Useful Words and Expressions for Speech Practice
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notary public нотариус to notarize заверять, засвидетельствовать нотариально to administer an oath to smb. приводить кого-либо к присяге statutory declaration письменное показание под присягой to authenticate заверять, свидетельствовать, подтверждать, удостоверять устанавливать подлинность authentication идентификация, опознание, отождествление office пост, должность, служба; долг, обязанность, функция officer чиновник, должностное лицо; служащий officially record официально записывать, регистрировать; заносить в список, в протокол; оформлять как документ (какие-либо факты и т.п.) legal effect правовые последствия; юридическая сила apprentice новичок; начинающий; подмастерье, ученик apprenticeship обучение, учение, ученичество; срок учения, период обучения to commission to назначать на должность; уполномочивать (в юридическом и общеязыковом смысле) to draw составлять, оформлять (документ); выписывать (чек, счет; to draw out, to draw up) to attest удостоверять; подтверждать; приводить к присяге to certify подтверждать, заверять, удостоверять; давать разрешение, давать право на что-либо deed документ (за подписью кого-либо); дело; запись; передавать по акту (тж. deed over to)


will завещание
testamentary document документ, содержащий завещательные распоряжения, завещательный документ
conveyance передача собственности (особенно недвижимого имущества) от одного лица другому, документ о такой передаче
real property недвижимость
personal property индивидуальная / личная собственность
public instrument общественно значимый документ; акт
negotiable instrument оборотный кредитно-денежный документ

Task 1. Study the text below, making sure you fully comprehend it. Where appropriate, consult English-Russian dictionaries and/or other reference & source books on law.


You may know that in the USA a notary public is an officer who can administer oaths and statutory declarations, witness and authenticate documents and perform certain other acts depending on the jurisdiction. Generally speaking, a notary public in the United States of America has powers that are far more limited than the role of a civil law notary in the rest of the world. There are far more notaries in the United States than in other countries. For the purposes of authentication, most countries require commercial or personal documents which originate from or signed in another country to be notarized before they can be used or officially recorded or before they can have any legal effect. This includes the translation of such documents done by an expert translator approved by a governmental entity.

In some countries and states, notaries are required to undergo specific training in the performance of their duties. Many must also first serve as an apprentice before being commissioned or licensed to practice their profession. In many countries even licensed lawyers (such as barristers or solicitors) must go through additional specialized notarial training and apprenticeship before being allowed to practice as a notary. A notary public commissioned in the United States of America is not an attorney-at —law unless also admitted to the bar. (Although some countries consider the profession of a civil law notary, itself, to be the practice of law, many even have institutes of higher education issuing degrees in the field. In the United Kingdom, for example, a notary public can perform any task a solicitor or other lawyer can perform, as part of their notary public duties, with the sole exception of representing others before the courts, unless they are also members of the bar or admitted as a solicitor.)

«Generally speaking, a notary may be described as an officer of the law whose public office and duty is to draw, attest or certify under his official seal deeds and other documents, including wills or other testamentary documents, conveyances of real and personal property and powers of attorney; to authenticate such documents under his signature and official seal in such a manner as to render them acceptable, as proof of the matters attested by him, to the judicial or other public authorities in the country where they are to be used, whether by means of issuing a notarial certificate as to the due execution of such documents or by drawing them in the form of public instruments; to keep a protocol containing originals of all instruments which he makes in the public form and to issue authentic copies of such instruments; to administer oaths and declarations for use in proceedings; to note or certify transactions relating to negotiable instruments, and to draw up protests or other formal papers relating to occurrences on the voyages of ships and their navigation as well as the carriage of cargo in ships».*

(Chapter 1 of the «Brooke's Notary» 12th edition)


1. How many definitions of a notary public are given in the text?

2. Which one is most exhaustive?

3. What are a notary's functions?

4. What kind of training should a notary public possess?

Task 2. Translate the following phrases into Russian:

you may know the texts are borrowed from who can administer oaths which originate from or signed in another country documents to be notarized by means of issuing a notarial certificate as to the due execution of such documents to keep a protocol containing originals of all instruments


*(The texts about notaries are borrowed from the materials published on the Internet by the Notary Public Association, a nonprofit professional organization, an authority for information on Notary laws, customs and practices.)


