Useful Words and Expressions for Speech Practice
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court - суд (court-room - зал суда) trial - заседание суда, судебный процесс to try smb / to put smb on trial - судить к-л. accused/defendant - обвиняемый / подсудимый plaintiff - истец usher / bailiff - пристав в суде (судебный пристав) clerk - судебный секретарь court reporter - протоколист суда witness - свидетель judge - судья prosecutor - прокурор accomplice - сообщник to charge sb with sth / to accuse sb of sth - обвинить к-л. в ч-л. to convict sb of sth - осудить кого-л. за что-л. to sentence sb (to 3 years of imprisonment) - приговорить кого-л. (к 3 годам тюрьмы) a sentence - приговор indictment - юр. официальное обвинение, предъявление обвинения в суде to bring in an indictment against sb - предъявить обвинение кому-л.   to waive the indictment / to drop the charges - снять обвинение to take / make / swear an oath - дать клятву / принять присягу on oath / under oath - под присягой to put smb on oath; to administer the oath to smb - привести кого-л. к присяге to give evidence against smb - свидетельствовать против к-л. to contradict one's earlier testimony - противоречить своим предыдущим свидетельским показаниям to stand mute of malice - отказываться отвечать на вопросы суда mute - немой, безгласный; подсудимый, отказывающийся отвечать на вопрос суда, признает ли он себя виновным case for the prosecution / for the defence - версия обвинения / защиты; дело, выигранное обвинением / защитой case for the defendant / for the plaintiff - факты в пользу подсудимого / в пользу истца


Task 1. Find correct definitions of the terms listed in the left column of the table using the word combinations from the right column.  

Terms Definitions
1) defendant 2) plaintiff 3) accomplice 4) bailiff 5) clerk 6) Public Prosecutor   a) person who brings an action at law b) legal official who prosecutes criminal cases on behalf of the State or the public c) person against whom a legal action is brought d) companion in wrongdoing e) person employed to keep records f) law officer who helps a sheriff

 Task 2. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and word combinations which do with legal matters. Consult 'Useful Words and Expressions for Speech Practice' above if necessary.

to be the prosecutor at the trial to be responsible for the order there was insufficient evidence for the court to convict him


1) Четыре человека свидетельствовали под присягой против него. 2) Подсудимый отказался отвечать на вопросы суда. 3) Кто будет прокурором на суде? 4) Судебный пристав отвечает за порядок в зале суда. 5) Два человека свидетельствовали против него под присягой. 6) Его приговорили к 5 годам тюрьмы. 7) Обвинение, сфабрикованное и предвзятое, было ему предъявлено только спустя сутки после задержания. 8) Его обвинили в грабеже, но у суда было недостаточно доказательств, чтобы осудить его. 9) Ему предъявили обвинение в краже, но поскольку на судебном заседании оба свидетеля дали показания, противоречившие их предыдущим показаниям, то обвинения с него были сняты. 10) Трех свидетелей привели к присяге, и все они дали показания против подсудимого.

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the table:

court-room; judges; trial; trying the accused; court


           1) When he raised his head and his glowing black eyes slowly glanced around the semicircular _________ with a sort of mocking self-assurance, the pity which some of them had felt disappeared and a hostile murmur ran through the audience. The sight before them exceeded even their wildest hopes. This really was a sorcerer!

           Flanked by guards, the Comte de Peyrac remained standing before the stool of repentance, on which he was unable to kneel.

           At this moment, a score of armed Royal guards entered through two doors and took up positions at various points in the vast room.

           The _________ was about to being. A voice announced:

           "Gentlemen, the ________ !"

           The entire audience rose, and through the stage-door came the halberdier-ushers in 16th century costume, with frilled ruffs and plumed caps. They preceded a procession of eight ... in gown and ermine collar, wearing the square doctor's cap.

(After Sergeanne Golon. Angélique. Pp. 402-403)

           2) "I suppose the King decided to ignore custom and that your husband will be tried, if necessary, 'mute of malice.' "

           "Which means?"

           The lawyer explained that this consisted of ________ as if in his absence, which would jeopardise the Comte's chances. In France an accused was always presumed guilty, whereas in England, for instance, it was the task of the prosecution to prove the guilt of an arrested person who, in the absence of a written charge, was released within twenty-four hours.

