
5. Property – собственность
6. Approach –подход
7. Divorce – развод
8. Mediation – посредничество
9. Access – доступ
10. Settlement – решение, урегулирование; расселение
11. Experience – опыт
12. Attempt – попытка
13. Habit – привычка
14. Behaviour – поведение
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 326.