Task 3. Give Russian counterparts of the following English sentences:

(1) Many must also first serve as an apprentice.

(2) A notary may be described as an officer of the law.

(3) Notaries are required to undergo specific training in the performance of their duties.

(4) Some countries consider the profession of a civil law notary to be the practice of law.

(5) But many even have institutes of higher education issuing degrees in the field.

Task 4. Match the English phrases with their Russian equivalents.

(1) notary public officer (2) civil law notary (3) governmental entity (4) undergo specific training (5) performance of duty (6) serve as an apprentice (7) practice a profession (8) specialized notarial training (9) to be admitted to the bar (10) issue a degree (11) issue a notarial certificate (12) issue an authentic copy (13) public office and duty (14) power of attorney (15) render smth. acceptable to (16) proof of the matter (17) keep a protocol (a) государственная служба и служебные обязанности (b) выдавать оригинальный экземпляр (c) вести протокол/книгу регистрации документов (d) доказывание дела (e) для использования в судебном разбирательстве; судопроизводстве (f) сотрудник государственного нотариата; государственный нотариус (g) правительственная организация (h) проходить специальную подготовку (i) выполнение обязанностей (j) служить, работать в качестве подмастерья, ученика (k) работать по специальности, заниматься профессиональной деятельностью (l) специальная подготовка в области нотариата (m) получить право адвокатской практики в суде (n) регистрировать и заверять, удостоверять сделки
(18) for use in proceedings (19) note or certify transactions (20) draw up protests or other formal papers   (o) составлять апелляции, опротестования, протесты или другие официальные документы (p) нотариус в гражданском праве (q) доверенность (r) делать что-либо приемлемым (s) выдавать степень (ученую) (t) выдавать нотариальное свидетельство

 Task 5. Give English counterparts of the following Russian sentences:

(1) Нотариус в Америке — это должностное лицо, в обязанности которого входит не только удостоверять документы, но многое другое.

(2) Однако он имеет намного более ограниченные полномочия, чем нотариусы гражданского права в других странах.

(3) Перевод таких документов должен быть выполнен профессиональным переводчиком, имеющим аттестацию государственного учреждения.

(4) Во многих странах даже имеющие лицензию адвокаты обязаны пройти дополнительную специальную подготовку и практику в области нотариальной деятельности, чтобы быть допущенными к работе в качестве нотариуса.

(5) В Англии нотариус в рамках своей деятельности может выполнять любую работу стряпчего или иного адвоката, за единственным исключением — представлять своего клиента в суде, если он не получил права адвокатской практики в суде.

 Make stories, comparing the following:

· the definitions of the notary public in Text 1 and the same in Russia

· the list of functions of the two notaries in Text 1 and the same in Russia

· the kinds of training American and Russian notaries are to possess

Task 6. Read the text below making sure you fully comprehend it.


A notary, in almost all common law jurisdictions, is a qualified, experienced practitioner trained in the drafting and execution of legal documents. Traditionally, notaries recorded matters of judicial importance as well as private transactions or events where an officially authenticated record or a document drawn up with professional skill or knowledge was required. Specifically, the functions of notaries include the preparation of certain types of documents (including international contracts, deeds, wills and powers of attorney) and certification of their due execution, administering of oaths, witnessing affidavits and statutory declarations, certification of copy documents, noting and protesting of bills of exchange and the preparation of ships' protests.

