Exercise 5 . Translate into English
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. - Кто это? - Это наш новый начальник. - Что это? - Это его новая машина.

2. Это моя комната, а та - Джона.

3. - Эти часы ваши? - Нет, это часы моего брата.

4. Посмотри на ту картину. Что ты на ней видишь?

5. - Сколько стоит эта куртка? - Она не очень дорогая,

6. Возьми то пирожное, оно с шоколадом.

7. О чем эта книга?

8. Чей вот тот стул? Я могу его взять?

9. Эта одежда мала для него.

10. Эти ножницы не острые, возьмите их.

11. Видишь тот дом? Я живу в нем.

12. - Ты знаешь тех людей? - Нет.

13. Которая сумка твоя: та или эта?

14. Эта музыка такая грустная!

15. Эти письма для него.

16. Какие фотографии вам больше нравятся: те или эти?


Exercise 6. Translate into English using appropriate pronouns:

1. Это мои перчатки, а где твои?

2. Это мой или твой карандаш?

3. Это твой карандаш. Мой зеленый.

4. Возьми эту лампу и поставь на мой стол.

5. Это твои тетради?

6. Я не могу взять этот зонтик, он не мой.

7. Кто из вас Нелли? - Это я.

8. Вот книжки! Которая твоя?

9. Какого цвета твое новое платье?

10. Кто знает ответ? - Я!

11. Они нас не знают, но мы хорошо их знаем.

12. Это очень странные факты.

13. Мне нравятся твои туфли, но мои лучше.

14. Что с ним? Он болен?

15. Какие книги вы любите?

16. Кто там? - Это я.




  Affirmative Interrogative Negative
Countable/ Uncountable some   any not any/no
People someone/somebody anyone/ anybody no one/not anyone nobody/not anybody
Things something anything nothing/ not anything
Places somewhere anywhere nowhere/not anywhere


1. Some, any and no are used with uncountable nouns (rice, tea, etc.) and plural countable nouns (toys, books, etc.).
e.g. some rice, some toys

2.  Some and its compounds (someone/somebody, something, somewhere) are normally used in affirmative sentences.

e.g. I need some advice. He's got something in his pocket.

3. Any and its compounds are also used in interrogative sentences (general and alternative). Not any is used in negative sentences.

e.g. Are there any vegetables in the fridge? There isn’t anybody in the office.

Any and its compounds are also used with negative words such as without, never, seldom, rarely, hardly, etc.

e.g. I can do this without any help.

I have never seen anything like that.

4. No and its compounds are used instead of not any in negative sentences.

e.g. She doesn’t have any money. or She has no money.

He didn’t give me anything. He gave me nothing.

5. We use a singular verb with compounds of some, any and no.

e.g. There is something wrong with the computer.

6. Some and its compounds are also used in interrogative sentences when we make an offer, suggestion or request.

e.g. a) This place is crowded. Shall we go somewhere else? (suggestion)
  b) ‘Would you like something to drink?' (offer) - Yes, please. Can I have some lemonade?' (request)

7. When any and its compounds are used in affirmative sentences, there is a difference in meaning. It means “it doesn’t matter who, what or which”.

e.g. You can come any day you want. (It doesn’t matter which.)

Anyone/Anybody can take part in the quiz show. (It doesn't matter who.)

You can find anything you want in this shop. (It doesn’t matter what.)

I'll find you anywhere you go. (It doesn’t matter where.)

8. Every is used with singular countable nouns.

e.g. Every employee must clock in and out.

9. The pronouns everyone/everybody, everything and the adverb everywhere are used in affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences and are followed by a singular verb.

e.g. Everybody/Everyone has a right to a fair trial. (NOT: … have a right.)



Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with some, any, one or no.

