Exercise 12. Translate into English
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. На стене картина. На стене часы. На стене классная доска. На столе картофель. На столе книги. В кувшине молоко. На тарелке масло. На столе соль. На доске (написано) предложение.

2. Картина на стене. Часы на стене. Классная доска на стене. Коробки на столе. Портфели на столе. Книги на столе. Молоко в кувшине. Масло на тарелке. Соль на столе. Предложение (написано) на доске.

3. На столе лампа. Лампа на столе. На столе газеты. Газеты на столе. На улице автомобиль. Автомобиль на улице. У стены диван. Диван у стены. В коробке карандаши. Карандаши в коробке.

4. На стуле нет книги. Книга не на стуле. На стуле нет шляпы. Шляпа не на стуле. На стуле нет тетради. Тетрадь не на стуле. В коробке нет авторучки. Авторучка не в коробке. В сумке нет денег. Деньги не в сумке.

5. В портфеле не три книги, а четыре. В портфеле не пять карандашей, а шесть. В портфеле не две ручки, а одна.

6. Это моя комната. Посредине комнаты стоит стол. На столе кувшин. В кувшине молоко. На тарелке масло. Где хлеб? Хлеб в буфете (sideboard).

7. Где журнал? На столе нет журнала. Журнал не на столе, а на стуле.

8. В коробке нет авторучки. Авторучка не в коробке, а в столе.

9. Где деньги? В сумке нет денег. Твои деньги не в сумке. Они на столе.

10. На вашей улице много домов? - Да, у нас много красивых новых домов.

11. В вашем парке много цветов? — Не очень, но они мне очень нравятся.

12. В середине этой комнаты стол. На столе цветы.

13. В нашей квартире пять комнат. Они большие и светлые.

14. Где твой брат? - Он в той комнате.

15. На столе нет хлеба.

16. Наш университет находится недалеко от центра.

17. На этой улице много больших домов.

18. В этой комнате много света.

19. На столе много ручек, карандашей и тетрадей.

20. Есть ли яблоки на тарелке? – Нет, яблоки в корзине.

21. Чашки на столе.

22. На этом столе много коробок? - Нет, не много.

23. В нашей комнате не три, а четыре окна.

24. В сумке мало денег.


Exercise 13. Fill in the blanks with it is or there is:

1. ... is a new film on TV today. ... is a French comedy.

2. ... is a flower in the vase. ... is a tulip.

3. ... is good information. ... is no doubt about it.

4. ... is a long break at twelve a clock. ... is our lunchtime.

5. ... is necessary to go ahead. ... is no way back.

6. ... was a full moon in the sky, ... was midnight.

7. ... was late, ... were no people in the street.

8. ... is one child in the family, ... is a boy.

9. ... was early spring, ... were some snowdrops in the forest.

10. ... is a pity that ... isn’t any news.

11. ... are eight hundred pages ift the book, ... is too long.

12. ... is too early, ... are no people at the office.

13. ... are about twenty of us, ... is a big group.

14. ... was a reason for this and ... was a serious one.

15. ... is difficult to speak English correctly, ... are so many rules to remember.

16. ... was a garden behind the house, ... was a secret garden.

17. ... is a sunny morning, ... are no clouds in the sky.

18. ... are so many English textbooks in the shops, ... makes teachers and students happy.

19. ... is winter, ... is snow everywhere.

20. ... was little time left, ... was time to start for the airport.

Exercise 14. Fill in the blanks with it is or there is:

1. ... warm in the room.

2. ... a theatre in our street.

3. ... easy to understand this rule.

4. ... five o'clock in the afternoon.

5. ... so nice seeing you again.

6. ... nothing to be done about this.

7. ... often a rainbow after rain.

8. ... too late to go there now.

9. ... a lot of snow this year.

10. ... a mistake in your dictation.

11. ... far from my house to the Institute.

12. ... difficult to say what's wrong about it.

13. ... very strange that he hasn't come.

14. ... still very early and ... nobody to be seen in the street.

15. ... usually a stamp on the envelope.

16. ... so cold out- of-doors today.

17. ... electricity in all the houses of the town.

18. … a party at our Institute tonight.