Documents certified by notaries are sealed with the notary»s seal or stamp and are recorded by the notary in a register (also called a «protocol») maintained and permanently kept by him or her. These are known as «notarial acts». In countries subscribing to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalization for Foreign Public Documents only one further act of certification is required, known as an apostille, and is issued by a government department (usually the Foreign Affairs Department or similar). For other countries an «authentication» or «legalization» must be issued by the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the country from which the document is being sent or the Embassy, Consulate-General or High Commission of the country to which it is being sent.


Notes :

certification засвидетельствование, заверение (документа, факта)
draft писать черновик, делать прикидку, набросок
execute оформлять (документ), соблюсти все формальности (для осуществления чего-либо)
execution выполнение формальностей; оформление (документов)
due должный, надлежащий, соответствующий
record документ, письменно зафиксированное свидетельство; письменное производство по делу; записывать, регистрировать; заносить в список, в протокол; оформлять как документ (какие-либо факты и т.п.)
apostille замечание на полях, заметка; апостиль (печать, проставляемая компетентыми органами (разными в разных странах) на любом нотариально заверенном документе, написанном в соответствии с требованиями Гаагской конвенции 1961 г., Hague Convention; документ с такой печатью автоматически действителен не только в стране выдачи, но также во всех государствах, подписавших конвенцию (не требуется консульских либо иных документов, удостоверяющих подлинность такого документа))
affidavit письменное показание под присягой
to swear (to make) an affidavit давать показания под присягой
bill of exchange вексель, тратта
ships' protest морской протест


1. What kind of training is a notary of?

2. What is the function of notaries?

3. What is a protocol?

4. What is a notarial act?

5. What is an apostille?

6. What is an affidavit?

Task 7. Give Russian counterparts of the following sentences:

(1) Traditionally, notaries recorded matters of judicial importance as well as private transactions or events where an officially authenticated record or a document drawn up with professional skill or knowledge was required.

(2) Documents certified by notaries are sealed with the notary's seal or stamp and are recorded by the notary in a register (also called a «protocol») maintained and permanently kept by him or her.

(3) For other countries an «authentication» or «legalization» must be issued by the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the country from which the document is being sent or the Embassy, Consulate-General or High Commission of the country to which it is being sent.


Task 8. Complete the sentences:

(1) ________ is a qualified, experienced practitioner trained in the drafting and execution of legal documents.

(2) Notaries recorded _________ where a document drawn up with professional skill or knowledge was required.

(3) Documents certified _________ are sealed with the notary»s __________ and are recorded by the notary in a register.

(4) __________ maintained and permanently kept by him or her.

(5) Documents certified by notaries and the protocol are known as _______.

 Task 9. Give English counterparts of the following sentences:

(1) Почти во всех юрисдикциях нотариус — это получивший специальную квалификацию опытный профессионал, обученный составлять и оформлять юридические документы.

(2) В функции нотариуса входит подготовка документов определённого типа, засвидетельствование их правильного оформления, приведение к присяге и прочее.

(3) В странах, подписавших Гаагскую конвенцию об упразднении требований по легализации зарубежных государственных документов, необходим лишь один документ по засвидетельствованию, известный как апостиль, который выдаётся правительственным учреждением (обычно Департаментом иностранных дел или другим учреждением подобного рода).

Task 10. Compare the information in Texts 1 and 2 and trace the difference between the following. Supply arguments from the texts to prove your point of view.

· Notary public's definitions in the first and second texts.

· Notary public's status in the first and second texts.

· Notary public's appointments.

· Notary public's office and duty.

· The law and regulations governing notarial practices.

Task 11. Read the text below to learn more about notaries in individual countries.


After the passage of the 1533 Act, which was a direct result of the Reformation in England, all notary appointments were issued directly through the Court of Faculties. The Court of Faculties is attached to the office of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

In England and Wales there are several classes of notaries. English notaries, not to be confused with commissioners for oaths, also acquire the same powers as solicitors and other law practitioners, with the exception of the right to represent others before the courts (unless also members of the bar or admitted as a solicitor) once they are licensed or commissioned notaries. There are also Scrivener notaries, who get their name from the Scriveners' Company; until 1999, when they lost this monopoly, they were the only notaries permitted to practice in the City of London.

