Table 1
Chronology | University/higher education | Country | Type of education | Peculiarities |
Exercise 27. Make similar table with 3 modern universities.
Table 2
Date of establishment | University | Country/city | Type of education | Specific/characteristic features |
Education is a social process, education is growth,
education is not preparation for life. It’s life itself. John Dewey
Study the vocabulary:
to focus on – сосредоточиться, сфокусироваться на
arctic engineering – арктический инжениринг
applied ecology – прикладная экология
the research of the North – исследование севера
to be highly and technologically developed – быть высоко и технологически развитым
to hold conferences – проводить конференции
scientific schools – научные школы
in cooperation with – во взаимодействии с
post-graduate students – студент-аспирант
take part in international programs – принимать участие в международных программах
the main biosphere functions – основные функции биосферы
to support ecological condition – поддерживать экологическое состояние
scientific trends – научные течения
continue their education – продолжить их образование
Civil Law – гражданское право
Criminal Law – уголовное право
Energetics - энергетика
Tourism Development –развитие туризма
Information Technologies –информационные технологии
Practical Management – практический менеджмент
Applied Math – прикладная математика
International Activity – международная деятельность
agreements on cooperation – соглашения о взаимодействии
exchange programs – программы обмена
Exercise 1. Make up phrases from the given words.
to be technologically functions
biosphere developed
applied engineering
scientific ecology
arctic schools
regional conference
annual development
international publications
scientific programs
Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
1. Why do you think students at Harward University say that your salary is proportional to your level of education?
2. Name as much goals for university education as possible. What is the main difference between a college and a university?
3. What do you know about the scientific life of the university?
Exercise 3. Read, translate, retell the text and name it.
Our university is focused on making the region of Ugra, a northern and arctic region of Russia, to be highly and technologically developed. And at the same time it’s aim is to preserve the main biosphere functions. So the main fields of study are arctic engineering, applied ecology and the research of the North.
There are 8 scientific schools, that hold their activity here. Their spheres of study are Law, Regional Development, Linguistics, Ecology, Social Life and Professional Education.
There are many conferences held on international and regional level by the teachers and students of our university.
There are several events that take place during the year. They are Science Festival, an event called the City of Professions, the Russian public holiday devoted to the Russian Science, annual conference after A.Dunin-Gorkavich devoted to regional studies.
There are also some conferences held between YuSU and the universities of Russia. They are “Lomonosov” (supported by Moscow State University), “Oil and Gas” (held by Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas), “A Student and the Scientific Progress” (Novosibirsk State University).
Our university has several scientific publications. They are Yugra State University Bulletin(Academic journal) and the Energy of Science.
Students of our university can get Bachelor’s, Specialist, Master’s Degree and become post-graduate students. They can not only get different grants and scientific rewards but also they can take part in international programs that are provided by our universities in cooperation with others.
Text vocabulary
international and regional level – международный и региональный уровень
annual conference – ежегодная конференция
post-graduate students – студент-аспирант
to hold conferences – проводить конференции
scientific publications – научные публикации
to get Bachelor’s Degree – получить диплом бакалавра
to get Specialist’s Degree – получить диплом специалиста
to get Master’s Degree – получить диплом магистра
Regional Development – региональное развитие
Linguistics – лингвистика
Ecology – экология
Social Life – общественная жизнь
Professional Education – профессиональное образование
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 414.