(After Sergeanne Golon. Angélique. P. 384)


repentance - покаяние, сожаление, раскаяние

halberdier - ист. алебардщик

gown - мантия (судьи, преподавателя университета)

ermine - горностай, мех горностая


Task 4. Read and translate the text below.

           "Accused, take the oath!" said President Séguier, unfolding a sheet of paper which a clerk on his knees had handed him.

           Angélique closed her eyes. Joffrey was going to speak. She expected his voice to be broken, feeble, as did all the spectators apparently, for when the deep, clear voice rang out, there was a stir of surprise. Shaken to the core, Angélique recognized the alluring voice which had murmured so many words of love to her on hot nights in Toulouse.

           "I swear to speak the whole truth. I know, however, gentlemen, that the law authorizes me to challenge the competence of this court for, in my capacity as a maître des requêtes and a member of Parliament, I maintain that I must be tried by the Grand Court of Parliament. ..."

           The Grand Master of Justice seemed to hesitate, then said with some haste:

           "The law does not permit of restrictive oaths: just swear, and the court will then be empowered to try you. If you do not take the oath, you will be tried as standing mute of malice, that is to say as if you were absent."

           "I see, Monsieur le Président, that the dice are loaded. That is why, to facilitate your task, I relinquish the advantage of resorting to legal technicalities. Instead, I shall put my trust in this court's spirit of justice and I confirm my oath." < ... >

           After the not very dignified departure of Séguier, the Attorney-General, Denis Talon, tall, lean and solemn, climbed into the pulpit and broke the seals of a large envelope. In an acid voice, he set about reading the "charges, or bill of indictment":

           "Sieur Joffrey de Peyrac, who has already forfeited his rights to all his titles and possessions by judgment in the King's Privy Council, has been handed over to this court of justice to be tried for acts of witchcraft and magic and other acts offending both religion and the security of State and Church by practising the alchemistic manufacture of precious metals. For all these deeds and other kindred ones which the case for the prosecution holds against him, I demand that he and any possible accomplices be burned at the stake on the Place de Grève, and their ashes scattered, as is fit for magicians convicted of dealing with the devil. I demand further that he be previously subjected to the ordinary and extraordinary question so that he will reveal his other accomplices. ..."

           The blood throbbed so loudly in Angélique's ears that she could not hear the end of the reading. She recovered her senses when the ringing voice of the accused sounded for the second time:

           "I swear that all this is false and biased, and that I am in a position to prove it here and now to all men of good faith."

           The royal prosecutor compressed his narrow lips and folded his paper, as if the rest of the ceremony did not concern him. He, in turn, made as if to withdraw, when defending counsel Desgrez sprang up and cried:

           "Gentlemen of the Court, the King and you yourselves have done me the great honour of appointing me to defend the accused. I therefore take the liberty of putting a question to you before the departure of the Attorney-General: how is it that the bill of indictment was drawn up beforehand and thus presented ready and even sealed, when nothing of the sort is provided for by lawful procedure?"

(After Sergeanne Golon. Angélique. Pp. 404-406)


dice - pl . игральные кости (sing . die)

to load the dice against smb - жульничать, ставить к-л. в невыгодное положение

to relinquish - юр. отказаться (от права), уступить

to resort to legal technicalities - зд . прибегать к юридическим формальностям

attorney general - 1) брит . представитель государства в суде, главный юрисконсульт правительства; 2) (A. G.) амер. министр юстиции США; генеральный прокурор штата

pulpit - кафедра (проповедника и т.п.)

maître des requêtes - зд. судья с особыми полномочиями

bill of indictment - обвинительный акт для предварительного предъявления присяжным

to hand up / issue / present / return an indictment - предъявить обвинительный акт

to quash an indictment - аннулировать обвинительный акт

to forfeit - юр. лишиться в результате конфискации; потерять право (на что-л.)

to scatter ashes - зд . развеять прах

biased - необъективный, предвзятый

Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Joffrey de Peyrac think that he was to be tried by the Grand Court of Parliament?

2. Did the law permit of restrictive oaths (according to the Grand Master of Justice)?

3. Did the Grand Master of Justice threaten Joffrey de Peyrac that he would be tried as standing mute of malice if he did not take the oath?

4. What does it mean 'to be tried as standing mute of malice'?

5. Had Joffrey de Peyrac forfeited his rights to all his titles and possessions by judgment in the King's Privy Council before the trial?

