Useful Words and Expressions for Speech Practice
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guilty plea - заявление подсудимого о признании вины judicial system - судебная система to kill in cold blood - хладнокровно убить кого-либо to incarcerate smb / to imprison smb / to put smb behind bars - заключать в тюрьму to drive to suicide - довести до самоубийства to coddle criminals - потворствовать преступникам insurance claim - страховое требование district attorney - прокурор penitentiary - тюрьма confession - признание bankruptcy - банкротство handcuffs - наручники victim - жертва pimp - сводник, сутенер cell - тюремная камера - заключить в тюрьму  


Task 1. Read and translate the text below.

She was not permitted to make any phone calls before she was returned to the courtroom. Ed Topper stood on one side of her, and Perry Pope on the other. Seated on the bench was a distinguished-looking man in his fifties, with a smooth, unlined face and thick, styled hair.

Judge Henry Lawrence said to Tracy, "The court has been informed that the defendant wishes to change her plea from not guilty. Is that correct?"

           "Yes, Your Honour."

           "Are all parties in agreement?"

           Perry Pope nodded. "Yes, Your Honour."

           "The state agrees. Your Honour," the district attorney said.

           Judge Lawrence sat there in silence for a long moment. Then he leaned forward and looked into Tracy's eyes. "One of the reasons this great country of ours is in such pitiful shape is that the streets are crawling with vermin who think they can get away with anything. People who laugh at the law. Some judicial systems in this country coddle criminals. Well, in Louisiana, we don't believe in that. When, during the commission of felony, someone tries to kill in cold blood, we believe that person should be properly punished."

           Tracy began to feel the first stirrings of panic. She turned to look at Perry Pope. His eyes were fixed on the judge.

           "The defendant has admitted that she attempted to murder one of the outstanding citizens of this community — a man noted for his philanthropy and good works. The defendant shot him while in the act of stealing an art object worth half a million dollars." His voice grew harsher. "Well, this court is going to see to it that you don't get to enjoy that money - not for the next fifteen years, because for the next fifteen years you're going to be incarcerated in the Southern Louisiana Penitentiary for Women."


Answer the following questions:

1. Why did judge Lawrence agree to accept a guilty plea from Tracy?

2. What was judge Lawrence' speech about?

3. Why did Tracy begin to feel the first stirrings of panic?

4. What did judge Lawrence say about Joseph Romano?



Task 2. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:


1. defendant 2. to punish 3. felony 4. guilty plea 5. to steal 6. judicial system 7. to incarcerate 8. penitentiary a) заявление подсудимого о признании вины b) тюрьма c) подсудимый, ответчик d) тяжкое преступление e) наказывать f) заключать в тюрьму g) судебная система h) украсть


 Task 3. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and word combinations from the text above:

1) Некоторые люди смеются над законом. 2) Судья не разрешил ей позвонить кому-либо по телефону. 3) Он согласился принять от вас заявление о признании вины. 4) Судья сказал, что общество потворствует преступникам. 5) Судья спросил, пришли ли стороны к соглашению. 6) Если кто-то пытается хладнокровно совершить убийство, то этот человек должен быть наказан. 7) За совершение тяжких преступлений предусмотрено суровое наказание. 8) Подсудимая пыталась украсть картину стоимостью 100000 долларов. 9) Суд отправил его в тюрьму на 15 лет.


Task 4. Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the table.

to change her plea from not guilty; properly punished; attempted to murder; courtroom; in agreement; commission of felony; act of stealing; to be incarcerated; permitted; judicial systems; admitted.


(1) She was not ________ to make any phone calls before she was returned to the _______.

(2) The court has been informed that the defendant wishes ______________________.

(3) Are all parties __________?

(4) Some ___________ in this country coddle criminals.

(5) When, during the ___________, someone tries to kill in cold blood, we believe that person should be _____________.

(6) The defendant has _________ that she ________ one of the outstanding citizens of this community.

(7) The defendant shot him while in the _________ an art object worth half a million dollars.

(8) For the next fifteen years you're going _________in the Southern Louisiana Penitentiary for Women.