1. Is there ... chalk on the table? - Yes, there is. There is ... chalk on the table.

2. Is there ... ink on the table? - No, there isn’t. There is ... ink on the table.

3. Is there ... paper on the desk? - Yes, there is ....

4. Is there ... salt on the table? - No, there isn’t. There is ... salt on the table.

5. Have you got ... relations? — No, I haven't ....

6. Has she got ... nephews or nieces? — She has ....

7. She has ... sister, she has only ... brother.

8. They have got ... cousins in Minsk.

9. Have you got ... brothers? — No, I haven't ....

10. I have ... good friends.

11. Have you got ... interesting books? — Yes, I have.

12. Have you got ... friends in St. Petersburg?

13. He has ... English books in the bookcase.

14. Have you got ... pencils in your bag? — Yes, I have ....

15. Has she got ... girls in the family? — No, she hasn’t ….

16. Have we got ... chalk on the blackboard?

17. She has ... mistakes in her test.

18. I bought … cheese but I didn’t buy … bread.

19. I’m going to the post office, I need … stamps.

20. There aren’t … shops in this part of town.

21. George and Alice haven’t got … children.

22. Have you got … brothers or sisters? – Yes, I’ve got ….

23. There are … beautiful flowers in the garden.

24. Do you know … good hotels in London?

25. ‘Would you like … tea?’ ‘Yes, please.’

26. When we were on holiday, we visited … very interesting places.

27. Don’t buy … rice. We don’t need ….     

28. I went out to buy … milk but they didn’t have … in the shop.

29. I’m thirsty. Can I have … water, please?

30. Ann didn’t take any photographs but I took ….

31. Where’s your luggage? – I don’t have ….

32. Do you need … money? - No, thank you I have ….

33. Can you lend me … money? - I’m sorry but I don’t have ….

34. The tomatoes in the shop didn’t look very good, so I didn’t buy ….

35. There were … nice oranges in the shop, so I bought ….

Exercise 2. Bill has lost his keys. Read the dialogue and choose the correct item.

A: There is nothing/something more annoying than losing something/anything.

B: What have you lost?

A: My keys. They must be anywhere/somewhere in the house, but I’ve got no/any idea where. I can’t find them nowhere/anywhere.

B: Are you sure you haven’t left them somewhere/ nowhere by mistake?

A: Of course not. They can’t be somewhere/anywhere else but here. No one/Someone must have hidden them.

B: Why would no one/anyone hide your keys? There is any/no reason for anyone /no one to do nothing/something so silly.

A: Well, I need some/any help to find them. I have to go anywhere/somewhere important this afternoon.

B: Calm down. It’s some/no use getting angry about anything/something like this. Look! There are no/ some keys on that chair.

A: They're mine! Oh. I feel so silly!


Exercise 3. Insert some or any making the appropriate compounds (somebody, anything, somehow etc.) if necessary.

1. There is ... milk in that jug.

2. I’m afraid there isn’t ... coffee left.

3. Is there ...… here who speaks Italian?

4. I’d like to buy ... new clothes but I haven’t got ... money.

5. Are there ... letters for me?

6. I can’t see my glasses ...….

7. She put her handbag down …… and now she can’t find it,

8. …… can tell you how to get there (i. e. everyone knows the way).

9. Is there ...... moving about downstairs? I heard ... falling.

10. ...... tells me you’ve got... bad news for me.

11. She said … to me but I didn't understand it.

12. What’s wrong? - There’s … in my eye.’

13. Do you know … about politics?

14. I went to the shop but I didn't buy ….     

15. … has broken the window. I don’t know who. 

16. There isn’t … in the bag. It’s empty.

17. I'm looking for my keys. Has … seen them?

18. Would you like … to drink?

19. I didn’t eat … because I wasn’t hungry.

20. This is a secret. Please don’t tell ….

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.

1. A: Is there ...anything... good on television tonight?

B: I don’t know. Look in the newspaper.

2. A: Would you like …… to eat?

B: No. I don’t want …… thank you.

3. A: There is …… here to see you.

B: Who is it?

4. A: I went to Jane’s house, but there was …… at home.

B: Perhaps she has gone …… nice for the weekend.

5. A: I have …… time to do all this work.

B: Is there …… I can do to help?