19. ... a lot of work to do.

20. ... not any coffee left

21. ... cold today; ... a strong wind.

22. ... not a single mistake in your exercise.

23. ... dark; ... no moon.

24. ... not very far to walk.

25. ... too early to leave yet.

26. ... a cassette-recorder in the classroom.

27. ... strange that she is absent today.

28. ... a post-office near the house I live in.

29. ... a pity that you can't come with me.

30. ... not true to say that she is my friend.

31. ... time to begin our lesson.

32. ... no time to write it down, the lesson is nearly over.

33. ... a fact that he is often absent from school.

34. ... was a lovely morning.

35. ... was absolute silence all over the house.

36. I'm fond of young Toby; ... is a great charm about the boy.

37. ... was Lucy who told me his address.

38. ... must be a mistake in what you have written.

39. Is ... anything interesting on the TV programme tonight?

40. They say ... is going to be windy tomorrow.

41. ... was a dense fog that day.

42. ... was very foggy that day.

43. ... was no necessity to do it yesterday.

44. ... was not necessary to do it yesterday.

45. ... was snowing heavily all day.

46. ... was heavy snow all day.

47. While ... is life, ... is hope.

48. ... is hardly time to do the packing.

49. ... is all very well to say so, but is it so really?

50. ... is most unpleasant to have eight lessons a day.

51. ... is not known where he spent his early childhood.

52. ... is a time and place for everything.

53. ... was much to be said on both sides.

54. ... is not clear who is responsible.

55. ... is a long way from the house to the tram-stop.

56. ... is time to finish the translation before we go.

57. ... is a long time since I saw such an interesting film.

58. ... is no place like home.

Exercise 15. Insert “it is …”/ “there is … ” in the required form (present or past).

1. What’s the time? –  …… 3.30. And what’s the date? – …… the 24th.

2. Why don’t you go for a walk? …… a pity to stay in when …… so nice outside.

3. …… not any glass in the windows; that is why…… so cold in the room.

4. …… very wet yesterday;…… impossible to go out.

5. …… a thick fog last night. …… several accidents on the motorway. …… foolish to drive fast when ……foggy.

6. ……difficult to find your way round this town. …… so many streets all looking exactly alike.

7. Come on, children! ...... time to get up! …… nearly breakfast time.

8. …… a garage behind the hotel? – Yes, but …… rather full.

9. …… five flats in the building, one on each floor. My flat is on the top floor. …… no lift.

10. He thought that …… better to say nothing about his change of plan.

11. …… a pond beside your house? – Yes, ……. – How deep ……?

12. … ... a train at 10.30. – …… a fast train?

13. I’m not going to buy this shirt, ……very expensive.

14. What’s wrong? – …… something in my eye.

15. …… a red car outside the house. …… yours?

16. …… anything on television tonight? – Yes, …… a film at 8.15.

17. What’s that building? – …… a school.

18. …… a restaurant in this hotel? – No, I’m afraid not.


Exercise 16. Fill in the gaps with there, it or one.

1. A: Did you enjoy the party?

B: No. There weren’t many people there. It was boring.

2. A: …… is someone on the phone for you. I think …… is David.

B: Hold on. I’ll be there in a minute.

3.  A: Was that a Ferrari going past?

B: I didn’t see …….

4. A: Look! …… is your friend!

B: Oh yes! ……’s Ian.

5. A: When did you last see a film?

B: I haven’t seen …… for months.

6. A: Have you got your umbrella with you?

B: No, …… wasn’t raining this morning, so I left …… at home.

7. A: Did you sleep late yesterday?

B: Yes. By the time I woke up, ……was lunch time.

8. A: Have you got a computer?

B: No. I had ……, but I sold …….

9. A: Look at this mess! …… are toys everywhere.

B: Sorry. I’ll tidy up.

10. A: Did you visit the Acropolis?

B: No, …… wasn’t enough time.

11. A: Could I have the bill, please?

B: Certainly. I’ll bring …… at once.

12. A: …… seems to be a mistake in this report.

B: Oh, sorry. I’ll type …… again.

13. A: Josie is very pretty.

B: Yes …… doesn’t matter what she wears, she always looks good.

Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 413.