Task 5. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:


1. confession 2. to arrest 3. to be guilty of fraud 4. bankruptcy 5. to drive to suicide 6. to kill smb 7. to be under arrest 8. handcuffs (a) банкротство (b) довести до самоубийства (c) арестовать (d) быть арестованным (e) убить кого-то (f) признание (g) быть виновным в мошенничестве (h) наручники



1. police station 2. pimp 3. mugger 4. victim 5. sergeant-on-watch 6. to rape 7. attempted murder 8. armed robbery 9. bail (a) залог (b) жертва (c) уличный грабитель (d) сводник, сутенер (e) изнасиловать (f) попытка убийства (g) дежурный сержант (h)полицейский участок (i) вооруженное ограбление



1. court-appointed attorney 2. cell 3. desperate criminal 4. insurance claim 5. confession 6. investigation 7. dope 8. to put behind bars 9. jury (a) заключить в тюрьму (b) страховое требование (c) расследование (d) признание (e) разг. наркотики (f) суд присяжных (g) адвокат, назначенный судом (h) тюремная камера (i)закоренелый преступник



1. jail 2. to sentence 3. suspended sentence 4. record 5. to plead guilty 6. lawyer 7. commission 8. deal (a) условный приговор (b) сделка (c) зд. совершение (действия) (d) приговаривать (e) юрист, адвокат (f) признавать себя виновным (g) тюрьма (h) послужной список, досье, прошлое


Task 6. Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the table.


arrest; to write out a confession; suicide; put it into bankruptcy; guilty of fraud; caused the death.


(1) If he refused, she would threaten him with the gun and force him____________.

(2) She would take it to Lieutenant Miller, and he would _________ Romano.

(3) He had _____________ of her mother.

(4) The district attorney believes that my mother was_______________.

(5) You're going to write down how you stripped the company, _______________, and drove my mother to suicide.



prostitutes, pimps, muggers and their victims; to rape; courtroom; sergeant-on-watch; handcuffs; police station; ordered held in jail; accident; authority; hearing; escorted; attempted murder and armed robbery; counsel.


(1) The _____________ Tracy was taken to was in the Algiers district, on the west bank of New Orleans.

(2) The booking room was crowded with seedy-looking characters - _____________.

(3) Tracy was marched to the desk of the __________.

(4) The ____________ were removed.

(5) It was an____________. I didn't mean to kill him. He tried ___________me.

(6) You'll have a ____________in the morning.

(7) She _____________Tracy down a corridor and through a door that led into a________________.

(8) Now was Tracy's moment to explain to someone in _____________the truth about what had happened.

(9) The state is requesting that Tracy Whitney be held for ______________ and that bail be set at half a million dollars.

(10) Are you represented by_____________?

(11) You are _________, in lieu of five hundred thousand dollars bail.



cell; desperate criminal; insurance claim; appointed by the court; confession obtained at the point of a gun; to hear this case; go to trial; put you in front of a jury; insurance company; put them all behind bars; start an investigation.


(1) The name of the attorney _________________was Perry Pope.

(2) He walked into her _______and sat on the cot.

(3) You don't look like the average____________.

(4) Romano will put in an ________________for half a million dollars for the Renoir he's hidden away somewhere, and he'll collect.

(5) The ______________will be after you, not him.

(6) Didn't you realize that a _____________is worthless?

(7) I just thought that if I could get the truth out of him, someone would________________________.

(8) I'd give anything to______________________.

(9) If you­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________, they'll bury you so deep you'll never see daylight again.

(10) I don't want to_________________, because, believe me, it will be his jury.

(11) If I can arrange for him____________, I'm pretty sure I can make a deal for you.



jail; cell; pleading guilty; put you on trial; a three-month suspended sentence; a record; deal; expense of a trial; persuaded; sentence; probation; district attorney; suspend.


(1) That afternoon Tracy was moved to a larger___________.

(2) There was no way she could have him telephone her at the_________.

(3) I've just left Judge Lawrence and Topper, the____________.

(4)_____________, you save the state the­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________.

(5) I've ___________the judge that you didn't steal the painting.

(6) Judge Lawrence will ___________you to three months in prison.

(7) He'll ___________the sentence, and you can do your _________out of state.

(8) But then I'll - I'll have___________.

(9) If they __________________for armed robbery and attempted murder during the commission of a felony, you could be sentenced to ten years.

(10) You don't have to take the________.

(11) She was probably lucky to get off with_____________________.