The other notaries in England are either ecclesiastical notaries whose functions are limited to the affairs of the Church of England or other uailfied persons who are not trained as solicitors or barristers but satisfy the Master of the Faculties of the Archbishop of Canterbury that they possess an adequate understanding of the law. Both the latter two categories are required to pass examinations set by the Master of Faculties. The regulation of notaries was modernized in the 1990 as a result of section 57 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990.

The Notary Society gives the number of notaries in England and Wales as «900 or so».


Notes :

to pass принимать (закон, резолюцию и т.п.); быть принятым, быть одобренным (законодательном органом); переходить в другие руки (по наследству и т.п. — о собственности)
passage проведение, утверждение (закона), вступление закона в силу
Reformation (the) Реформация (широкое общественно-политическое и религиозное движение в Западной и Центральной Европе XVI в., носившее в своей основе антифеодальный характер и принявшее форму борьбы против католической церкви)
appointment назначение (на должность, место)
Court of Faculties (the) суд архиепископа Кентерберийского (обладающий правом разрешать отступления от правил, напр. в отношении заключения брака)
to attach прикреплять, связывать (о чем-либо нематериальном)
not to be confused with чтобы не путать с чем-либо/кем-либо
commissioner for oaths уполномоченный, специальный уполномоченный, комиссар по приведению к присяге
ecclesiastical notary церковный нотариус
Scriveners' Company (society of scrivener Notaries of London) Общество нотариусов «Скривенер» Лондона
Master of the Faculties (the) глава факультета
latter недавний, более поздний, последний
regulation правила и нормативы; процессуальные нормы и положения
Notary Society общество, объединение, организация нотариусов


1. In what way could one become a notary in England?

2. What kind of notaries are there in England and Wales?

3. What are the powers of English notaries?

4. In what way would you characterize each class of English notaries?

5. What do you think about the number of notaries in England and Wales?

Task 12. Match the English phrases with their Russian equivalents.

(1) passage (2) appointment (3) not to be confused with (4) commissioner for oaths (5) ecclesiastical notary (a) проведение, утверждение (закона), вступление закона в силу (b) назначение (на должность, место) (c) чтобы не путать с чем-либо/кем-либо (d) уполномоченный, специальный уполномоченный, комиссар по приведению к присяге (e) церковный нотариус (f) правила и нормативы; процессуальные нормы и положения



(6) regulation (7) qualified (8) practitioner (9) matter of judicial importance (10)to take an affidavit (g) знающий, компетентный, сведущий; получивший соответствующую квалификацию (h) практик, профессионал (в частности практикующий врач / юрист) (i) вопрос, дело судебной/законной важности; принадлежащий закону (j) снимать показания

 Task 13. Translate the following text into English:

(1) Принятие закона 1533 года в Англии явилось прямым следствием Реформации.

(2) Все назначения на должность нотариуса осуществлялись судом архиепископа Кентерберийского.

(3) Суд архиепископа Кентерберийского находится в непосредственном подчинении ведомству архиепископа Кентерберийского.

(4) В Англии и Уэльсе существуют несколько классов нотариусов.

(5) Один класс — английские нотариусы, которые имеют те же полномочия, что и другие профессионалы права.

(6) Другой класс составляет Общество нотариусов «Скривенер» Лондона.

(7) Это был единственный класс нотариусов, которым до 1999 г. разрешалось работать в Лондонском Сити.

(8) Другой класс нотариусов — это церковные нотариусы, которые обслуживают лишь английскую церковь.

(9) Есть и другие люди, имеющие соответствующее образование, но не получившие специальности солиситора или барристера, но, по заключению Главы Факультета, обладающие адекватным пониманием права.

(10) Две последние категории нотариусов должны сдать экзамен, установленный Главой Факультета.


