Answer the following questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

  1) What do still largely reflect the central-planning approach?  

  2) Has the planning system failed to effectively develop in a way that enables it to assure effective?

  3) The planning and land systems must address is that current legislation and regulations incorporate variable policies‚ mustn’t they?

 4) Is ownership time-bound?

  5) What is not well designed to respond to development initiatives from the private sector?

Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian

Phrases in the text .

  1)  Централизованный подход;  

  2) медленный темп; 

  3) настоящее законодательство;   

  4) градостроительная норма;   

  5) в определенных временных рамках, с четко установленными сроками.




Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Each word can be used only once.

procedures categories newly allocation initiatives evident reflect urban implementation private



   1) Current __________ still largely __________ the central-planning approach.

    2) The idea has not yet been fully embraced that __________ of plans should now mean being more responsive to private sector __________ and needs, and planners.

3) There are three __________ of tenure for __________ plots, namely ‘possession’, ‘ownership’ and ‘use’.

4) The ownership category was __________ introduced by the law on land __________ in 2003.

5) Although  reference is supposed to be made to the __________

master plan, it is __________ that this does not always happen.

Circle the Odd Word Out.

1) Central-planning‚ capability‚ end-state;

2) ownership, tenure‚ sector;

3) times, plan, ways;

4) approach, law‚ planner;  

5) covers, plots‚ types.


Translate the sentences into Russian

using the Past Continuous Tense.

1) They were developing this plan for three months.

2) Mr. Paterson wasn’t working at ten o’clock  yesterday morning


at the office because he had a holiday.

3) While we were discussing this comprehensive approach‚ you were at the meeting with our foreign partners.

4) This offering was currently central during 2008-2010.

5) When planners arrived‚ our group was improving the details of the presentation.


Section 8



8.1. Recreation‚ Parks and Open Space

Park land or open space most often serves two functions: environmental enhancement or protection and recreation. If the primary purpose of open space is for the protection of people and investment from hazards, location principles should include considerations of setbacks from flood zones and prohibition of development in fire areas or on unstable hill slopes. If the purpose of open space is for the protection of natural amenities and environmental systems, then ecosystems need to be identified and standards applied to preserve plant life, water bodies, erosion, wildlife, infiltration and run-off, etc. The development of recreation on  these  spaces  should be in keeping  with  the  protection of natural

amenities and future impacts to natural environmental systems.

          The municipality should have numerous tennis courts, ball fields, a football field, a horseshoe arena, parks and playgrounds, and a luge run. Recreational facilities are often costly expenditures to construct and maintain. There are issues relating to facilities being accessible to all residents while, at the same time, preventing the expensive duplication of facilities in multiple areas. There is also the problem of the limited room on the valley floor to accommodate all land use activities, including recreational uses, so they do not conflict with one another. The adjacent forest reserve may be used to provide recreational opportunities, while helping to alleviate pressure on the municipality to provide additional land and facilities for recreation use. The challenge for the municipality is in attempting to expand


recreational opportunities without placing harm or undue strain on the environment.

          The municipality’s urban development is basically situated in a large park-like environment. In terms of parks and open space, the municipality compares very favorably to the average park and open space planning standards.

      While some adjacent land is in a more natural state, other land is intensely developed. The provision of land for park space (or money in place of land to develop park space) is legislated, to be considered at the time of land being subdivided. The purpose of this legislation is to ensure that areas of land are provided as open space amenities as land is developed.

      If the local population continues to age, this could result in a desire for more unstructured park areas (passive parks), pathways and environmentally-themed activities such as walking/hiking, photography, fishing, nature appreciation, etc.



Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 228.