Task 7. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and word combinations from the text above:

(1) Вас представляет защитник? (2) Суд назначит вам защитника. (3) Штат обращается с просьбой, чтобы Трейси Уитни был вынесен приговор за попытку убийства и вооруженное ограбление. (4) Вам необходимо внести залог в размере 5 000 долларов. (5) Ближайший полицейский участок находится на соседней улице. (6) Она подошла к дежурному сержанту. (7) В регистрационной комнате находились сутенеры, проститутки, уличные грабители и их жертвы. (8) Сержант сказал снять с нее наручники и отвести в камеру. (9) Судебный пристав отвечает за порядок в зале суда. (10) Изнасилование - это тяжкое преступление. (11) Штат обращается с просьбой, чтобы Трейси Уитни был вынесен судебный приговор за попытку убийства и вооруженный грабеж или она может быть отпущена под залог в полмиллиона долларов. (12) Вы будете находиться под стражей вместо залога в пятьсот тысяч долларов. (13) Его преступление довело ее до самоубийства. (14) Ты виновен в мошенничестве. (15) Его признания очень важны для нас. (16) Ты довел компанию до банкротства. (17) Полиция арестовала преступника. (18) Я убью тебя, если ты этого не сделаешь. (19) Я хочу, чтобы ты во всем признался. (20) Адвоката, назначенного судом, звали Перри Поуп. (21) Этот человек - закоренелый преступник. (22) Он подаст иск о выплате страховки. (23) Я надеюсь, что полиция начнет расследование. (24) Я готов отдать все что угодно за то, чтобы заключить их в тюрьму. (25) Адвокат пришел к ней в камеру. (26) Я не хочу, чтобы ты предстала перед судом присяжных. (27) Судья Лоуренс будет рассматривать это дело. (28) Суд не примет признания, полученные таким способом. (29) Полицейский спросил, есть ли у нее судимость. (30) Тебе не обязательно соглашаться на эту сделку. (31) Судья вынесет условный приговор. (32) Если тебе что-то не нравится, ты можешь попросить другого адвоката. (33) Я хочу посоветовать Вам признать себя виновным. (34) Судья может приговорить Вас к десяти годам тюремного заключения. (35) Расходы на такой судебный процесс всегда очень большие. (36) Я смог убедить судью в том, что она не крала эту картину. (37) По просьбе адвоката ее перевели в другую камеру.



Русско-английский юридический словарь / Сост. И.И. Борисенко, В.В. Саенко. Киев: Юринком Интер, 1999. 608 с.

Большой финансово-экономический словарь / Сост. А.Г. Пивовар; под ред. В.И. Осипова. М.: Экзамен, 2000. 064 с.

Большой англо-русский юридический словарь / Сост. А.Г. Пивовар. М.: Экзамен, 2003. 864 с.

Англо-русский полный юридический словарь / Сост. А.С. Мамулян, С.Ю. Кашкин. М.: Эксмо, 2006. 800с.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English / Ed. by A.S. Hornby. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. 1041 p.

The Oxford Russian Dictionary / English-Russian Ed. by P. Falla; Russian-English Ed. by M. Wheeler, B. Unbegaun. Revised and updated throughout by Colin Howlett. Oxford, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1995. 1340 p.

Riley, David. Check Your Vocabulary for Law. A workbook for users. Peter Collin Publishing Ltd., UK, 1996.



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Introduction                                                                           3


Chapter I. WHAT IS LAW? 6
Unit 2. VIOLENCE 34
Chapter II. LAW WORLDWIDE   144
Unit 1. CENTRAL FEATURES OF THE BRITISH                   LAW SYSTEM   145
Unit 2. U.S. COURTS 186
Unit 3. THE JURY 209
Unit 4. FAMILY LAW 221
  Appendix 1. CASE STUDY   280


* the intentional infliction of pain and suffering — преднамеренное причинение боли и страданий.

[1] The Treaty of Lisbon (also known as the Reform Treaty) is an international agreement signed in Lisbon on 13 December 2007 that would change the workings of the European Union (EU). The treaty has not been ratified by all EU member states.

[2] Amnesty International (commonly known as Amnesty and AI) is an international non-governmental organisation which defines its mission as “to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated”.

[3] Статьи Конфедерации и Вечного Союза.

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 352.