Exercise 16. Make present or past participles
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. I don’t like horror films. I think they are (frighten) and (bore).

2. Don’t look so (surprise). Of course, it was a (surprise) decision but we had no other way out.

3. It was a (tire) journey. I wish I hadn’t had it. I feel completely (exhaust) after it.

4. The football match was (disappoint). Our team lost the game and we left the stadium quite (disappoint).

5. He didn’t come and she looked rather (worry).

6. The rise in crime is (depress).

7. The pictures made a (depress) impression on him.

8. She is not (satisfy) with her position.

9. The match was exciting and we were excited by it.

10. Jane is (bore) because her job is (bore).

11. He can't remember his pupils’ names. It seemed funny at first, but now it is rather (embarrassing/embarrassed).

12. So far as Mrs. Brown was concerned she did not seem to be in the least (embarrassing/embarrassed).

13. He did not come and she looked rather (worrying/worried).

14. The rise in crime is (depressing/depressed). 


Formation of Adverbs

♦ We usually form an adverb by adding -ly to the adjective.

e.g. serious - seriously

♦ Adjectives ending in -le drop the -e and take -y.

e.g. gentle - gently

♦ Adjectives ending in consonant + у drop the -y and take -ily.

e.g. happy - happily

♦ Adjectives ending in -l take -ly.

e.g. awful - awfully

♦ Adjectives ending in -ic usually take -ally.

e.g. dramatic - dramatically But: public - publicly

♦ Adjectives ending in -e take -ly.

e.g. polite - politely But: true - truly

1. The following words end in –ly, but they are adjectives: elderly, cowardly, friendly, likely, deadly, lively, lonely, silly, ugly, lovely, etc.

e.g. She’s a lively child.


We use the words way/manner to form their adverbs.

e.g. She greeted me in a friendly way/manner.

He complained in a cowardly way/manner.


2. Some adverbs have the same form as adjectives. These include: hard, fast, free, high, low, deep, early, late, long, near, straight, right, wrong. Also hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

e.g. The lake is deep.(adjective)

They went deep into the forest. (adverb)

These biscuits are very hard. (adjective)

He tried hard in order to succeed. (adverb)

‘Bella Donna’ is a weekly magazine. (adjective)

It comes out weekly. (adverb)


3. The adverbs below have two forms, each with a different meaning:

· The treasure was buried deep underground. (= a long way down)

He is deeply in love with her. (= very)

· The hotel guests can use the swimming pool free. (= without payment)

The animals in the safari park can roam freely. (= without limit or restriction.)

· The kite flew high in the sky. (= at/to a high level)

He is a highly respected doctor. (= very much)

· She arrived late for the meeting. (= not early)

He hasn’t been feeling well lately. (= recently)

· Which of his songs do you like most? (= superlative of much)

I’m mostly interested in modern art. (= mainly)

· As he came near, I realized that something was wrong. (= close)

She nearly fainted when she heard the news.(= almost)

· He is a pretty strange man. (= rather)

The bridesmaids were prettily dressed in pink. (= in a pretty way)

· He is working hard these days. (= with a lot of effort)

They hardly go anywhere now that they have children. (= almost never)

· Don’t stand so close to me, please! (=near)

The inspector looked at my passport very closely. (=attentively)

hard трудный, трудно, усердный, усердно hardly едва, с трудом
late поздний, поздно lately недавно, за последнее время
high высокий, высоко highly очень, весьма
great великий, сильный greatly очень, весьма, значительно
near близкий, близко nearly почти, приблизительно
short короткий, коротко shortly вскоре, незадолго
large большой, значительный largely в значительной степени
pretty прелестный, весьма prettily прелестно
close близкий, близко closely внимательно
deep глубокий, далеко от deeply очень, в высокой степени
free свободный (на свободе,  доступный) freely свободно (без ограничений)
most превосходная степень от much mostly главным образом


4. Adjectives after Verbs

After the verbs:

to feel (кроме well)   She felt bad yesterday.
to look (кроме well) - выглядеть adjectives are You look nice.
to sound used The music sounds very loud.
to taste   This soup tastes good.
to seem   Everything seemed strange to him.
to smell   The cake smells wonderful.
to remain   He remained calm.



Exercise 1. Change the italicized noun into a verb and the italicized adjective into an adverb.

Model: His answer was very quick. - He answered very quickly.

1. They gave a beautiful performance. 2. She gave me a formal answer. 3. His was a heroic action. 4. He gave an accurate description of the situation. 5. We heard their happy laugh in the room. 6. The actors got a very warm greeting from the audience.

Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 459.