6. A: Was the party good last night?

B: Not really. There were hardly …… people there.

7. A: I have to go shopping, but I don’t have …… money.

B: I’ll lend you …… if you like.

8. A: Have you seen Michael ……?

B: No, I haven’t seen him.

9. A: The town was very busy today. There was …… to park.

B: They should build …… new parking facilities.

10. A: What would you do if you were lost?

B: I would ask …… for directions.

11. A: Is there …… you would like to go this weekend?

B: I’d like to go …… nice and quiet.

12. A: Is …… wrong with Paul?

B: No, there’s …… wrong with him. He's just tired.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with everyone/everybody, everything or everywhere.

1. The meeting was a success. ...Everything… went well.

2. …… learns a foreign language at this school.

3. The film is a box-office hit. …… is talking about it.

4. We are going on holiday next week. …… is arranged.

5. On Friday afternoon …… leaves the office early.

6. Mark is a very popular boy. …… likes him.

7. After the snow had fallen, …… was white.

8. I’m glad we came to the beach. …… had a wonderful time.

9. We wanted to go to a restaurant, but …… was full.

10. I dropped my bag and …… fell out.

11. We can’t make the announcement until …… arrives.

Exercise 6. Fill in somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), nobody (no one), everybody (everyone), something, anything, nothing, everything.

1. Is there ... on the desk?

2. The door is open. There must be ... at home.

3. There is ... wrong with my fountain-pen. It won't write.

4. A blind man cannot see ... .

5. Is there ... in the room? — Yes, there is ... in it.

6. It is too dark here, I cannot see ....

7. If there is ... in the room you may turn off the light.

8. Can ... recite the poem?

9. We must do ... to help her.

10. Can I do ... for you?

11. There must be ... interesting in the book you read.

12. It is too dark, I can’t see ... on the blackboard. May I turn on the light?

13. We can work in Room № 20. There is ... there.

14. Let's go there at once. I want to see ... with my own eyes.

15. May I come to see you tonight? I've got ... to tell you.

16. Bob is one of our best students, ... knows him.

17. Must we learn ... by heart? — No, you needn't. You must only prepare the poem for test reading.

18. There is ... interesting in this magazine.

19. Is ... away from the lesson?



1. A lot of/lots of are used with both plural countable and uncountable nouns. They are normally used in affirmative sentences. Of is omitted when a lot/lots are not followed by a noun.

e.g. There were a lot of/lots of people at the concert. There is a lot of/lots of yoghurt in the fridge. Have you got many books? – Yes, I've got a lot.

2. Much and many are normally used in interrogative and negative sentences. Much is used with uncountable nouns and many with plural countable nouns.

e.g. Is there much sugar in the cupboard?

There isn't much sugar in this cake.

Have you got many CDs? I haven't got many CDs.

3. How much and how many are used in questions and negations.

How much + uncountable noun > amount

How many + countable noun > number

e.g. How much money have you got? - Not much.

How many stamps do you need? - Six.

4. Too many is used with plural countable nouns. It has a negative meaning and shows that there is more of something than is wanted or needed.

e.g. You eat too many sweets. Your teeth will rot.

5. Too much is used with uncountable nouns. It has the same negative meaning as too many.

e.g. I've got too much work to do. I can't go out.

6. We use most/some/any/many/much/(a) few/(a) little /several/one, two, etc. + of when a noun follows, preceded by this, that, these, those, a, the or possessives.

e.g. Most of the people at the party were from work, but: Most people like parties.

7. A few/few are used with plural countable nouns (flowers, letters, etc.).

A few means not many, but enough.

e.g. There are a few hotels in this town. You'll probably find a room to spend the night.

Few means hardly any, almost none and can be used with very for emphasis.

e.g. There are (very) few cupboards in the kitchen. There’s not enough room to store my plates and glasses.

8. A little/little are used with uncountable nouns (milk, time, etc.).

A little means not much, but enough.

e.g. There is a little petrol in the tank. It will get us to the next town.