6. What were the charges against Joffrey de Peyrac?

7. Did the defending counsel consider it legal that the bill of indictment had been drawn up before the trial and presented ready and even sealed?

8. What was Angélique's reaction to the bill of indictment?


Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and word combinations from the text above:

           1) Подсудимый, примите присягу! Закон не разрешает присягу с оговорками. Просто примите присягу, и суд будет вправе судить Вас. 2) Я клянусь говорить правду, и только правду. 3) В качестве члена парламента и судьи с особыми полномочиями я полагаю, что меня может судить только Большой Суд Парламента. 4) Если Вы не примите присягу, то Вас будут судить, как если бы Вы отказались отвечать на вопросы суда. 5) Чтобы облечить Вам задачу, я не буду прибегать к юридическим формальностям и подтверждаю свою присягу. 6) Кислым голосом он начал читать обвинительное заключение. 7) Решением королевского совета сэр Жоффре де Пейрак лишен всего своего имущества и титулов, и его будут судить за колдовство и магию, а также другие деяния, оскорбляющие Церковь и наносящие вред безопасности государства, в том числе получение драгоценных металлов алхимическими способами. 

8) За все злодеяния, перечисленные в обвинительном заключении, я требую, чтобы Жоффре де Пейрак и его сообщники были сожжены живьем, а их прах развеян на все четыре стороны, как и должно быть с колдунами, связавшимися с дьяволом. 9) Как такое возможно, что обвинительное заключение было составлено заранее, представлено нам в готовом виде и даже запечатанным, при том, что ничего подобного не предусмотрено законом?

Task 6. Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the table:


for the prosecution; the terms of the indictment; to speak the whole truth; charged with


           (1) Order returned to the court-room. On his part, Maître Desgrez contented himself with adding that he accepted ... on the understanding that his client be tried strictly on that basis. After a few words exchanged in an undertone, agreement was reached.   

           (2) President Massenau promptly proceeded to question the prisoner.

           "Do you admit the acts of witchcraft and magic that you are ... ?"

           "I deny them one and all!"

           "You have no right to. You will have to answer each question contained in the case ... . Besides, this is in your own interest since there are points which cannot be denied and which you had better admit, since you have sworn ... . Thus, do you admit having manufactured poisons?"

           "I admit that I occasionally manufactured chemical products, some of which would be harmful if consumed. But in fact I never meant them to be consumed, or sold, nor did I use them to poison anyone."

           (After Sergeanne Golon. Angélique. Pp. 406-407)


to take the oath; at the trial; to try; indictment; accused (2); for the prosecution; counsel for the defence; be tried


           (1) The Comte refused ________, for the Chamber of Justice, he said, was incompetent in his eyes to try a member of parliament of Toulouse, the Grand Chamber of the Paris Parliament being the only court entitled _________ a former maître des requêtes, or Special Magistrate, of a provincial parliament. (там же, с.384)

           (2) Judicial custom says that a lawyer's assistance can only be denied to a man who is _________ of the crime of high treason. Such a charge is, after all, difficult to uphold in the present case. (там же, с.386)

           (3) "The relevant document has only just been added to the case _________ and is supposed to constitute evidence of capital importance." <...>

           "But surely, since the case is going to be heard, you, as counsel for the defence, must have cognizance of the details of the bills of __________ ?" (там же, с.385-386)

           (4) The chief president of the Chamber of Justice , Séguier, has just appointed me as ... of Monsieur de Peyrac, __________ of witchcraft. (там же, с.386)

           (5) "Your husband has been tranferred to the prison of the law courts."

           "What does that mean?"

           "That he will _________ soon." (там же, с.395)

           (6) "Do you know what these sheets represent that you see scattered over the floor?"

           "No, I don't."

           "The speech of Maître Desgrez, defending counsel, which he will make __________ of Monsieur de Peyrac, accused of witchcraft, which will come up for hearing at the law court assizes on the 20th January, 1661." (там же, с.396)


Task 7. Read and translate the text below.

           Had the jury been out for a few minutes or several hours?

