Useful Words and Expressions for Speech Practice
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
protection from abuse, exploitation, neglect and trafficking защита от дурного обращения, эксплуатации, невыполнений обязанностей в отношении ребенка и торговли verbal abuse словесное оскорбление physical abuse физическое насилие sexual abuse сексуальное насилие involvement of a child in any sexual activity before the legally-recognized age of consent вовлечение несовершеннолетнего в любое сексуальное действие c om mercial sexual exploitation сексуальная эксплуатация в коммерческих целях child neglect невыполнение обязанностей в отношении ребенка deliberate neglect преднамеренное невыполнение обязанностей в отношении ребенка tackling the root causes взяться за выяснение причин counseling консультирование provision of temporary residential permits обеспечение временным видом на жительство protection to testify in legal proceedings защита при даче показаний c on sent to exploitative practices согласие быть подвергнутым эксплуатации

Task  9. Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents in the table:

NB abuse — (1) злоупотребление + V; (2) оскорбление; нападки + V; (3) дурное обращение + V; противоправное половое сношение + V
(1) to abuse law (a) злоупотребление властью, полномочиями
(2) legal abuse (b) должностное злоупотребление
(3) abuse of authority (c) нарушение закона
(4) abuse of confidence (d) превышение власти
(5) abuse of office (e) нарушать закон
(6) abuse of power (f) алкоголик
(7) drug abuser (g) злоупотребление доверием
(8) alcohol abuser (h) зависимый от компьютера
(9) computer abuser (i) наркоман


· It is commonly known that very often verbal and physical abuse of children and young people happens due to the generation gap. Give your version, how it happens.

· As you know, children and young people may be abused as part of domestic violence, that is violence directed by one family member against another. What are the causes of such behavior? What makes adults abuse children? Give examples from TV programmes and newspapers.

Task  10. Study the text below, making sure you fully comprehend it. Where appropriate, consult English-Russian dictionaries and/or other reference & source books on law. Pay special attention to the words and word combinations in bold type.

Children's rights

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the main international document which defines children's rights. Developed in 1990, it has been adopted by every country in the world apart from the United States and Somalia.

This convention has four main principles:

· A child's right to life, survival and development.

· A child's right to be treated equally. This means that no child should be discriminated against.

· A child's right to participate in activities and decisions which affect them.

· All actions should be based on the «best interests» of the child.

There are various ways in which the convention can be used to influence activities in practice.

The CRC is one of the most widely accepted international conventions. Almost all the countries of the world have agreed to it. However, progress has been quite slow in putting it into practice.

Reasons for this include misunderstandings about the Convention, which has been seen by some people as being «anti-family» or simply about allowing children to have their own way. Neither of these is true but these misconceptions need to be addressed when seeking to increase awareness of the Convention and what it means in practice. Poverty is major barrier which prevents implementation of the Convention. However, it can be used to guide efforts aimed at promoting development and eliminating poverty. This will ensure that children gain the maximum benefit from such actions.

In practice, the Convention can be used:

· As a framework for designing programmes that work with children.

· As a way of evaluating programmes and national strategies. For example. It is possible to look at how practices in a particular country affect orphans and other vulnerable children and compare that with the provisions of the Convention.

· As a different way of looking at particular issues.

The last point is very important. It is as if the Convention is a pair of glasses or a magnifying glass. It can be used to look more at a particular issue from a children's rights perspective. The way an issue appears when wearing these «glasses» may be quite different from the way it appears when looked at from another perspective. Issues which can be examined in these ways include:

· Terms used to describe orphans and other vulnerable children. For example, the term «AIDS Orphans» increases stigma and discrimination. Using this term goes against the Convention.

· Types of care. For example, care in institutions does not allow children and young people to develop fully, rarely allows for their participation and promotes stigma and discrimination. It can be seen as going against the Convention.

· Other forms of care activity, including provision of shelter and psychosocial support.

· Issues of birth registration and inheritance.

· Poverty and development.

· Access to health and education.

· Access to information.

· Sexual exploitation and abuse.

· Child labour.

· Reporting to donors. For example, should these reports contain information which allows a child to be identified, such as names and photographs?

The Convention has been used to provide the human rights basis on which the global strategic framework has been constructed. This was introduced in 2004.

(The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


http://www. html.)


Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 418.