Exercise 1. Give short answers to the following general questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

MODEL: Are you married? – No, I’m not.       

1. Are you thirsty?

2. Is it cold today?

3. Are your hands cold?

4. Is it dark now?   

5. Are you a teacher?       

6. Do you like milk?

7. Can your mother cook?

8. Do your parents live in Kirov?

9. Does your granny know English?

10. Have you done your homework?

11. Did you watch TV yesterday?

12. Has your mother been to Poland?

Exercise 2. Make general questions with these words. Use is or are.

MODEL: at home / your mother? - Is your mother at home?

1. your parents / well?

2. interesting / your job?

3. the shops / open today?

4. interested in sport / you?

5. near here / the post office?

6. at school / your children?

7. you / late?

8. you / married?

9. he / English?

10. your friends / students?

11. cold outside / it?

12. hungry / she?


Exercise 3. Put general questions to the following sentences.

1. I live in a big city.

2. We are students.

3. She can play chess very well.

4. He knows a lot of people in the city.

5. Tom has an interesting job.

6. He has a lovely time in the country every weekend.

7. It is interesting for me to study English.

8. It’s getting cold outside.

9. I have spoken to the chief.

10. Winter has come.

11. I enjoyed my holiday greatly.

12. I had a bath an hour ago.

13. I am deeply interested in this matter.

14. They got married last December.




They are put to suggest a choice between 2 or more things, actions or qualities.                

e. g. Is this pen red or black?


Alternative questions demand a full answer.

e.g. It’s red.


The answer is short if the question is to the subject. The stress is on the subject in this case.

e. g. Is Nick or John at the table? - John is.


Like in general questions some - any; a lot of - many, much.


Exercise 1. Put general and alternative questions to the following statements:

1. The girl is small.

2. The children are at school.

3. It is dark in the room.

4. This is a velvet dress.

5. The dog is in the yard.

6. They are busy all the time.


Exercise 2. Put alternative questions to the words in bold type.

1. They have got a car of their own.

2. She has a nice face.

3. We have got a lot of relatives in Moscow.

4. You have got three mistakes in your test.

5. Mr. Smith has a son and a daughter.

6. My friend has a large family.



1. Disjunctive questions as well as general ones demand an affirmative or negative answer. They consist of two parts. The first part is a statement (affirmative or negative) and the second is a short general question corresponding to the Russian не так ли. If the first part is affirmative, the tag is negative and vice versa if the first part is negative, the tag is affirmative.

 e. g. He is a teacher, isn’t he?

You have two sisters, don’t you?

There are a lot of children in the park, aren’t there?

You have no brothers, do you?

He isn’t married, is he?

There is no coffee at home, is there?


2. Answers to disjunctive questions are usually short.

e. g. She is very busy, isn’t she? - Yes, she is. (Да, очень.)

No, she isn’t. (Нет, не очень.)

BUT: She is not fond of sports, is she? – No, she isn’t, (Да. Не увлекается.)

Yes, she is. (Нет, увлекается.)


NOTE: am not doesn’t have a contracted form, that’s why we use aren’t I.

e. g. I am right, aren’t I?


3. Remember the following:

Close the door, will/won’t you?

Don’t move, will you?

Let’s dance, shall we?

Everyone was present, weren’t they?




    Exercise 1. Put disjunctive questions to the following sentences.

1. You usually start your work at nine o’clock, …? 2. Tamara can’t speak any foreign languages, …? 3. He hasn’t got a pet, …? 4. You can always trust me, …? 5. They never argue with me, …? 6. Helen didn’t come to the party, …? 7. We are going to see the ocean tomorrow, …? 8. You haven’t been to the Bolshoi before, …? 9. He isn’t lazy,  …? 10. Pamela won’t date Jack, …?  11. I am lucky, …? 12. Pay attention, …?         13. Don’t be late, …? 14. Nobody called for me, …? 15. Everyone was very happy, …? 16. Nothing could be better, …? 17. Let’s start, …? 18. You are Marina Serebrova, …? 19. He isn’t a student, …? 20. She lives in York, …? 21. You have a big family, …? 22. They have lunch at one o’clock, …? 23. My father has to drive to his office, …? 24. He doesn’t have to get up too early,…? 25. German isn’t difficult, …? 26. There is a lot of light in this hall, …? 27. There are no stars in the sky,…? 28. Ted didn’t come to class yesterday,…? 29. Our teacher gave us much homework to do,…? 30. You didn’t have to lie to her,…? 31. It snows a lot in Siberia, …? 32. It never rains in the Gobi, …? 33. Those are your gloves, …? 34. I am a fool, …? 35. We haven’t met before,…? 36. He has never been to Jamaica,…? 37. The Browns will never sell their house, …? 38. He can cook well,…? 39. You can’t buy happiness,…? 40. Let’s start working,…? 41. Let’s not argue,…? 42. Make him take his words back,…? 43. Don’t shout at me, …? 44. Nothing ever happens to me,…? 45. Everything depends on the situation, …? 46. Everyone will be present at the conference,…? 47. Nobody has ever thought about it,…?

Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 389.