           It seemed to Angélique that the judges had never moved, that they'd always been there with their square caps and their red and black robes, that they would stay there for all eternity. But now they were standing. President Massenau's lips were moving. They were articulating, in a trembling voice:

           "I require for the King that Joffrey de Peyrac de Morens be declared guilty and convicted of the crimes of abduction, enticement, impiety, magic, witchcraft and other abominations mentioned at this trial, and in reparation of which he shall be delivered into the hands of the executioner of high justice, taken and led to the square of Notre Dame, shall there ask pardon of God, bare-headed and barefoot, with a rope around his neck and a fifteen-pound taper in his hand. Whereupon he shall be taken to the Place de Grève, tied to a stake set up for this purpose and burned alive until his body and bones be consumed and reduced to ashes, which then be dispersed and scattered to the four winds. And each and all of his possessions shall be forfeited to and confiscated by the King. And, before being executed, he shall be subjected to the question ordinary and extraordinary. I require that the Saxon Fritz Hauer be declared his accomplice and, in reparation, be sentenced to be hanged and strangled until death ensues, on a gallows to be set up for this purpose on the Place de Grève. I require that the Moor Kouassi-Ba be declared his accomplice and, in reparation, be sentenced to the galleys for life."

           By the bench of infamy, the tall figure, supported on crutches, was swaying. Joffrey de Peyrac raised a ghastly face towards the Court.

           "I am innocent!"

           His shout echoed in a deathlike silence.

(After Sergeanne Golon. Angélique. Pp. 447-448)


abduction - похищение (женщин, детей)

enticement - соблазнение

impiety - неверие, нечестивость, непочтительность

abomination - мерзость, гадость

reparation - возмещение, искупление

executioner - палач

to execute sb - казнить кого-л.

to set up a stake - ист. установить столб (к которому привязывали осужденного к сожжению)

to consume - уничтожать, истреблять (обыкн об огне)

to disperse - развеивать, рассеивать

to scatter to the four winds - развеять на все четыре стороны

to forfeit - юр. лишиться в результате конфискации; потерять право (на что-л.)

to ensue - 1) получаться в результате, происходить (из-за чего-л.); 2) последовательно происходить

gallows pl . - виселица (to be sent to the gallows - быть приговоренным к смертной казни через повешение)

galley - ист. галера (to send / to condemn to the galleys - послать на галеры / на каторжные работы)

infamy - бесчестье, позор, дурная слова, скандальная репутация

 Answer the following questions to the text above:

1) What crimes was Joffrey de Peyrac de Morens convicted of?

2) What was his sentence?

3) Why were all his possessions forfeited to and confiscated by the King?

3) What was the Saxon Fritz Hauer sentenced to?

4) What was the Moor Kouassi-Ba sentenced to?

5) Did Joffrey de Peyrac admit his guilt?

 Task 8. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and word combinations from the text above:

           1) От имени короля я объявляю Жоффре де Пейрака де Морена виновным в совершении таких преступлений как похищение людей, соблазнение женщин, нечестивость, колдовство, а также в совершении других мерзопакостных деяний, о которых упоминалось во время данного судебного заседания. 2) Во искупление своих преступлений он должен быть передан в руки палача, препровожден на площадь перед Нотр-дамским собором, босой, с непокрытой головой и с веревкой на шее. 3) Во искупление своих преступлений он должен быть привязан к столбу, установленному специально для этой цели, и сожжен живым, его тело должно быть уничтожено огнем, а его прах развеян на все четыре стороны. 4) Он лишается прав на все свое имущество, и оно конфискуется Королем. 5) Фриц Хауэр объявляется его сообщником и во искупление своих грехов приговаривается к повешению на виселице, которая будет установлена специально для этой цели на площади де Грэв. 6) Мавр Куасси-Ба объявляется его сообщником и во искупление своих грехов приговаривается к отправке на галеры пожизненно.


 Which of the tortures listed below exist nowadays? Give other examples of punishment and tortures of the past.

           One would be wrong to think that a hangman's office was a simple one. The variety of methods employed to wrest confessions from patients had turned it into a difficult trade. There was no lack of work for young Rope-round -the-neck, no fear! He had to learn to sever a head with a single stroke of the sword or the axe, to handle the hot iron, pierce the tongue, hang, drown, break on the wheel, and know how to apply the tortures of quartering, water, the boot and the strappado.

(After Sergeanne Golon. Angélique. Pp. 376-377)



Rage of Angels

(after Sidney Sheldon)


Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 570.