Answer the following questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

  1) What rules must any build system abide?  

  2) Will a developer generally only focus on a particular algorithm or on the interaction between a few modules?

     3) What do require modifications to perhaps a handful of files?

  4) Who should be able to update the source trees without worrying?

  5) What must be an operation supported by the build system?

Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian

Phrases in the text .

  1) Современная система;  

  2) обычный процесс; 

  3) специальный алгоритм;   

  4) исходные файлы;   

  5) неприятное свойство (программы).

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Each word can be used only once.

required constant update interaction system rules thousands different cruft single



   1) Given an already up-to-date __________, applying a change to the system and building it should take time that is proportionate to the changes __________ to bring the system up to date.

    2) There must not be __________ ways of building the system that the user must remember in order to accommodate __________.

3) Projects grow over time, yet the size of the changes done in a __________ development  cycle  is  fairly  __________.  

4) Even though a project may have __________ of files, a developer will generally only focus on a particular algorithm, or on the __________ between a few modules.

5) All developers in the team should be able to __________ their source trees without worrying that __________ from a previous build will put their system in a bad state.

Circle the Odd Word Out.

1) Modern‚ old‚ up-to-date;

2) be, done, is;

3) area, interaction, region;

4) must, should, take;  

5) file, operation, user.


Translate the sentences into English

using passive voice.

1) Проект нового района создан при непосредственной поддержке местных властей.

2) Разработки по данной тематике будут проанализированы градостроителями в ближайшее время.

3) Съёмки земельных участков проводились квалифицированными специалистами.

4) Окончательное решение было принято после детального анализа всех возможных вариантов.

5) Все разработки будут тщательно изучены и отобраны специально созданной комиссией.



Document Mapping

     There are ‘levels’ of documentation. In general terms we have the description of documentation in levels or tiers. The top tiers normally guide the content and focus of the bottom tiers. In short, each successive lower tier is dependent upon the upper tier which defines it. This is said to be a ‘Flow Down’ of requirements. Higher level documents normally cite lower level documents. These citations are important  as  they form a ‘trail’ which can  be  followed.  The top

level documents tend to be general and to some extent vague while the lower level documents provide increasing detail. Sometimes the reverse also happens – lower level documents cite higher level documents internally. There is controversy as to whether this is ‘good’ practice. In any case, requirements do not flow up. Document mapping is more important now than ever as mature companies shift towards interdisciplinary (cross-functional) communication and operation. The old way was for departments to ‘pass off’ to another department. The new way causes everyone to be involved. In short, the rise of the importance of Teams requires documentation to be more integrated and consistent – and thus the need for control is greater. This is also the reason for the ‘review’ requirement.

Document Tiers & Classes

     • It is uncommon to find ‘Pure’ documents. That is to say, it is not very often you find a document which one can clearly define as ‘only’ Tier I or Tier II or Tier III. In almost all cases there is some cross over. A good example is a Tier III document which becomes a Tier IV document. In this case we have a document which is a Tier III Procedure with some places which will eventually be filled with data - which will then make it a Record (Tier IV).

     • The idea of a defined border and thus a pure document is fine, but is seldom actually seen. Normally the closest you will come is with the Quality Systems Manual. A QSM will normally be the ‘purest’ document you will find within any given system.

     • Purity is to some degree a function of company size. A company with only 20 to 50 employees with simple processes will generally have little need for ‘pure’ structure. The necessity of structure   in   very   large   companies   necessitates  a   more  defined


documentation structure in large part due to necessary overall complexity.

      • Also consider the idea of document classes. Classes may include production documents, engineering documents, Human Resources documents, maintenance documents, etc. From this we should understand there are usually several classes of documents in any given tier.

      • Document classes are related to document tiers. In most companies  there are multiple  document ‘classes’.  These  classes  are

always Tier II or lower.

       Mapping internal documents is: 1) verify internal reference documents exist and that the names and numbers ‘make sense’; 2) verify that the link subject matter makes sense and that requirements flow down; 3) find where the document fits in the QS 9000 line item matrix; 4) examine matrix for redundancy.


Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 231.