Little means hardly any, almost none and can be used with very for emphasis.

e.g. There's (very) little coffee left. We need to buy some more.


Exercise 1. Fill in many, much, how many, how much or a lot (of).

1. A: Shall we go out tonight?
B: I can’t. I don’t have ...much... money, I’m afraid.

2. A: Can you help me, please?

B: I’m sorry. I haven’t got …… time at the moment.

3. A: …… potatoes are in that bag?
B: Seven, I think. Why?

4. A: What did you do on your holiday?
B: Well, I read …… and I relaxed on the beach.

5. A: There isn’t …… milk left.
B: Well, I’ll buy some later this afternoon.

6. A: …… homework have you got?
B: Quite ……. I’d better start now.

7. A: Did you enjoy your dinner?
B: Yes. I ate …… and I’m very full.

8. A: Mark is a wonderful athlete.
B: Yes. He has won …… competitions.

9. A: Are there …… flowers in the garden?
B: Yes, and they are beautiful too.

10. A: Are you very busy?

B: No. I haven’t got …… to do today.

11. A: She has got …… clothes.

B: I know. She wears something different every day.

12. A: …… times have you seen this film?

B: Three times, but I always cry at the end

13. A: …… food should we take on the picnic?
B: Oh, enough for all four of us.

14. A: Have you travelled to …… places?
B: Yes, I go to a different country every year.

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with too much or too many.

1. A: Would you like to spend the weekend with us?

B: I can’t. I have ...too many... things to do.

2. A: Shall we go to London tomorrow?

B: No. It takes ……time to get there.

3. A: I had a terrible nightmare last night.

B: That’s because you watch …… horror films.

4. A: …… red meat is bad for your health.

B: I know. I rarely eat red meat.

5. A: There are …… people on this train.

B: I know. It’s very crowded.

6. A: I have spent …… money this month.

B: You should have been more sensible.

7. A: This sauce tastes awful.

B: I think I’ve put …… salt in it.

8. A: I made …… food for the party.

B: I know. There is a lot left over.

9. A: There are …… books in this bag.

B: I know. It’s very heavy, isn’t it?

10. A: You are making …… noise. I can’t concentrate.

B: I’m sorry. I'll try to be quiet.

Exercise 3. Add of where necessary.

1. A lot ...of... people have mobile phones these days.

2. Many …… her books are very old.

3. Most …… children enjoy watching cartoons.

4. I’ve met several …… his colleagues.

5. A few …… birds were singing in the tree.

6. Have you ever seen any …… Bruce Willis’ films?

7. Some …… my friends live abroad.

8. One …… her books has won an award.

9. I have hardly any …… free time at the moment.

10. A few …… the guests arrived early.

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with few, a few, little, a little.

1. My sister likes ... sugar in her tea, but I like a lot in mine.

2. There was still ... time before the lesson began.

3. He has ... knowledge of the subject. You’d better ask somebody else.

4. We got ... pleasure from the trip, the weather was bad all the time.

5. Are there many vacant rooms in the hotel? - No, there are only....

6. There is ... sunshine in this rainy place.

7. She said she wanted to buy ... rice and bread and ... oranges.

8. Do many people know about this new shop? - No, only....

9. I know … about painting, so I can’t help you.

10. My brother speaks … English, he can translate this for you.

11. Very … plants grow here.

12. I have seen … nice photos in your album.

Exercise 5. Translate into English the words given in brackets using a lot (of), much, many, little, few, a little, a few.

1. There is (много) paper on the desk.

2. There are (много) students in the classroom.

3. There is (немного) milk in the jug.

4. There are (много) newspapers on the shelf.

5. There is (много) time left.

6. There is (много) butter on the plate.

7. There are (несколько) notebooks in the bag.

8. Give me (немного) water, please.

9. Can you give him (несколько) coloured pencils?

10. May I take (несколько) sheets of paper?

11. There are (много) families in this house.

12. I have not got (много) money. I cannot buy this coat.

13. There are not (много) sentences in this text.

14. Put (немного) salt into your soup.

Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 428.