Task 14. Can you compare the information about notaries given in Texts 1, 2 and 3 and trace as many differences between them as possible?

Task 15. Draw a table to sort out the information about the three notary systems to identify elements in common between the three, the two, as well as major discrepancies.

 Make a story to analyze the character of the three notary systems. Compare them with the information you have about the Russian one.

Task 16. Read more about notaries in the United Kingdom.


Notaries public have existed in Scotland since the 13th century and developed as a distinct element of the Scottish legal profession. Those who wish to practice as notary must petition the Court of Session. This petition is usually presented at the same time as a petition to practice as a solicitor, but can sometimes be earlier or later.

Whilst notaries in Scotland are always solicitors, the profession remains separate in that there are additional rules and regulations governing notaries and it is possible to be a solicitor, but not a notary. They are also separate from notaries in other jurisdictions of the United Kingdom.

The profession is administered by the Council of the Law Society of Scotland under the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990.


distinct отдельный; особый, индивидуальный; отличный (от других from)
petition петиция; прошение, ходатайство; обращаться с петицией; подавать прошение, ходатайствовать
the Court of Session Шотландский Верховный гражданский суд
the Council of the Law Society Совет общества работников права


1. Since what time have notaries public existed in Scotland?

2. What kind of practitioners can petition the Court of Session?

3. In what way does the notarial profession remain separate from other legal professions?

4. What entity is the notarial profession administered by?

5. In what way are Scottish notaries connected with notaries in other jurisdictions in the United Kingdom?

Task 17. Complete the following phrases.

(1) ________ have existed in Scotland since the 13th century.

(2) Notaries public developed as __________ of the Scottish legal profession.

(3) Those who wish to practice as notary _________ the Court of Session.

(4) This petition is usually presented at the same time as a petition to __________.

(5) Notaries in Scotland are always _________.

(6) __________ additional rules and regulations governing notaries.

(7) They are also __________ from notaries in other jurisdictions of the United Kingdom.

(8) The profession is _________ by the Council of the Law Society of Scotland.

Task 18. Read Texts 3 and 4 again to trace the variations of the notary practices in England, Wales and Scotland. Which of the systems is more complicated or training intensive?

Task 19. Read the text about the notaries in the U.S. and do the tasks following it.


In the United States a notary public is a person appointed by a state government (often the governor or the secretary of state of the state, or in some cases the state legislature) to serve the public as an impartial witness. Since the notary is a state officer, whether the jurisdiction is common law or civil law is determined on a state-by-state basis; Louisiana is the only civil law state. In most states, only qualified persons can apply for such an appointment, called a commission. Qualifications vary from state to state, but states often bar people with certain types of criminal convictions and/or below a certain age from being appointed, and applicants usually must pass an examination covering notary practices and law. The material for such exams is typically contained in a booklet published by the state. Some states also require a bond or insurance.

Notaries in the United States are much less closely regulated than notaries in civil law jurisdictions or in most other common law countries, typically because U.S. notaries have less authority. In the United States, a non-attorney notary may not offer legal advice or prepare documents (with the exception of Louisiana) and cannot recommend how a person should sign a document or even what type of notarization is necessary. In many cases, a notary cannot authenticate a copy of a document. The most common notarial acts in the United States are the taking of acknowledgements and oaths.

Task 20. Read the supplementary texts given below and answer the questions that follow them.


Notaries Public (also called «notaries», «notarial officers», or «public notaries») hold an office which can trace its origins back to ancient Rome, when they were called «scirbae», «tabellius» or «notarius». They are the oldest continuing branch of the legal profession worldwide.

Chapter 1 of the «Brooke's Notary» 12th edition sets out details of the history of Notaries. The office of a public notary is said to be a public office. The office had its origin in the civil institutions of ancient Rome. Public officials, called «scribae», that is to say, scribes, rose in rank from being mere copiers and transcribers to a learned profession prominent in private and public affairs. Some were permanent officials attached to the Senate and courts of law whose duties were to recode public proceedings, transcribe state papers, supply magistrates with legal forms, and register the decrees and judgments of magistrates.

In the last century of the Republic, probably in the time of Cicero, a new form of shorthand was invented and certain arbitrary marks and signs, called «notae» were substituted for words in common use. A writer, who adopted the new method was called a notarius. Originally, a notary was one who took down statements in shorthand and wrote them out in the form of memoranda or minutes. Later the title «notarius» was applied almost exclusively to registrars attached to high government officials, including provincial governors and secretaries to the Emperor.

Notwithstanding the collapse of the Western Empire in the 5th century AD, the notary remained a figure of some importance in many parts o continental Europe throughout the Dark Ages. When the civil law experienced its renaissance in medieval Italy from the 12th century onwards, the notary was established as a central institution of that law, a position which still obtains in countries whose legal systems are derived from the civil law.

The separate development of the common law in England, free from most of the influences of Roman law, meant that notaries were not introduced into England until later in the 13th and 14th centuries. At first, notaries in England were appointed by the Papal Legate. In 1279 the Archbishop of Canterbury was authorized by the Pope to appoint notaries. Not surprisingly, in those early days, many of the notaries were members of the clergy. In the course of time, members of the clergy ceased to take part in secular business and laymen, especially in towns and trading centres, began to assume the official character and functions of a modern notary.

The Reformation produced no material change in the position and functions of notaries in England. However, in 1533 the enactment of «the Act Concerning Peter's Pence and Dispensation» (The Ecclesiastical Licenses Act, 1533) terminated the power of the Pope to appoint notaries and vested that power in the King, who then devolved it to the Archbishop of Canterbury who in turn devolved it to the Master of the Faculties. Traditionally, notaries recorded matters of judicial importance as well as private transactions or events where an officially authenticated record or a document drawn up with professional skill or knowledge was required.



1. What are the names used to call a notary public?

2. What is the origin of those words?

3. Where did the office of a public notary have its origin?

4. In what context is Cicero mentioned in the text?

5. What kind of public official was called a «notarius» originally?

6. When was the notary established as a central institution of the law?

7. At what period of time were notaries introduced into England?

8. Who were the first notaries in England and why?

9. In what way are notaries appointed in England?

10. What are the traditional functions of notaries in England?

Task 21. Read some more interesting information about notaries. You can learn more about them on the E-net and other sources.


In addition to many well-known notaries public from the world of the law, there are several well-known notaries from other arenas of achievement. Klaus Hergescheimer of Massapequa, NY has the distinction of becoming the first notary to be licensed in all fifty states (a feat since duplicated several times by others), as well as numerous territories and trust possessions. Richard Nixon confidante Robert Abplanalp was a notary for many years, as were Faun Hall, astronaut Krista McAuliffe, and former major league baseball pitcher Joe Moeller.

From the world of entertainment, actor Stanley Tucci, actress Mindy Cohn, television host David Horowitz, and radio producer Gary Dell»abate all hold or have held notary certificates. At 2007's American Association of Notaries Public convention in Laughlin, NY, the surviving members of Moby Grape were presented with Lifetime Achievement Awards, in recognition of their lifelong efforts to promote the image of notaries public.

Upon the death of President Warren G. Harding in 1923, Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as President by his father, a Vermont notary public. As there was some controversy as to whether a state notary public had the authority to administer the presidential oath of office, however, Coolidge took the oath again upon returning to the capital.




· Look through the texts and compile a chronological registry of the history of notary public in England and the USA.

· Make a short story describing the origins of notaries public in England and the USA.

· Make a table to compare similar and different offices of notaries public in England and the USA.

· What do you know about notary public in Russia? Write a comparative story based on the material of the unit for a newspaper, as a lawyer would explain the issue.

· Write a brief summary of the information on notary public presented in the unit you have just studied.

Appendix 3

Приложение 3

Fiction Crime Stories

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 343.